53 Replies to “June 3, 2019: Reader Tips”

  1. Always wear a thick helmet.

    Watch out for the running of the Big Bulls.

    Terrible hit–

    1. They want to ban the sale of all 23mm AR-15s here in the States.
      12 people were killed in a Town Hall, shot with a 45 cal Revolver.

      1. Not certain, but that looked to have happened in India.
        As cows there are considered sacred and in all likelihood a deceased relative, it would appear that this would have been an act of vengeance on the part of said relative on a very bad human.
        Watching how we live our lives while we have the opportunity here and now is today’s lesson.

    2. I would bet the rider suffered fatal internal injuries.
      SLAM!!!! That hurt for sure.

  2. Maxime Bernier

    Given the uncertainties over the scientific basis of global warming, and the certainties about the huge costs of measures designed to fight it, there is no compelling reason to jeopardize our prosperity with more government interventions.

    The People’s Party of Canada’s platform for the October 2019 general election is being progressively unveiled. Today, we invite you to read our policy proposal on global warming and the environment.


  3. From


    Video – Al Quds Day March 2019
    This is the entire Al Quds Day march as it proceeded east along Dundas St. in Toronto on June 1 2019. The Khayber sign makes a couple of appearances in the video, at about the 4:35 mark a young girl can be seen carrying one.

    Bulletin On Toronto Al Quds

    Toronto police are at the centre of questions after an unlicensed Al Quds Day hate march launched at the US Consulate as pro Israel advocates were segregated away from the action.

    Our publisher, Ron East, who is the founder of the Israeli Association of Manitoba, attended the march and will be filing a report upon his return. While recording video of the antisemeitic and genocidal chants and signage and observing police activities, he spoke with Sue Ann Levy, whose column in the Toronto Sun well describes the scene.




    1. mounds and mounds of evidence of the FACT: police are NOT your friend.
      they are akin to a protection racket, mob enforcers of the status quo.
      and the status quo in canadistan contains antisemitism at high levels.
      NEVER trust a cop. it will either wind up nothing OR blow up in your face or something in between.

  4. Oh my goodness, why isn’t Climate Barbie upset about her boss’s carbon footprint. Prime Minister dickhead burned jet fuel back to Ottawa from B.C. for a one day personal time visit. Today he attends the missing indian circus in Quebec. Expect Big Chief Justin to tearfully apologize for Canada committing genocide. Lawsuits to follow. While Canada is preparing for the D Day ceremonies Justin is buying into the genocide scam. Later today, he burns jet fuel back to B.C. to rant about abortion and celebrate giving three hundred million dollars to feminist groups.

    1. Watching the news this am I had to check my gag reflex when some idiot started calling the murder of indian women genocide. If it is genocide then they are busy killing off their own. The conditions that their young women live in exist and start at home. The solve rate for crimes against them are about the same as the solve rate for similar crimes. Treat your people in a civilized manner and teach them what life can be like without drugs, violence and sex. I have nothing to apologize to you for.

      1. It is genocide, therefore, everyone who ever held the First Nations file in government (Federal and Provincial) should be in jail for life.

        1. Yes, the murder of indigenous women – the murder of anyone – is horrific. But the use of “genocide” was ridiculous hyperbole.

          It is often touted that indigenous women constitute about a quarter of all murdered women in Canada. So where is the Holocaust-themed hyperbole over the other 75 percent?

          1. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mmiwg-inquiry-deliver-final-report-justice-reforms-1.5158223

            Yes, Marion Buller,MMIW chairwoman starts the report with the usual activists bs, “This report is about these beautiful Indigenous people and the systemic factors that lead to their losses of dignity, humanity and, in too many cases, losses of life,” Buller, the first First Nations woman appointed as a provincial court judge in British Columbia, said in the preface to the long-awaited report. “This report is about deliberate race, identity and gender-based genocide.”

            To render the whole thing down,Blame The White Man. The committee recommends a change to Rez policing, with no recommendations as to how exactly to do that. The whole fucking thing is undoubtedly another exercise in applying blame to everyone else while not admitting a huge part of the problem is the FN’s themselves. As Harper said a few years ago, there had already been forty commissions looking into this issue,another one for window dressing wasn’t going to accomplish anything.

            My idea, and undoubtedly one Trudeau will follow: give another couple of billion to the Chiefs and let nature take it’s course,that should buy back some of the Native votes he lost from the JWR debacle.

  5. “Rarely Reported by the Media Anymore”: Persecution of Christians, March 2019

    A statistical report that did some number-crunching, however, found that “a Christian living in a majority Muslim country is 143 times more likely to be killed by a Muslim for being a Christian than a Muslim is likely to be killed by a non-Muslim in a Western country for being what he is.”



    1. Some of the comments are priceless (e. g. “2 of the 3 stooges.”)

  6. HBO’s ‘Chernobyl’ Gives Voice To Ordinary Soviets’ Horror Of Socialism
    The horror onscreen is just a single dramatized moment of the everyday Soviet experience, the logical outcome of central planning, secrecy, and devaluation of individual life.

    Make no mistake: the horror the viewer witnesses onscreen is the horror of socialism. Of the good socialism, mind you. Not of the Stalinist era, but of the final decades of the Soviet Union when, although the gulag had significantly shrunk in size, the country remained a suffocating mess of official lies, incompetence, and fear.

    The heavy-handed cover-up attempts laid bare the lies of socialism as the secretary general attempted to champion openness.


    1. “police are NOT your friend”
      see previous comments.

      why is it called a ‘police state’ and not a ‘teachers state’ or ‘farmers state’ or ‘accountants state’.
      mob enforcers for da gubbamint and protection racketeers.

