This will go over well.

48 Replies to “This will go over well.”

  1. I’m reminded of a story that I read which nicely illustrates the NDP attitude towards businesses. A restaurant owner in the Lethbridge area got a whopping tax increase thanks to Red Rachel, so he contacted his MLA, a retired government worker and a Dipper. He explained to her that, in order to remain solvent after his taxes went up, he either had to cut staff or reduce their hours.

    The MLA’s response was that he was only trying to make more money, presumably at the expense of his employees. She had no sense of what’s required to run a business and had absolutely no sympathy for him.

    1. Or, as was often said about the NDP government, a major problem was that no one in government – NDP or staffers – had ever signed the FRONT of a paycheque.

  2. The trouble with TNN (Turdeau, Nutley, and Nensense) is they keep saying it’s only a little bit of tax.

    Business tax up.
    Income tax up
    Property tax up
    Carbon tax up
    Blue bin tax up (oh, it’s a “fee”)
    Green bin tax up
    Black bin tax up
    Natural gas administration, distribution charges up
    Water rates up.
    Electricity charges and fees up

    It’s the death of a thousand ‘little’ increases.

    Nutley hired over 50,000 more government employees. What are they doing? Paying union dues, and generating more red tape.

    Before I retired I said I wanted to start a small business. After TNN went on their taxing, borrowing, and spending rampaged, I said to hell with going into business, I’m going to become a parasite.

    1. Last election I was talking to someone who was voting Liberal. Their reasoning was that Trudeau was offering a better tax cut than Harper. I was gobsmacked. How’s it possible that people STILL haven’t figured out what the liberals are all about? This wasn’t a young person either.

      1. Some people are immune to political lying and general bullshit. They are the suckers who vote left because they can’t detect the bullshit. They don’t have the detectors that conservative thinkers have. It’s a character flaw. There is no cure. The ‘flawed’ will always be with us. Therefore the stupidity and duplicity of the liberal party will also always be with us.

        1. It’s the politics of envy. Play on people’s desire for their neighbor’s stuff, and you are well on you way to winning office.

    2. Joe, don’t ya know taxes fix everything when you are communist who wants to take everything.

      1. OWG


        There were two wonderful ‘experiments’ which compared socialism and capitalism where cultural factors can be excluded.

        One was east Germany vs west Germany. West Germany gave us Mercedes, whole socialist East Germany gave us the Trabant.

        Two, South Korea vs North Korea. The NDP et al love Kim’s basic dictatorship and climate change prevention efforts.

    1. Problem is even the small towns charge big city taxes. People move to small towns expecting breaks but get screwed anyway. Regional governments are even worse. In my area, the towns work together to screw the tax payer. Problem is way to much government. Their solution is we need more taxpayers so they bring in more non productive immigrants. Too stupid for words. The voters keep voting the bastards in without scrutiny or forethought. Once they are in they ignore you. Yellow Vest Time. Pitchforks and pots of tar time. Calgarians should wait for the next City Council Meeting then surround them with pitchforks and scare the shit out of them. And everybody wear Yellow Vests.

      1. bloody right watch out for the ‘quaint small town commuuuuunity’ types.
        my nephew and ALL his neighbors got hit with some 25000 – 30000 + levies, no ifs ands or buts when the clucking pencil necks FORCED them all to ante up when the sewer system got hooked up to the encroaching big city.
        some of the legitimately retired had to sell, they just didnt have the money. and naturally the clucking pencil necks couldnt figure out a way to make money available on some sort of loan.

    2. Could someone clue me in on who Catherine Griwkowski and Deron Bilous are? I am having trouble following the discussion here. I take it that Bill 3, the Tax Cut Bill, is an Alberta tax cut for businesses. Our anti-UCP national media cartel is censoring discussion of it.

      1. Alberta: Bill 3

        A tax policy like that of Bill 3 in ALberta runs completely counter to the socialists narrative. Cutting taxes to create jobs and to attract investment will always be seen by our socialist cabal in Canada as enriching corporations at the expense of providing money for government.

        From CBC:

        “Former NDP finance minister Joe Ceci said the proposed tax decrease is setting Albertans up for “fiscal whiplash” from cuts to health, schools and other public services.
        Ceci said job creation promises never materialized in other jurisdictions that made similar tax changes.
        “Right now, we see the finance minister putting all of his economic eggs into one risky basket, and that basket in other jurisdictions resulted in failure,” Ceci said. ”

        Link: Bill 3 lays out Alberta’s plan for phased corporate tax cut from 12 to 8 per cent

        1. Joe Ceci is probably the WRONG guy to be lecturing anybody about economics. EEEEVVVVEEERRRRR!!!!!

        2. Joe Ceci….having a say in what spurs “job growth”..??
          LMFAO…!! WEAPONS GRADE IDIOT as he ever was..typical trough feeding Leftist Moron who through his own ineptitude oversaw Albertas debt rise to 1 Billion Dollars in a short 4.5 years is plenty of evidence he dont know Shit about creating jobs.

