The Libranos: SNC Lavalin

Whew! Glad that’s over.

Opposition MPs briefly stormed out of the Justice Committee meeting Tuesday morning, after reporters were given a document outlining a Liberal motion to discuss hate crimes the morning after publicly calling for an end to the SNC-Lavalin investigation.
On Monday night, the five Liberal MPs in the the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights sent a letter to the chair of the committee saying they believe the “all rules and laws were followed” by government staff in relation to SNC-Lavalin, and that “Canadians now have the necessary information to arrive at a conclusion.”

Now we can sit back and let the money rain down on us.


41 Replies to “The Libranos: SNC Lavalin”

    1. *
      “LOOK… SQUIRREL!!!!”

      “A visibly angry Trudeau denounced the “small, toxic segments
      of society that peddle the belief diversity is a weakness, spewing
      hatred and inciting violence.”

      I SNC nothing.


      1. Disagreeing with the corruption, dishonesty, hypocrisy and outright competence is “dividing” Canadians.
        Yes it is between people who are OK with statist stooges and those who are not.
        Imagine that, demanding equal treatment for all Canadians is racism and divisive? Being told to shut is uniting too?

  1. “Canadians now have the necessary information to arrive at a conclusion.”

    True statement. I think we’ve concluded the Libranos are a bunch of lying, corrupt bastards who should be behind bars.

    1. cyclist, but surely with the appointment of Alberta’s Own Landslide Annie as an advisor to the PM, your faith in democracy and the purity of our political system has been restored?

      Sunny days, ah those sunny sunny days……………..

      1. Speaking of which – what was Landslide Annie doing lately? Is she going to get paid something extra by the taxpayers to pretend to investigate this? Is so, obviously we are being asked to foot the bill for a old liberal hack to do a phony investigation and exonerate the people who decided this hack should do the investigation? Putin only wishes he had the balls to do this.

  2. Nothing to see here folks, just breach of trust and political interference. What they did wasn’t technically “illegal,” just unethical.
    We now resume bribing taxpayers with their own money and public servants resigning over possible requirements to serve.
    The mediocracy will be sure to remind you that anyone who thinks government is less efficient is appealing to their worst instincts.
    No big deal, so what if our swamp is deeper than our southern cousins, Canada will just break up and everything will be great.

  3. Free Saskaberta from the colonial rule of Quebec !!!!!!
    Something tells me there will be a great fanfare around Pharmacare in todays budget. That is the guaranteed way to get votes in Quebec – promise them more of Albertans’ money. It works EVERYTIME for the Liberal Party of Canada, why would they change anything in their playbook.

  4. The CPC certainly aren’t the Reform Party any more, are they? I’ve seen steers with more balls. Unless there’s a prairie separatist party in the next election, I doubt I’ll be voting in the next federal election.

    Isn’t there some way pro-pipeline provinces can use Quebec’s obsession with SNC as leverage to get energy east through. I’m not up on provincial permitting and work legislation but is it possible for Sask, Alberta, Ontario and pro-pipeline maritime provinces to not allow SNC permits to work in their provinces…because of past convictions and present charges/investigations? After all, dirty companies don’t have a social licence to operate in other provinces, according to the Quebec premier. Is there other corporate “jewels ” in Quebec that can be squeezed? If Quebec and BC can shut down our companies then turnabout is fair play. For instance, BC is the money laundering capital of Canada – lots of “dirty” companies there I think.

  5. To Oldtimer64………Alberta election April 16 should be the first step for your concerns . Hope things go well .

  6. We don’t need no stinking democracy in Canada, we have Prince Justin. Don’t be a Nazi bastard, join Team Trudeau!

  7. The Conservatives are not going to let them away with this, the Budget should be delayed to deal with this corruption, we can wait for their election budget as long as it takes. To let this go is what makes dictatorships.

  8. Sooo? a deranged individual known by the Australian Bureaucracy ignores this individual travelling to New Zealand, presumably with Weapons, But it is not Usual Islamic/Muslim Massacre scenario it can be shouted to the Highest International Level of ___ We Know Better Than You deplorable minion Citizens.___ Why? because this is what Bureaucrats/compliant Police Units Fear the most.– If the Deplorable Minions are kept informed by Social Media in the moribund “Five Eyes against Terrorism” the Deplorable minion Citizens may Stop the self-interest of special Perks & Inordinate larger Wage/Salary Pay Packets than the Tax-payers who have hired Them.____ My caution, especially to the Canadian Bureaucracy which has now finally revealed the 150 year history of the Privy Council self-serving Control of Government(s) __especially__ when the (proven — on so many levels– corruption) under the Liberal Party–think quasi socialist in Canada– is most rampant.___ Do not attempt to Squash the U.S.A. “Great Experiemt’s”___ finally having a direct impact on controlling Elected Representatives & whether Those Elected are HOLDING the Bureaucracy(s) ACCOUNTABLE for spending Tax-Payer Funding WISELY not POLITICALLY.

  9. well now, andy scheep will do a 5 minute foot stomp in the house of commons as a protest!!!!

    1. Name calling – First rule when you have no credible argument or insightful comment.

      1. asslexstepandork

        I tried being nice, and the assholes like you came along.

        FYI, we do not have a conservative party any more. So why be nice????

        OH, and what’s worst, name calling, or just plain denigration, as we see al lot of in here. Justifiably so.

        NOW FO

    2. And what would NMR666 do if you were in the House of Commons?

      Seriously, I’d love to know what you’d think would be more effective.