  7. Funny how we roll.
    When I was in school the great social ills were Booze&Drug addiction,Gambling and prostitution, especially the forcible control,confinement and selling of women against their will.
    Now as I approach retirement, Government is the dealer& pusher.
    Government is the promoter and exploiter of gambling.
    How long before “recreational sex” becomes a right?
    I will be fascinated by how the “compassionate bureaus” hammer women into submission.
    I say this as I read a comment by an exgangster,”The best money was always in Sex”.Drugs,extortion never came close.
    Now as our Kleptocrats face exposure and expulsion from their positions at the trough,I am sure they will find a way to promote and exploit young persons.
    Oh wait..never mind.
    Sex education for 8-11year olds,promoting PEDOPHILIA.

  8. “We further call upon all police services and justice system actors to acknowledge that, going forward, this relationship must be based on respect and understanding, and must be led by, and in partnerships with, Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual) people.”


    Basically: sends us even greater pantloads of money, We Were Here First Nations men are not to blame in any way and we use the word genocide because prosecuting Whitey the Settler for their existence becomes easier.

  9. I missed most of the feather waving and chanting to the sacred tree frog at the whiny missing indian circus. AMC had the Three Stooges on this morning. I did catch Big Chief Groper’s speech at the end. He of course ranted about stamping out all vestiges of colonialism. Perhaps he can cancel his trip to the D Day ceremonies, as that would be expressing support for sons of colonialists. He made a special point of wanting to help lesbian indians. They presented the final report wrapped as a gift. A gift to Canada. I guess no one saw the irony of indians presenting a gift that was paid for by taxpayers. Now little Groper burns jet fuel this afternoon to B.C. to rant about feminism.

    1. The report basically says First Nations members committed genocide against their own.

      The least it could have done is blame the Chinese for kicking First Nations people out of Mongolia / Korea thousands of years ago.

  10. The following article is almost a year old. but is worth reflecting on as to where this country is going.

    What is troubling, however, is the imposition of judicially preferred ‘values’ to limit constitutionally protected rights, including the right to hold other values. … Charter values like ‘equality’, ‘justice’, and ‘dignity’ become mere rhetorical devices by which courts can give priority to particular moral judgments, under the guise of undefined ‘values’, over other values and over Charter rights themselves.”

    Unfree societies ruled by totalitarian ideologies may enforce very different values and public interests to attain social objectives as varied as a socialist workers’ paradise, the dominance of a master race, or State-enforced “inclusion”, “diversity” and “equity”. What they all have in common, however, is state imposition of ideology on individuals, families, and voluntary associations.

    Superficially, the TWU decision only threatens the fundamental freedoms of Canadians who adhere to traditional religious beliefs about sexuality, marriage and gender. But the logic of allowing governments to trample on Charter freedoms in the name of ill-defined “Charter values”, an undefined “public interest”, and left-wing slogans like “diversity” and “equity” should concern a gay atheist as much as any evangelical Christian or Orthodox Jew.


  11. random thoughts:
    my fav people include:

    drill seargents. you think they’re hardass? wait for some combat experience and
    send them a postcard thanking them for the prep time.
    George S Patton with the squeaky voice.
    Neil Armstrong and his impromptu editing of the script: “one small step for [a] man” ie ‘man’ as in the species,
    NOT ‘a’ man meaning all about him.
    John A the drunken nation builder. we are ALL flawed, he just dealt with pressure his own way.
    Gordon Lightfoot. finally saw him in concert last year!!!
    Winston “more than the measure”. goddamn right where do I sign up?
    Arthur Currie, sticking up for his men and sticking it to the huns.
    Einstein. why ‘c’? why the speed of light, not some random huge universal constant? hint: what *kind* of energy do we get?
    my eldest sister who brought me home as an infant when my mother contracted the non-paralyzing form of polio.
    my daughter with the laser sharp sense of humour and caring nature evident from the time she could talk.
    doggies of all shapes, sizes, temperaments.
    Lise Meitner you’re gonna have to google that name.
    Grace Hopper. google that one as well.
    oh, and Kate.
    more to come.

    1. There is a new Gordon Lightfoot movie making the rounds. I believe it shows in Ottawa this month.

  12. Feminist Groper continues his rants at the feminist conference in B.C. Tuesday. He then burns jet fuel back to Ottawa. PARTY TIME! Groper only spends a few hours in Ottawa tomorrow before he burns jet fuel to Europe. Great fun for him as he parties, wine and dines with Macaroni. He even is taking time over there to briefly attend D Day ceremonies. I’m sure he will please the crowds with humorous stories on how his daddy was a coward during the war. And he can rant how Canadian muslims, women, and homosexuals stormed the beaches of Normandy. And he can state how not only Germany committed genocide, but Canada has committed genocide as well. Great fun for all.

  13. Maxime Bernier
    Andrew Lawton: “Conservatives are never going to win when they accept what the Left is saying at face value and take out these battles on their turf and their terms.”

    Indeed. I’m not playing the Left’s manipulation games anymore. I am fighting on MY turf.

    True North
    Andrew Scheer caved to the left and kicked Michael Cooper, a CPC MP, off the justice committee.

    True North’s
    says Scheer’s decision was “cowardly.”


    Maxime Bernier
    McParkland: “Global warming” was jettisoned for “climate change” when the warming trend appeared to be slowing. Rather than try to explain the anomaly, it was easier to just change the phrase.

    And now, it’s a climate emergency!

    Kelly McParland: Now it’s a climate ’emergency’ — and don’t you forget it (link: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/kelly-mcparland-now-its-a-climate-emergency-and-dont-you-forget-it?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1559588855) nationalpost.com/opinion/kelly-…


  14. Well its been fun, but my Darling just made home made DONUTS and I gotta go.
    Adios Sucka’s.
