Interesting Background on the Clinton-Gabbard Feud

This gentleman provides a detailed analysis on the new civil war in the Democrat Party:

Update: This analysis comes from a Trump supporter – “Let’s not get it twisted, she’s still sleepwalking. The other ones are zombies but she’s still sleepwalking!”

43 Replies to “Interesting Background on the Clinton-Gabbard Feud”

  1. Will Tulsi’s funeral be the must attend event on every swamp creatures calender in 2020?

    1. Jew. “Russian” is dog whistle for Jew.

      Hillary thinks the Jews—the real ones who know and follow the Law of Moses, not godless scumbags with names like Bloomberg and Weinstein who wouldn’t be caught dead in a synagogue, and who threw away a billion dollars on Hillary—somehow found a way to put Trump into the White House instead of her.

      She can’t think of any other reason why she lost, even though any normal person could fill a book with just the more obvious ones.

      Now she thinks the Jews are backing Tulsi, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.

    2. Is she setting up a lunacy defense against the bathroom server indictments to come?

      –Bad News

    3. That’s because they ARE hiding under her bed and in her closet…all the ones she’s had shady dealings with.

  2. Tulsi is (relatively) young, attractive, well-spoken, and a military vet. She’s a FUTURE Democrat contender NOT a current 2020 contender.

    Therefore, Hillary is trying to tarnish Tulsi Gabbard’s image as a favor to the future/the NEXT Clinton candidate = daughter Chelsea Clinton. The Bush family has been Republican royalty and the Clintons see themselves as Democrat royalty like the Kennedy family …so too do the Obamas. We will be stuck with all those names for generations to come.

  3. Did not watch the videos. Videos of talking heads are pointless. A ten-minute talking head video resolves to a page of two of text, which can be read in a minute, and retained better.

    1. Agreed. Too many people think they have to make videos of all sorts of things which are much better communicated in other ways.

      It is made worse by Google (youtube) paying them for the crap videos, but wouldn’t give 2c for a much better written article.

    2. I NEVER watch the videos here. I can speed read in a fraction of the time as some full of himself knucklehead on video.

      1. +100x

        Huh. Thought it was just me. Give me the written word anytime. At least that way I can also avoid the obnoxious theme music and intro graphics they all seem to indulge in as well.

  4. It isn’t much of a war. Gabbard will still vote for just about any lunacy the democrats come up with.

  5. Ain’t buying it. When even the MSM covers this so called Clinton/Gabbard “feud” alarms should go off – Something’s quite amiss here. It’s quite possible the DNC/media know full well they haven’t a chance in Hell of winning in 2020 given their slate of batsh*t crazies and Trump’s monster rallies.
    By painting Gabbard as a “moderate” this may well be an attempt to fashion some sort of hero out of a villain in an effort to at least put up respectable numbers despite the Republican shellacking they’re about to receive.
    She’s for: Universal Basic Income, Medicare for all, Amnesty, Assault weapons ban, Abortion up to 28 weeks, Fossil fuel ban by 2050, A Global Warming hysteric, sits on the CFR and on it goes.
    Doesn’t sound much like a moderate to me.

    But I’m a cynic…it happens from time to time.

    1. Exactly my thoughts. Could it be the REAL powers behind the DNC are throwing Hillary under the bus in an effort to have a candidate who would actually be a challenge to Trump? Hillary is/was very powerful but only so long as she served the purposes of the actual Kingmakers. Murder/corruption/deceit/bribery were sanctioned in that role as she was to be the next President and all the illegalities would disappear. Trump Surprise! Now she is a liability and if she doesn’t want to commit suicide aka Epstein, she will do as she is told. Pick a fight with Gabbard, bring her to the forefront and eliminate the crazies and maybe, just maybe Dems can regain the Whitehouse.

    2. old time democrats used to be as far to the right as Candada’s cucksevartives, butt many in here are good at showing their inner libtardism and and needlessly bad mouthing any moderate dem or lib. you People are just effing stoopid

      1. They were. Much like the LPC in an earlier form. They were socially progressive and pro business.

        Bongos old man liked oil money.

    3. She says she is for all this socialist free atuff, because if she doesn’t, she won’t have a snowball’s chance of winning.

      Remember the differenc ebetween the Repubs and Demons in the US. The Repubs hide their seld-interest in a cloak of patriotism; the Demons say they are selfless, while raking it in. But both are using the US state for their own financial gain.

      I am reminded of the Social Wars in 1s century BC Rome.

  6. As it stands, I wouldn’t vote for her (although I believe that she is on her way to becoming a conservative) but I like Tulsi Gabbard.

    1. Her father WAS a conservative, or what passes for one in Hawaii. Then again, given their cult leader’s surprisingly rational attitude towards homosexuals, there wasn’t anywhere for a follower to go but the GOP.

      I don’t know what Tulsi really thinks of the queers. I do know she knows that the Sanders cult that she plans to take over isn’t interested in less than a full embrace of their comrade perverts.

