Another Day, Another Dire Climate Prediction

David Wallace-Wells has written a new piece of “Climate Disaster Porn” : UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That.

This isn’t the first time.

One of the comments to his newest piece is priceless:

I love the certainty with which the author makes these pronouncements. There “will” be a tipping point. Killer heat waves “will” kill millions. Rising seas “will” swallow cities. You guys have been making these scary predictions for 30 years, with zero results. Why should we believe you now?

“Um, because now we really, really, really–better add a couple more–really, really mean it. Don’t make us BREAK OUT THE ALL CAPS!”

Atmospheric CO2 is a minor, very minor, player in the overall climate. It’s modest effect as a greenhouse gas, a fraction of water vapor, diminishes rapidly with increasing concentration. The current 400 ppm provides a very, very slight increase in warming over the Pleistocene average of 280 ppm, which is extremely low by long-term averages anyway. Furthermore, the human contribution of CO2 is less than 5 percent of the total.

Yes, the climate was warmed by a degree or so over the last 150 years or so. So what? Be thankful. One hundred fifty years ago, the planet was still recovering from the effects of the Little Ice Age, the coldest period in about 10,000 years. Since that time we have rebounded to the Holocene average and a trifle extra. Big. Freaking. Deal.

19 Replies to “Another Day, Another Dire Climate Prediction”

  1. At one point there were trees and beavers on Ellesmere Island. just about the most northerly land on the planet. So 2 million years ago the earth was a lot warmer than it is now. The planet survived, trees survived, the coral reefs survived.
    So I am not at all alarmed by global warming.

    I might consider thinking about climate change prevention when I see:
    a) all greens, NDP, and Liberals stop flying
    b) Quebecers and Vancouverites stop driving cars
    c) Hollywood movie stars stop flying and turn over their houses to poor folks
    d) all UN officials stop flying and riding in cars
    e) Al Gore and Justin Turdeau move into 1000 ft2 houses

    1. Joe, thanks for that list. My most famous/infamous story of that ilk goes back a decade ago in Vancouver. I had befriended a young American woman through volleyball. She was dating, and eventually married, a guy from a very wealthy Vancouver family. I’ll never forget how “A” would endlessly blather on & on about how we were all damaging the environment and needed to do our part to stop the destruction. At the time, I lived in a simple apartment, worked from home, and didn’t own a car (for 9 years). Yet her and her partner lived in a luxury condo at False Creek, and constantly went on trips overseas. I asked her about her hypocrisy in criticizing others when she was living this jet-set lifestyle. Her answer was simple, “We buy carbon credits.” That simplicity of thinking was all that it took for her to rid herself of any guilt yet continue on condemning us peons with much lower monetary means.

      The arrogance & hypocrisy of Leftists never stops from amazing me!

      1. Robert great points.
        When I’m with environmental types my favourite line is “how come me, the oil company guy, is the only one here driving a 4 cylinder car?” Silence, Priceless.
        Then like your experience someone says “oh we buy carbon credits” Now when someone tells me they buy carbon credits I tell them I planted 5 acorns.

      2. My neighbours just down our concession road are nice enough folks but big green pushers and carbon alarmists.

        Meanwhile, at last count, I cannot but note that they have a car, a truck, two snowmobiles, an ATV, a tractor and a plethora of gas-powered tools, generators and related equipment.

    2. it’s’ about taxation and population control. Has nothing to do with actual climate. That’s just ‘the pitch’.

    3. f) China and India shut down coal generated electricity immediately.
      g) concurrently Canada bans coal exports.
      h) Government reduces its activities and emissions by cutting taxes.
      i) every watermelon on planet turns in and disavows their plastic.

    1. 12 foot rise? I see that sort of thing regularly here on Canada’s West Coast … it’s called the ‘TIDE’. It varies, but that too is normal.

  2. One day soon these scammers and fraudsters hopefully will all be in jail for the most massive fraud in human history. Just read this article today on this being the second year of record cold. Nothing in the media. The problem is that greasy politicians of every stripe have handed over control to unelected Globalist Scammers with an agenda. Fleece the stupid taxpayer. The Paris Accord was all about handing over 90 T tax dollars from the West to these UN and Globalist Organizations, so they could all get their cut as it flows through their sticky fingers. Green Communism. This was all dreamed up by Mo Strong a Canadian and lifelong avowed Communist and Ghorbachev at the 1992 Conference in Reo.

    1. I have been saying EXACTLY that Watcher….for some time.

      IMO. The SUN is the primary driver of Climate. as it has ALWAYS Been. Anyone not understanding that MOST Blatant and obvious reality is beyond Fkn STUPID – they are DECEIVERS outright LIARS – Carpet bagging Filth….or in other words: Globalist Scammers as you have so eloquently pointed out.

      The Gang at Rio in ’92 knew Full well that the Sun was the main culprit….but the issue Maurice Strong et all ran up against was this: “How do we monetize (weaponize), Solar rays..??”. They couldn’t….and during that conference the idea of using Monetized CO2 as the preferred weapon was hatched. Within no time Al Gore had his .ppt and AGW via CO2 was born, Carbon Credits and Taxation soon followed….the rest is history.

      Bring on the warming….I have NO ISSUE with that whatsoever as I continue to drive my emision free,Turbo Bk Exhaust Diesel Truck. .!! It expresses my opinion perfectly.

      But alas I dont think many of us here will EVER see it given a Maunder type Minimum is forming….ya see, its the SUN.

  3. The globalists should be happy – with the “rising heat” deaths, the population of the planet will be substantially reduced. I remember them all crying about too many people. However, when I suggest that they start by killing their grandchildren, their sons and daughters and then, themselves, they get all huffy and stop e-mailing me. This is great by the way!

  4. Fear, gullibility and stupidity are incredible taxation opportunities. Something every liberal politician has wet-dreams about.

  5. The scientific knowledge of some of the most avidly “green” members of the MSM is staggering.
    More than once have I read in a national publication one of them trying to sound the alarm of a one degree Celsius rise in temperature by applying the formula she learned by rote in college: Degrees Fahrenheit = (Degrees Celsius * 9 / 5) + 32, and told us how horrible a 34 degrees Fahrenheit increase would be. Yes, indeed, it would be.

  6. well, speaking of settled science, this about settles it for me.
    even IF large land areas turn bone dry arid desert, so what? OTHER marginal cold areas will warm up and all that fertile formerly frozen ground is now for the taking.
    see how that works?

    meanwhile I continue to take measures to beef up the insulation in my place for the coming winters.
    my gas bill PLUNGED when I retro-ed that shredded fiberglas stuff in the attic and all the walls.

    still waiting for the local LIEberal mp to expliquez s’il vous plait where the FCUK is the carbon tax money going and how, how, HOW does it reduce CO2 except by shrinking the economy? AND only the Cdn amounts. production will simply go elsewhere thus net zero effect.

  7. Diminishing CO2 marginal potency with increased concentration is lost on the public, and so called climate science.

    In fact their “models,” far from taking that into consideration, actually apply an invalid warming feedback which puts CO2 on climate steroids. Their temperature and weather predictions have failed to materialize, and this is yet another emotional argument from the left which doesn’t ring true, like the “idea” Trump was working with the Russians on anything.

    What does a con artist do when you catch them in the act? They get abusive, try to shift the blame, even resorting to violence.

    Sound familiar? Welcome to so progressivist Alinskyism. Nobody listens to the climate chicken little hawks anymore.

    Then again, our federal government gets $5b unanticipated additional revenues but still runs an $18b deficit, and nobody cares.