          Jut liek every oher Ignorant stupid lefty I have ever met.
          Its Corporate Fkn greed that creates jobs….

    3. Calgary has had a record number of businesses close last year due to insolvency.

      These government policies don’t just affect businesses. I’m in the process of settling my father’s estate and I have some machine tools that I’d like to sell. The only thing is that there’s no interest and it’s not necessarily due to the prices.

      Someone might like to buy what I’ve got but then they need to start making money with the machines to not only recover their investment but to turn a profit. If there’s no work for what I’ve got for sale, there’s no point in even thinking of buying that equipment.

      What those cretins don’t understand is that settling an estate is expensive, particularly in situations like mine where I have to travel a lot, and much of the money I made from what I’ve sold so far has gone back into the house.

      But, in the socialist mind, I’m simply being greedy, aren’t I?

      1. “But in the socialist mind, I’m simply being greedy, aren’t I?”

        Not at all. You need a willing buyer!

        Pardon me, if I may…
        Perhaps you might check in some trade magazines, or online and place a ton of ads. Or how about checking with Trade Schools or Community Colleges where Machinist Courses are taught? They might need the tools themselves for teaching students. Perhaps a machinist in the good old USA, where the economy is hot, may be looking to expand and want some extra equipment.

        One never knows until one tries. Sales are not easy. Sometimes you have to really work at it. One must never give up. Also, if I might add, one ought not refuse an offer, as sometimes your first offer is your best offer. After all, like you said, one man’s ‘discarded’ items are another man’s treasure!

        Good luck, B A.

        1. Nancy, machine tools and such are a “special” area. If you buy private, there is no recourse if the sucker doesn’t work. When I worked for a a machine tool company, the guarantee was an important part of the deal, even for small items

          1. Thanks. I might take a closer look but from what I’ve seen, most of the listings are in Europe. The shipping alone would be more than the cost of the machines.

        2. Shortly after I started grad studies nearly 40 years ago, I became the token grad student in the department meetings. I saw how academics debated on whether a new piece of equipment should be purchased or kept and continually patched together at a greater long-term cost.

          There’s the aspect of distance versus purchase cost. If a buyer is far away, it doesn’t matter how much my asking price is because the shipping costs would make a transaction prohibitively expensive.

          A few days ago, I contacted an outfit in Chicago that dealt with used machine tools. Because the equipment I’m trying to sell is in NE B. C., the company wouldn’t even talk to me.

          As I mentioned earlier, if the economy was better, I’m sure that some machine shop or machinist closer to my inherited place would be interested. Until things improve, most are trying to stay solvent and barely so.

          Thank for nothing, Prinz Dummkopf, Red Rachel, and Horgan.

  3. Deron Bilous’ dismissive remark, regarding the plight of small businesses being subjected to increased taxes that would cause them to fail, put me in mind of a similar one made by Hillary Clinton in 1993, when she led a task force to formulate an employer-linked, government-mandated health insurance scheme (which came to be known as “Hillarycare.” When critics pointed out to Mrs. Clinton that the premiums would bankrupt many small enterprises, she retorted that she was not responsible for the inability of every “undercapitalized” small business to meet its obligations under her plan. Which shows that, like great minds, small minds think alike.

    1. There was also the comment by a newly-elected NDP MLA to the effect that farmers and ranchers shouldn’t complain because they all got “free” land. It was rather quickly pointed out to the ignoramus that what the ancestors of the present-day farmers and ranchers got was a grant of land and the change to starve/freeze/burn to death while they tried to wrest a living from said land (and I’m not even factoring in disease). Have family members who were “sod-breakers”; some years ago, took offsprings to the graveyard near the original homestead and let them look around. They were shocked and saddened by the number of very small graves they saw.

  4. We need to put a monetary cap on public service union membership, meaning,,,
    if you work in the public sector and earn more than double the average wage in your province,
    you are exempted from belonging to or paying any union dues.

    No-one earning double what Joe average makes should be paying into a union whose sole purpose is to expand their power at the expense of Joe average.

    Also, make it illegal, for any unionized public servants to work on any electoral campaign team…!
    Cue the leftist screaming in 3..2..1

    1. correction…should be, any or all public servants to work on any electoral campaign team!
      not just unionized public servants.

  5. Similar comments were made when the minimum wage went up. If your business is so sensitive to a minimum wage, maybe you shouldn’t be in business. Idiots. Many of us have to be in business to survive. We can’t all have cushy jobs at the government.

    1. There’s also the issue that some workers don’t pull their weight. Knew a case where a kid was being kept on even though issues for the first increases but was going to be let go if hung around for the last one. The company was trying to be kind and help said kid through the issues but there was a dollar limit to the ability to so do.