      1. I lean towards Thomas. (Hi, Thomas!) She is becoming a conservative, indeed within the current Dementocrat party, she is. She is not aiming to take over Bernie’s troopers; I think she has a serious head and is positioning herself to resurrect the Dementocrat party after it’s ongoiing auto-immolation

  7. Almost everybody ever born wasn’t/isn’t fit to run the government of a country. “Almost everbody ever born” includes billions of likeable people. (Perhaps all the likeable people?)

    1. Certainly to take control of and run a state, niceness is a disadvantage. Machiavelli had this all sorted out, but one must read his “Republic” to understand that the Prince describes methods, not goals. For many modern politicos, who are professional politicians who start with a `Polisci 101`education then work as underlings in some fed or provincial second rate MP office, do not know or understand the difference.

    1. Makes sense. A medical specialist with the guard, Sanders would be wise to have that skill set handy.

  8. My question is how many of the H. R. Clinton supporters will cling to their past or are willing to make the break and support someone more electable. In the Democratic Party, being moderately evil is a big improvement.

  9. The young kids who’s votes are equal to the old folks, watch video blips, and mimes – cartoons – movies – music videos to determine who they’ll vote for. Funniest or most interesting entertainment will win their vote.

    I’m certain that Hillary Clinton will run, she’s addicted to having power, and will never, ever, get over her loss to President Donald J. Trump. Her health won’t stand up to a long primary, and +6 months of actual campaigning across the country won’t work for her.
    Hillary will be 72 years next week.

    How Hillary can label anyone as being a stooge of “Russians” after her approval of uranium sales to Russia shows that Hillary will say anything, do anything, throw anyone under any bus or cheat to win the nomination (last campaign’s cheating to win over Bernie Sanders). She is above nothing, and there isn’t anything she won’t do to further her case as the candidate who can beat President Donald J. Trump. There is nothing sacred to her. Nothing.

    Tulsi is polling near the bottom of Democrat polls. 1-2% isn’t a threat at the moment. Is Hillary simply using this as a gateway to making the leap back into the field? Just a bit of sharpening up prior to hitting the pavement?
    Perhaps this is why Hillary is taking aim at Tulsi now. Focus on “rules for radicals” … it worked for Obama, and Hillary takes it to heart from her college thesis.
    I’ve heard Tulsi say a couple of things that sound reasonable, which is much more than I can say about Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden. While her ideas are well within what’s considered mainstream Democrat thinking, those “Democrat values” remain on the other side of what I would ever support.

    I doubt that photo of Tulsi posing with Portland Antifa leader Evan Duke will help her cause…
    now deleted, though I sent a copy to Kate.

  10. She’s attractive, charismatic, of solid bearing, quite well spoken with an impressive political and military pedigree, and dangerous.
    She has those same endearing characteristics as Barack Obama, which makes her economic dynamite given she’s more socialist.
    She’s an economic loonie but looks oh so moderate compared to the totalitarian freak show that is the Dem POTUS race.
    Of course she’s setting herself up for next time. It would therefore be in her interests that Trump prevail in 2020.
    She is a statist wolf in moderate sheep’s clothing who can pull the wool over many eyes with her slick style. Watch this one.

    1. She’s dangerous in a way that the other’s aren’t. She makes the gulag seem like a holiday camp, but the gulag is still a gulag, and shortsighted fools are still fools.

    2. What endearing characteristics did Obomber have, except his skin colorÉ He had a good voice for reciting teleprompted speeches but was crap when speaking extemporaneously, the real test of all.

      She is not socialist, but look what party she is in, and has no choice but pretend because look what state she is in,. I ay ve wrong; just as Trump took over the Republican party, although having a mix of views, I believe Gabard is in the same situation. She will be the base around which the Demented party will rally after it`s total collapseé

      Perhaps we may even see her and Trump form a new political option. Because, as with Brexit, new allignments are emerging, reflecting the new national global fault line.

  11. This is most likely the Off Ramp that is necessary from the corrupt John Brennan (CIA) and the FBI,,, The Obama DOJ supported some evil folks…. The hammer is coming down on Hillary & her communist murdering events.

    The CIA Snipers in Kiev had high level approval…
    The murder of Khadafy that ended the Ahab Spring…..Hillary bragged how she got him.

    One evil Empire falls & another Empire begins…Bye… Bye… CNN & NYT

  12. The Hillary camp resemble the Russians more where rivals find themselves at the business end of an ice axe

  13. Watching Hilary reminds me of the saying, ” . . . because a mind is a terrible thing to lose . . .”

  14. I expect this sort of scrappy behavior to continue for some time, at least until Tulsi’s standing rises above 1-2% in national polls, or Hillary loses what’s left of her mind and jumps into the fray of the candidates officially running…
    Not taking a side here really, would be quite happy to see Hillary lose again and drink herself to death in the week afterwards.

    “Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has fired back at Hillary Clinton, saying she has “blood on her hands” because the former Secretary of State backed U.S. intervention in Iraq.
    “Thousands of my brothers and sisters in uniform were killed in Iraq, a war that she championed,” said Gabbard, who served in a medical unit of the Hawaii Army National Guard in a combat zone in Iraq from 2004 to 2005 and was deployed to Kuwait from 2008 to 2009.”

  15. Hillary sees a ‘Russian’ the moment she wakes up in the morning.

    His name is ‘Smirnoff’