  10. “…after reporters were given a document outlining a Liberal motion to discuss hate crimes…”

    What did I ask in the previous thread “All jihad is local, but all ‘Islamophobia’ is global”, “Will we now see a move to implement the anti-Islamophobia motion M-103 as part of criminal law?”

    Lo and behold Liberals want to talk about “hate crime”. Guess where that is going?

  11. Am I the only person that watches CBC News network?
    There should be less campaigning for the NDP on a taxpayer-funded national news propaganda outfit.
    It is non-stop Jason Kenney bashing and investigative reporting on his history.
    However, they can barely find 5 minutes out of each hour to report on SNC-Lavalin.
    Investigative reporting of the Liberals? ZERO!!!!!
    Can I get a refund? I don’t seem to be getting such a great deal.

    1. Blame the conservatives since they had their chance to get rid of the CBC and they didn’t do it but all of you are going to vote for them thinking that they will this time and of course they won’t for they won’t be allowed by their Power Corp Globalist masters just like Islam is the approved religion of peace in the western world now.

      I’m voting Max for Sheer is a Trudeau in hiding.

      1. re harper: precisely.
        not even a effective reduction to send a message and send the low ones on the totem pole running before the next batch grab the shrinking journo zhobs.
        gutless harper. shooting himself and all CONservatists in the nuts.
        opening the barn door for the shytbrain TURDoo to waltz in replete with that tiara thing.
        thus yet again CONservatists do everything necessary to pave the expressway for a LIEberal.

        maxie is a keybecker and his ilk will NEVER AGAIN get my vote. kaybeck has EXCEEDED its quota of PMs.

    2. Old time 64

      No, your not the only one on SDA who watches the cbc…..A more telling question might be, ‘Who doesn’t watch cbc here on SDA?’

      We all purport to despise cbc but we all watch it. A lot.

        1. Joe

          Guess I shoulda had my ‘sarc’ message on.

          My point was that while the SDA crowd purports to hate the cbc they all watch it.

          I haven’t had a tv since the early 90’s.

          No wheat board, no gun control, no cbc

  12. So …Housefather and his followers just threw JWR under the bus.
    How long before she talks, in defiance of her feminist ‘leader’?
    Will she stick with the lying Libs for the election?
    My gut is that Trudeau thinks he can still pull this off with the help on non-elected Butts (Really?…he doesn’t talk to Justin everyday??) and Telford and the evr adoring MSM.
    I want to see JWR speak up.

  13. Groper’s budget is out and EVERYTHING IS FREE! Yes only a 14.9 billion dollar deficit this year and a 19.8 billion dollar deficit the following year. Highlights including paying for the legal bills of whiny indians that have or are suing the government(taxpayers). high speed internet for everybody, and programs so seniors have to go back to work so they can pay more taxes. And pharmacare that will require hiring thousands more civil servants. EVERYTHING IS FREE!!!!!

  14. I see the Libranos now plan to use the CMHC to lend us our own money to buy a condo in Toronto or Vancouver.

    Money most people wouldn’t need to buy a home if the Vancouver and Toronto housing markets weren’t being used to launder fentanyl profits while jobs that paid a wage that could cover the expenses of raising a family continued to be shipped in the other direction.

    Bay Street real estate speculators are no doubt thrilled.

  15. Nobody bribes Canadians with their own money better than filthy, Liberal scumbags.
    It helps to hide LPoC malfeasance.
    That, combined with the ignorance of the average voter who also toes the precipice of Full Retard, means 4.5 more years of sunny ways from PM PantsOnFire,, Bill I Forgot Moron-eau, Cat No Time McKenna and the rest of the future-destroying maniacs.


    1. Published on Feb 6, 2015
      Imagine that, Canada’s courts (to date) see no reason why Canada should not issue its own currency. It did that once before, from 1938 to 1974. Those three-and-a-half decades were Canada’s greatest boom years. Without borrowing from banks, the government built Canada’s rail road system, its universities and free education, health care system; Interest-free money was directed toward the public commons. It all came to an end under Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in 1974, who gave back control of the public’s money to the banks.

      The case to take back control of Canadian money was filed in Toronto on December 12, 2011. Well-known Barrister Rocco Galati represents William Krehm and Ann Emmet of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform (COMER). The case now goes before Canada’s Supreme Court. Or, it just gets lost somewhere, and forgotten, on behalf banks and the usury system that milks Canada dry.

      Only an informed public could get this case seriously considered by the Supreme Court. It is TRULY AMAZING it has gotten this far.

      For usury-bound Americans, it would be like throwing off the fraud of the Federal Reserve system, controlling our own currency: Lincoln’s and JFK’s Greenbacks. Of course our Supremes would never do it; they or someone very close to them would be dead if they entertained the thought.

      But Canada has the very real possibility, if this legal case gets ANY PUBLICITY FROM THE MAINSTREAM PRESS.

      It won’t, of course, as Rocco Galati observes.

      But still (Bill Still), this is the very thing that would disintegrate the ‘New World Order’ lock-hold on humanity. Remember the old Mayer Amschel Rothschild quote,”Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

      The successful COMER suit, headed by Galati, ruled that the Bank of Canada (truly Canada’s own bank) can take back control of the nation’s money- from the Rothschild heirs (et al).

      The case was won Feb 1, 2015. The victors (the public) have only 60 days to make a big fuss about this historic case.

      Don’t let this victory become just one of the most under-reported stories of 2015. Help get it before the public. Also, please take a look at our videos on the Bank of Canada featuring Bill Abram, of Vancouver Canada. yoryevrah/snowshoefilms

  16. A small number of us have said from day one that Trudeau would get away with not even a slap on the wrist.

    We were right….unfortunately…