  6. I read Deron Bilous’s Wikipedia entry. There were no signs of him running a business, or doing anything that might have warranted him being Minister of Economic Development and Trade with the Notley government.

    Quelle surprize.

    1. But he DOES have a degree in education!

      He doesn’t really need to have any other qualifications though because he has the very best of intentions. That’s how liberal thinking runs.

  7. More of the authoritarian left’s “beer and popcorn” mentality.

    I’m pretty sure if that politician’s paycheck was reduced by a thousand or so dollars per month then he’d be screaming bloody murder. If a government department’s taxpayer provided funding was reduced by a few thousand per month progressives would be screaming bloody murder. If a government grant to a special interest group was reduced by a few thousand per month progressives would be screaming bloody murder.

    So, yes, progressives do understand the concept that a thousand(s) of dollars per month can make a big difference…they just resent and have little respect for taxpayers, private businesses and non government job creation.

  8. It’s interesting that when politicians want to increase taxes or run a deficit to spend on pet programs, such spending is an investment (in the people of Alberta…). But when tax cuts are proposed those same politicians complain that the revenue loss “would add to the deficit”. We need a green new deal in Canada where we cut taxes to zero and have the government run entirely on borrowed money.

  9. 15% sales tax on everything. That’s it. No income tax. No property tax. No carbon tax. If government can’t run on that then it needs to look at its management.

    Government has no business knowing how much money I make or how much my house is worth. People have been conditioned to think this is normal and acceptable. It’s not. These clowns are our servants…not our masters.

    1. “15% sales tax on everything. That’s it. No income tax. No property tax. No carbon tax. If government can’t run on that then it needs to look at its management.”

      Under the 1867 Confederation Act the Federal Government can only raise revenues through Duties and Tariffs.
      Not sales taxes, Not income taxes, Not property taxes, Not carbon taxes.
      Any other taxes the Federal Government takes in is allowed by your provincial government. Tell them to stop it.

    2. “These clowns are our servants…not our masters.”

      Wise words. What can be done to restore that key concept?

  10. Over-taxed and over-regulated and over-lorded by government scumbags.
    At some point f**ktards need a slap. A jap slap for Bilous. Or is it Bilious?

  11. Billy boy cheated on his wife and is a drug addict. He may have been one of the MLA’s accused of sexual misconduct but never suspended let alone arrested. He is an idiot. A buffoon, A complete moron. But he is not as stupid as the ignoramuses that re-elected the idiot in the last provincial election. They are too stupid for words.

  12. ?
    I found a spelling mistake:
    ” : of or indicative of a peevish ill-natured disposition bilious commentary her bilious humor
    : sickeningly unpleasant the bilious weather with clapboards painted red and bilious yellow”

    I think I recall one of wyynedfarm’s asswipes making a similar comment.

  13. Be nice if we could just not give these asshats pensions at all.

    But how about we make their pensions a small business franchaise.

    They can then pay their employees above minimum wage, pay more for politically correct supplies (i.e., “locally sourced”, or “fair trade” or whatever nonsense they use).

    What they make in profit after they get to keep.

  14. Folks, just let it all die and those of us with a brain will fix it again. I don’t care how many starve, I have lost the milk of human kindness, it has been sucked out of me by socialists/communists.

  15. I will just come right out and say it; you are all morons.

    Every election, every level of government, everyone votes for their own pet project.

    Every election, some number of pet projects get it; 1%, 0.1%, 50%, …

    Once a pet project is in, IT IS NEVER ROLLED BACK. Ever. Once the bureaucrats have another grain of sand to build their empire with, it is gone forever.

    None of you have ever voted to cut a single program, have you. None of you have ever voted to cut back any programs, have you. None of you have ever supported closing schools, hospitals, fire halls, police stations, privatizing roads or bridges, …

    1. “None of you have ever voted to cut a single program, have you. None of you have ever voted to cut back any programs, have you. None of you have ever supported closing schools, hospitals, fire halls, police stations, privatizing roads or bridges, …”

      Bullshit. Me and my wife, and Glengarrian, and G’s friend, and Shawn McRae, and probably many others hers have voted Libertarian.

      1. No one ever gets to vote against anything because no matter who gets in nothing changes because all parties are socialist.

    2. well Im all in favour of closing schools.
      most delighted every time one of them suffers an enrollment drop sufficient to summon the bulldozers.
      thats happened twice now, 1st time I saw the wrecking ball swinging away from the vantage of my parents kitchen window.

  16. and another thing about mr bilious’ dismissive comment: ‘a few thousand a month’
    ok, a few, ie lets say 2000 a month = 24,000 a year rounded to 25,000 a year.
    wow. another min wage employee’s wages.
    oops, those are taxes!!! take it all back !!!!
    the bilious simplistic sol’n in the ‘raise taxes’ mindset, is to . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . raise prices !!!! yaaaaa !!! thats the answer!!!!
    but wait !!!!! isn’t that being a GREEDY CAPITALIST ???????
