An Open Letter to the Democrats

Dear Democrats, I’m mad at you. I was raised a die-hard, bleeding-heart liberal. My grandmother was an Irish Catholic New Englander who worshipped JFK almost as much as Jesus. My dad and his nine siblings sang for the Kennedys at Hammersmith Farm.

For decades, I was a loyal regular at your bar until suddenly you started ignoring me. You took my support for granted and dismissed my concerns, focusing instead on courting the young city hipsters with their scooters and their designer weed and their craft beers. You began overlooking pragmatic moderates and catering to loud extremists who favor rewriting the Constitution and accelerating our lurch towards socialism.

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47 Replies to “An Open Letter to the Democrats”

  1. “Gone is the party that stood in direct opposition to the rigid moralizing of conservatism.”

    Now the moralizing, or rather “Demoralizing un-moralizing”, comes solely from the left, and they are way, way, more zealous and dogmatic than any right-winger has ever been.

  2. dear democrates:
    do not listen to this guy. he has drunk the conservative kool aid and is wrong. Keep doing what you are doing and you will come out ahead!

  3. Democrats are not interesting in governing the country and managing the affairs of state, all they want to do is rule over their subjects.
    Have the Democrats done one single thing since the 2016 election that was intended to benefit the country?
    It looks like 100% of their efforts are aimed at regaining power over the American people.
    That isn’t what they were hired to do.
    And hired is the correct word, they are hired to be managers of the countries affairs.
    They aren’t appointed rulers over their subjects.
    And obviously campaigning to be rulers over their subjects isn’t a viable election strategy so they have to lie 24 hours a day.

  4. “For decades, I was a loyal regular at your bar until suddenly you started ignoring me”

    Sounds like the “letter” I’ve written to so many charities and community groups who keep asking me for donations of time and money.

    I don’t go where I’m not welcome.

    My money and time doesn’t go where I’m not welcome.

    Fairly simple formula.

    Recently this goes for the Canadian Cancer Society. I want my money to go to research and maybe support for cancer victims. Not to warn those who don’t have a cervix that they aren’t in fact likely to get cervical cancer.

  5. How do you convert liberals and how do you convince them to change their thinking?
    One of the strategies is to recognize that liberals have a victim mentality and don’t take responsibility for their actions and always want to blame some outside source for everything.
    That’s an weakness that we can exploit.
    Do you tell a liberal that they are wrong because they are a dumbass or do you tell a liberal that they are wrong because they are a victim of someone lying to them and misleading them?
    And there is some truth to that, they have been lied to constantly.
    Are young Canadian liberals wrong because they are morally flawed or intellectually weak or are they wrong because the school system and the CBC et al have filled their heads with lies 24 hours a day?

    The liberal victimhood mentality presents an opening.
    It’s not a bad idea to ask a liberal why they believed something that wasn’t true when you do manage to correct them on something.
    Nobody likes being wrong and it’s fair to legitimately identify the people that lied to them.

    The “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me” rationale also fits into the ‘blame the other guy’ mentality.
    It gives them an out.
    That’s a hell of a lot easier than saying “I was wrong.”

    1. You just wrote some of the most insightful and intelligent paragraphs I have read in quite some time. Worthy of further reflection and study. Thank you!

    2. Democrat policies have changed radically over the last decade. Postmodern cultural Marxism that was once mostly confined to academia has now become standard fare among most of their presidential primary candidates.

    3. Well noted Stan.
      Victim-ology…STD fare for Dems/Libs. They thrive on it…one only need look at the identity politics we are inundated with.

      As a white Euro-Centric MaleTradesperson/Inspector – we are the reason.. as I’m continuingly being told by our bought n paid for media and Liberal Politicians.

      Yep…I see my apparent “apology” forcibly being taken from me – every time I fill up my trucks tank & every two weeks on my diminishing paycheque.

  6. “How do you convert liberals and how do you convince them to change their thinking?”

    I’ve a more direct approach, give them what they want. As I repeatedly state, you can’t fix stupid you can only let them ram their head into a wall, for some people at a higher speed than others but a good wall-ramming is needed.

    1. I agree, but what should we do when we see them ram their heads into the brick wall of liberal idiocy?
      One of the walls that they can ram their heads into are divorce courts where men routinely get screwed by liberal judges.
      When a guy is getting screwed in divorce court it doesn’t hurt to ask them where the liberal man hating judges and unfair laws came from.
      Angry people look around for someone to blame and someone to hit back at, and rightly so.
      Ask them who appointed these man hating liberal judges.
      Ask them if the unfair judges and unfair laws came from man hating liberal judges elected by man hating liberal voters.

