18 Replies to “Why are Folks on the Left always such sore losers?”

  1. Brexit wording is kind of confusing, the folks that want to leave the EU are the ones who want to “Remain” in Britain and the bemoaners are the ones who want to “Leave” and live in Greece. They are actually people who don’t give a damn about Britain they just want to have the flexibility to live and work in Europe.

  2. the monstrous appalling thing about the present opposition, is *it is the will of the majority* to leave.
    same as it was the will of the majority to *join*, now we see it aint so comfy, time to bug out. *will of the majority*.

  3. They are essentially spoiled children, brats. They have never been responsible and had to deal with reality. They think everyone owes them a living and believe they are chosen ones, special. They will remain in this childlike state until reality smacks them upside the head. If they remain in this fantasy condition they will attempt to make everyone else as miserable as they are.

  4. Their global communist Utopian government is disintegrating and they will not have it. They want open borders, to dissolve nation states, to travel and immigrate freely to wherever they want without consequence or responsibility. They hate individuality and are for tyrannical group-think. They never think of it as a loss only a set back to domination over the worlds populace. These people should never be in positions of power or authority and we need to constantly keep these people down, otherwise we have tyranny.

  5. I don’t know if it’s sociopathy or egotism that makes them sure that they’re right and anyone who disagrees is not only wrong, but evil. Only by being intolerant (by the proper definition of tolerant – accepting that others can have views and opinions different than yours) can one impose their will in this way.

    C.S. Lewis may have said it best with his Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It’s well worth looking up the full quote if you’re not familiar with it.

    1. Charles Krauthammer nailed it: “Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”

        1. But you can get otherwise smart people who excel and are very knowledgeable in their fields who are firmly in the left camp. We know they can think because of their professional prowess, but they choose to ignore or turn off or apply differently when thinking about how the world works/should work outside their field.

          They’re not stupid, they’re blindered. Why?

  6. When you believe you are smart and on the side of the angels AND on the side of history(!) of course you never give up, it is the devil stupid people who are wrong.

  7. Because they are so used to winning. Imagine a child who grows into adulthood having never been told “no”.

    Imagine a Hollywood producer who could bust his nut on anyone he wanted to for his entire career.

    Imagine a president whose had more women than Wilt Chamberlain, and whose “wife” traveled around making anyone who complained “disappear”.

    You will begin to get the start of an inkling of where they are coming from.

  8. Only losers become leftists in the first place and they’re painfully aware at some level they’re losers. So they figure by pulling everyone down to the lowest common denominator they might no longer look like losers. Socialism is all about inadequate and ultimately parasitical humans trying to get or steal unearned success.

  9. Add my voice to the “they’re still children” choir. Childish, short-sighted, and petulant.