      Thanks, ‘so what’.

      1. What’s that phrase? “There’s no stauncher conservative than a leftist/liberal who’s been mugged.”

        The politics of victim exploitation work both ways. I don’t think they realise that.

  7. “You took my support for granted and dismissed my concerns, focusing instead on courting the young city hipsters with their scooters and their designer weed and their craft beers. ”

    He means you….turdo, scheer-the-steer, jagmeet and bucky may.

    1. It seems the Canadian candidates factory settings are all about promising large baskets of our tax dollars to try to swing a vote or two from the scooter crowd. Good luck.

  8. Career politicians are a bunch of f**king weirdos.
    If you trust a career politician, you’re a f**king idiot.
    Political parties are groups of weirdos ruling masses of idiots.

    1. Buddy exactly. That’s why we need to eliminate career politicians by establishing “term limits” for all political offices.

      1. Yes to term limits.
        And no, not two.
        If someone resists saying, But you can’t get anything done in ONE term, say:

  9. This:
    “….. not in a lazy, ignorant or unmotivated way — I was simply too busy trying to survive, so I rested in the default settings I was born into and trusted the geniuses …..”
    And this:
    “…..People know the lever they’re supposed to pull and that’s about all they’re there to do…..”

    These are the description of the working people that get up every morning to go to work to make living for their families and are busy with things of everyday life.
    While they should be interested in who governs or rather who are these people and what are they doing to us, they will not by intent ignore the goings on in the politics.
    The working people will stand up once they are against a wall and have nowhere to go. The difficulty is that by that time it will be too late and they will usually succumb to any malevolent demagogue, not unlike the airhead we have for PM.

    Some segments of the circle of life suck something fierce, in personal lives, those in the nebourhoods, the cities, countries.
    It is as though civilization has to improve of necessity one following another. Before that happens though, the previous will fall with disastrous, almost life ending cataclysm.
    It appears though that this one is on verge of the end.
    Interestingly enough it’s not going to affect the countries in Africa, much of Asia and other such places prosaically described a shitholes.
    They, as it turns out, have nothing to lose.

    The only one single hope here is that those that are bringing about the end will suffer slowly and painfully and endlessly.

    After that a bright new future lies ahead to create a better world than the one that just ended.

    1. Like the bright new future that emerged after the Fall of Rome, that bright new future better known as the Dark Ages, Right! I’m all in for that!/sarc.
      Anyone paying attention to the meagre amount of history being taught in the education palaces of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries would realize that had the Nazis succeeded in the 1940’s we would be in an far different world than what now exists. That being said the Nazi ideology of controlling every aspect of society through socialism has never been erased. As much as the victors tried their compassion never allowed them to eradicate the scourge of socialism/communism. That ideology has since festered like a cancerous growth for the last 70 or so years. It has infected the West through the education system, the religious beliefs and our daily lives through the media and our politicians. It has now reached the point, like a volcano, of erupting through the fabric of Western society. The abject distain that the Canadian voter’s intelligence is being exposed to by Canadian politicians that promise to create Nirvana by taxing us for breathing is only eclipsed by the absolute lust for power that the Democrats are displaying in America and the British example of telling the Mother of Parliaments that democracy is an illusion. If this generation does not realize that we are on the precipice of another Dark Age and take steps to reverse the direction it will take more than a thousand years to restore the dream of a free West.

      1. Of course there was the Dark Age, the ruling class was destroyed and the peasants had their own lives to take care of, it took many decades for renaissance to come along to renew Europe.
        Whatever you think.
        To discuss it here is not going to get nowhere.

        Yeah, the Europe was saved from National Socialist, it was when people got involved and democracy was in fashion. Not so much today.
        What we are getting is Global Socialists, not different at all, just not national.
        They rule by decree.
        UN decides they need to justify their existence and the bureaucrats everywhere agree, what the working guy thinks is irrelevant since they are not allowed to have a say.

    2. “While they should be interested in who governs or rather who are these people and what are they doing to us, they will not by intent ignore the goings on in the politics.”

      What virtually all of them ignore, other than scratching an X every four years, is taking any kind of meaningful action.

  10. I didn’t leave the Republican Party … it left me.

    Sorry, but I can say the exact same thing about the (R) Party. It used to be the Constitutional Party. The Patriotic Party. Then came Globalism, Multinational Corporatism, and Profits over people. Profits over the people of the USA. Then came the wholesale exportation of the American middle class to points Far East and South. Then came NAFTA which the GOPe embraced as a “good deal for the American People”.

    I FIRST voted for Ross Perot … as a PROTEST … but my chosen political Party wasn’t listening. All I got was another Bush, McCain, and a Romney to vote for … and we kept LOSING. Losing ground to an emboldened (D) Party … an increasingly radical, leftist, Democrap Party. And then came Trump. And at least for his two terms … everything’s changed … demonstrably for the better.

    Meanwhile Dems of old and new alike, still vote their shallow, emotional, feelings. The old Dems didn’t like “the religious Right” … so they were Dems. But apart from hating Christian scolds, they had no clue what their Party stood for. All the Young cool people in Hollywood were Dems … so they would be too. That’s as far as their “analysis” extended. Superficial emotionalized “belief”.

    So I actually LAUGH out LOUD at Tim Pool prattling on about nonsensical avocado toast analogies … because that is EXACTLY how and why (D’s) choose their Political Party … by nonsensical, irrelevant rubbish. Sorry … but when their (D) Party is calling for the seizure of every American’s hard earned, conservatively accumulated “wealth” … and they’re still talking about hipsters and avocado toast? … it speaks to the disconnect between the people and their Party. Democraps have no clue why they’re Democraps … they just are. Shame.

  11. Okay, Robert, this is at least the second time in a week that you brought in a link to someone who points out what the Democrats are doing wrong, but feels necessary to point out “I am certainly no fan of Trump.” In the last round, you asked for someone to tell you why you cannot be conservative and dislike Trump. I answered your request, but got no reply from you.
    So okay, I get it, you don’t like Trump. I already told you once why supporting Trump the president is not the same thing as liking Trump the person. You don’t have to do the latter to do the former. Perhaps you don’t feel as much an urgency because you are not American, but let me tell you, Trump is perhaps the last chance not only to check the progression of globalist socialists in America, but in the world. If one of the clown car occupants were to be elected in 2020, you can kiss the Canada as you knew it goodbye. OTOH, Trump has inspired central and eastern Europeans to elect their own nationalists as leaders.
    No, that is not a dirty word, nationalist. That is why we have nations. They used to call it enlightened self interest. Read the preamble of our Constitution. Trump is such a constitutionalist that he chooses to suffer the transgressions of district court judges, who presume to rule on national issues not in their domain, rather than give the slightest hint of acting against the constitution.
    Before running for president, Trump had never been accused of actually committing a crime. Short of that, he is my knight errant, whatever he did in the past. Of all the knights of the Round Table, Sir Galahad was the only one pure enough to succeed in the quest for the Holy Grail. Do we then reject the support of all others, were we there, and Camelot were under siege? Do we now reject the only knight errant visible on the horizon capable of saving my republic under the Constitution, the noblest political statement written by men, because he is not pure enough for the Holy Grail?
    You are well aware of the enemy. If not with Trump, how do you propose to save my republic from the ravishes of the globalist socialists?

    1. It’s not an either/or thing. It’s not “socialism versus Trump”. There are other options, like other GOP candidates. The idea that Trump is the only one that can save the world from socialism is absurd.

      1. Paul Ryan? Sen. Romney? I’m all ears … which GOPe Globalist do you suggest will fearlessly defend the US Constitution, Free Markets, and end the scourge of High Tech Monopolies? Which one of those “other conservatives” correctly call CAGW FAKE science rubbish and summarily strike down the Paris Climate Summit. Who would have had the stones to dump John F. Kerry’s Iranian capitulation?

        Give me a name.

        Which GOPe doesn’t need to suck Lobbiest dikk for campaign funds? Which GOPe could not care less about being “disliked”?

        1. Sure Ryan or Romney or Cruz. They would likely all have been pretty good presidents.

          But I know they won’t satisfy you. You’ve defined an incredibly narrow set of criteria for what befits a president, thus proving that Trump is the only one suited to the job. It’s ludicrous. There are many ways to get the job done.

          1. Romney would have been a moderate conservative, but in my book that’s not a dirty word. They tend to be able to get things done legislatively.

          2. Killer, we do not need anyone advancing legislation, we Have more than enough legislation to last us a million years. There isn’t a human on the planet who knows one micro, nano, piece of the shit we have put to paper to control our population. Time to pair it all back sport. Freedom has to be divorced from all levels of government. Don’t like freedom, don’t try and take mine.

          3. You obviously have not been paying attention.

            We no longer have Thomas Jefferson against John Adams. Ironically, they died on the same day, Independence Day. As they laid dying, they each were comforted by the thought that the Republic at least still had the other.

            We have an opposition whose aim is nothing less than the destruction of the Republic. This is historically unprecedented. Attacks on the first amendment, the second amendment, the electoral college. Attacks on our national defense, even our rights to defend the border. These are fundamental pillars of the Republic in the Constitution. Attacks on traditional marriage. Attacks on the unborn. Attacks on meritocracy as envisioned by Jefferson. What made our Republic the shining city on the hill is its respect for and faith in the individual, for the common man to decide his own destiny. Not “let the experts tell us what to do.” That is why we are the last bastion against the global warming hoax.

            The election of Trump ripped the masks off the Democrats, and exposed them for what they are. It revealed the depth of the swamp. Cleaning it is a Herculean task far more than the cleaning of the Augean stables. I am not sure that even Trump is up to the job.

            But what I do know is he is our best chance. Ryan? Romney? They are part of the globalist opposition. Not that the press played nice with Romney anyway, because he was running against the Chosen One. I like Cruz. I think he makes a good Senator. But I don’t think he has the fortitude to withstand literally daily attacks from the media. I think he realizes that and is fully supportive of the President. Only a very few have that fortitude, that’s the whole point. Scott walker and Sarah Palin were very good governors. But the media destroyed them once they appeared on the national stage.
            You probably think the Bushes were “pretty good presidents” too. The presidents in the “era of good feeling” immediately preceding the civil war were “pretty good presidents” too. They did nothing to rock the boat. They continued the prosperity that was America. But they did nothing to save the Union from the civil war. Likewise the Bushes did nothing to save the Union from the globalists, because that was what they were. Objective history will not be any kinder to them than those others.

          4. Speaking of narrowly drawn ideologies … how about ones so broadly drawn as to say … “at least Romney gets things done”

            Wow. Just, wow. So now “getting things done” is the threshold of competence … regardless of what those things are?

            I have watched MY President get lots and lots of shit done. Starting with catapulting the Dow from 17k points to 27k points! If anyone other than Trump had presided over that INCREDIBLE and UNPRECEDENTED Stock Market BOOM! Their heads would be chiseled onto Mt Rushmore. Killing the Paris Accord. Killing the Iran Deal. Snuffing Out Isis, Building as much Wall as he can creatively finance. Banning certain Muslims from certain countries who cannot be vetted. Cutting Regulations. Getting the EPA back under SANE control. The USMCA treaty. China Tariffs.

            MY President has got done virtually EVERYTHING I WANTED to get done … and isn’t even halfway done.

          5. OB … how is it that a poor Chinese immigrant understands the US Constitution better than the vast majority of our native born citizens? I am ashamed at how dim witted and intellectually lazy most of our citizens are.

            You know I am a Rock Music (and Hard Bop) aficionado, and I have always liked the eco-Armageddon lyrics of a Jackson Browne song After the Deluge

            And they struggled to protect her from them
            Only to be confused
            By the magnitude of her fury in the final hour
            And when the sand was gone and the time arrived
            In the naked dawn only a few survived
            And in attempts to understand a thing so simple and so huge
            Believed that they were meant to live after the deluge

            The lazy Americans who are not smart-enough to protect and preserve our Constitutional birthright … will be confused by the power and the fury of what destructive forces come after our Constitutional Republic is swept away

          6. We all know the Whistle-Blower has a Mustache…. The Last stand by Bush/Mitt the twit/ Ryan/ lizards the lot… The Democrat & Never Trump Republicans (same bastards) are all Crooks who have lost their power to influence the Congress….The CIA under Brennan knew Russia was involved in 2016 but they did nothing… Maybe they (Brennan CIA) are Russian resources & getting rid of Biden and blaming it on Trump is the Russian 2020 plan….Who would the replacement be if Biden’s Black support all voted against Trump… Hillary?

            Trump has got the reptiles to crawl out from under their rocks….Wait for the 200M American’s chanting, “Lock them Up” He is going to crush them…. When you kill a snake you cut the head off, don’t play with it.


          7. Reply to Kenji:
            Well, I really didn’t come to the U.S. on my own. I was brought here by my parents. I was 13 going on 14. When 5 years had elapsed, and we were eligible for citizenship, I had to do some serious thinking. My whole family naturalized without a problem, but I told them I had reservations. I was not yet sure I could forswear allegiance to China and give my loyalty wholeheartedly to the U.S. I had been educated my whole life in the traditional Chinese virtues, and the top one is loyalty.
            Loyalty (to the country) ,Fealty (to your parents), Kindness, and Love. And this seemed like abandoning my country in its hour of dire need.
            So first I had to find out what the U.S. was all about. Of course by then I had taken U.S. History, but that was mostly just a cursory glance with names and dates. I began learning seriously about the Plymouth and Jamestown colonies. Virginia and its House of Commons. And especially the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
            The beauty of the Constitution is it is such a simple document. What a firm foundation in such few pages. And it was written in such clear language that even a teenager can fully comprehend it. And everything the two documents said resonated with me.
            I think I had always followed my own drumbeat. Not to be rebellious, not to be outrageous, just to be me. Later on, some Chinese friends asked me whether I am this way because I had been in the U.S. so long. I said no, I was always this way. They told me I was lucky then I didn’t grow up in Hong Kong. I would never have survived. At work, I was known to be outspoken, which was especially unusual because they thought it wasn’t in the Chinese genes to do so. And here I was reading documents that told me what I believed was exactly right. And this respect for the dignity and freedom of the individual was the foundation of this country.
            If I thought I could have been instrumental in the Nationalists on Taiwan retaking China, I might have hesitated. But who was I? I could only worry about where I fitted in most, and there was no question about that. Communist China was out of the question. Taiwan then was not that much better. Hong Kong was not Chinese either. And to tell the truth, benevolent rule in China was few and far in between mostly despotic rule.
            It took the better part of the year, and I finally decided that, yes, I can still have loyalty. I can give my loyalty wholeheartedly to this country whose very founding documents are reflections of my beliefs. And so I was naturalized, and it was like a renaissance. From that point on I was American, preferably unhyphenated.
            And that is why it hurts so much to see these people, who are enjoying the fruits of the labor of the Founding Fathers, doing everything they can to tear down what the Founding Fathers have so successfully built. You would think any idiot can ask a few questions and get the simple answers. What is the greatest and most powerful country? In what country is there the greatest civil liberty, where a citizen can peacefully live his life and be left alone if he so desires? What makes this country so unique? Would you do everything you could to insure this country will persist? I believe there is at least one other person who would answer every question as I would, and thankfully he really is doing everything he could, almost every waking hour of every day, and I am told he sleeps very little. And mostly succeeding.
            Did anyone say Leonidas, or Charles Martel, or General Patton, or General MacArthur were nice guys? No, and probably they were not. And no one cares, because they stood tall in western civilization’s hours of need. Hopefully history after us will be able to add another name to that litany, who perhaps is fighting daily the most difficult battles yet. Donald Trump.

    2. Old Bruin.. BANG on.!

      You don’t have to like Donald Trump the Man, but you have to recognize him as likely the greatest American President of our time. One who takes on the absolute toughest job on the planet, gives a Damn about HIS Country and it’s citizens and in pretty much every way, succeeding…all For 1 Dollar a day.

      Trump 2020…!! Continuing to make America Great Again..and seemingly the only bulwark against Iranian & Chinese aggression.

      Now if only Canada had someone like him
      Oh, yea we do….


  12. When will people finally understand, as Trump does, this is war. Total War.

    The territory contested is political power, which provides riches, influence, prestige and most of all lining the pockets of your cronies who do the same for the establishment.

    The only difference is they’re not allowed to use lethal force. Well not yet. Trump understands that and pounces on their flanks.

    The DeMarxists know that and run guerilla operations with their special forces at CNN, NYT, MSNBC and various RINO traitors.

    Fox heads the resistance, the real one against the establishment, not the one, with her go to projection, that Hillary leads.

    So damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. Dem mirroring back of their miscreance is keeping it close so far. Can they continue?

    If not, if Trump goes > 55% support, then we are in for a for a hot summer of socialist insurgency as thugs storm our beaches.

    How dare you elect Donald Trump. Democracy is broken because statists aren’t in charge. Their FU is to the people and Trump.

  13. I do not believe anyone, anywhere, anymore. No one has proven to me that they are less than liars, no one. Until someone shoves socialism/communism up their arses and they scream for mercy and we show them mercy, ah, sorry can’t do that, they would only be lying under duress.

  14. My sweet, JFK was everything Trump is said to be and far worse besides—a wealthy, drug-addicted, oversexed halfwit who nearly starting World War Three over his humiliation by a Ukrainian peasant who had more brains in his little finger than there were in whatever Oswald blew off on behalf of the Deep State.

    (Jack’s assassination was arguably the last time the American Deep State did the right thing by America, if only to save itself.)

    Don’t ask the Democrats for explanations. Ask your father why he stayed in the Democratic party so long, and in the Church of Rome with it—when he knew, or should have known, that both were in league with Lucifer.

    Ask him what he had to gain by sticking by them, or had to lose by walking away.

    Then serve notice that you will proudly vote for Donald Trump, and if that means never speaking to your father again, that’s on your father’s head. Then do it.

    And for God’s sake, never let a single one of your children within a hundred yards of a child-molesting Roman priest.

    1. “a wealthy, drug-addicted, oversexed halfwit”

      That job, sir, is taken.

      J. Turdeau

  15. This guy in the video and the author of that piece are confusing their own realization of truth with something else.

    Instead they are thinking the leftists as a whole are seemingly changing from what these two remember believing.

    In reality, Santa Claus didn’t become more of a folktale, he always was one. The idea of him visiting our house Christmas Eve didn’t become MORE unbelievable. Santa didn’t leave me… I really left Santa.

  16. “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community – they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you… So, even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”

    NYTimes ‘Outs’ Ukraine-Call “Whistleblower” As CIA Officer

    Another case of some deep state operative heard something from someone who was told something based on a leaked story to the fake news by someone anonymous. Don’t they have any other plays in the playbook?

  17. Further to my rant above I share a story: when I was in the delivery room with my wife there was a machine that would indicate she was about to have a contraction to which I would announce, to her chagrin (putting it mildly), “here it comes.”

    We now have a similarly predictive machine as we near 2020 US elections; Rasmussen’s daily presidential approval poll.

    Before the Ukrainian collusion delusion “scandal” broke, Trump sat at 53% support. Today he’s at 49%.

    Whenever Trump gains support momentum, you can confidently predict “here it comes;” the next scandal sure to break him.

    VDH provides a more cogent presentation than I ever could on the “resistance,” and opines their best before date is near:

    “Why the Impeachment Frenzy May Only Strengthen Trump.”

    “Contrary to suggestions by some, most Trump supporters are not automatons or blind supporters. What bothers them, and should bother others, about the latest Ukraine hysterias is the familiar monotony of this latest scripted psychodrama.
    The whistleblower admits to hearsay (“I was not a direct witness to most of the events described”). His term-paper report is laden with anonymously sourced rumors, e.g., “According to multiple White House officials I spoke with,” “I was told by White House officials,” “Based on my understanding,” “I learned from multiple officials,” “I do not know whether similar measures were taken,” “I do not know whether those officials spoke with or met with . . . ”

    Americans, left and right, would like to know the exact nature of Ukrainian-Russian interference and the degree, if any, to which CrowdStrike played a role in the Clinton-email imbroglio and why CrowdStrike (which analyzed the server that the DNC refused to turn over to the FBI) was apparently exempt from FBI investigation.”

    We are now witnessing just one more episode in many, and with many still to come. Yet the public is exhausted with the number of “scandals” that, despite being hyped in the press, have all failed to reveal any wrongdoing.”

    These episodes are not just designed to drive down polls or crowd out coverage of real achievement on economic growth, energy development, low unemployment, judicial appointments, deregulation, tax reform, and clarity overseas on Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea. They are veritable coups aimed at aborting a presidency before a scheduled election, either out of unhinged hatred for Trump or out of desperation that an extremist counter-agenda, as witnessed in the first three Democratic debates, is apt to turn off most voters.”

  18. Yes, the “party first and only” voter. Andrew Scheer has a lot of them. Just ask Oz, or any of the other astroturfers whom I am sure have already spammed the comments.

    Me, you get my vote only after you deliver. Doesn’t have to be 100% the first day, but 0% is unacceptable. You have to work towards at least one of my goals consistently.
