#Fake Crowds

Daily Wire;

Crowds on Demand, out of Beverly Hills, offers “protests, rallies, flash-mobs, paparazzi events and other inventive PR stunts,” according to their website. “We provide everything including the people, the materials and even the ideas.”
According to the Los Angeles Times, the company hired protestors to lobby the New Orleans City Council on behalf of a power plant operator, however the operator claims it only hired Crowds on Demand to bring supporters to the meetings, but did not know paid actors were involved. Each actor was reportedly paid $60 to attend the meetings, and $200 to speak on behalf of the power plant.

Actors were also hired to protest a Masons convention in San Francisco, and to act as paparazzi and fans for an L.A. life coaches conference.

More at the LA Times.

29 Replies to “#Fake Crowds”

  1. Every MOB is AstroTurf now. Hopefully one of the MOB assaults me … and I will become owner of some Real Estate in Beverly Hills.

  2. Riots R Us–the perfect employer for someone with a degree in oppressive angry gender confused anti-racist fruitloopery when one can’t find a job as a professional doorstop or speed bump.

  3. They even “supply the ideas”.

    Yeah, I just can’t understand where anyone would equate the fake outrage with the NPC meme.
    No idea at all ……

  4. Why am I not surprised. Were not there some ads fairly recently in some US papers offering $50 to show up at some leftist protest?
    Now you know where the preprinted signs comes from when you have a spontaneous mob rally.

    1. I bet that there’s a long waiting list for spontaneous mobs. They probably have to be booked several months in advance.

  5. The article casually states Trump has been accused of using paid protesters that then links to an article about how someone accuses them of doing it but they totally deny it and there is no evidence. The article does not mention the multiple times Democrats and leftists have well documented instances of paid protesters going on like the videos of paid protesters at the Kavanaugh hearings as one example. Biased much???

    1. I enjoyed the entertainment of watching young actors screaming and scratching the door of the Supreme Court.
      If you look close you can see the Security guards laughing also.

  6. “Are you here to stop the hate”?
    “You don’t understand why you’re here”
    “How much are you being paid”? (starting at about 1.30 in the video)


    Good questions! It’s taken 8 years for the LA Times to come to terms with what Andrew Breitbart knew in 2010? … and there are many other examples of crowds brought in to protest from the TEA Party era of US politics.

    I don’t doubt this happens in Canada as well.

    Who pays the meals and transportation costs for those 1000’s of folks from Central America walking through Mexico this month?

    1. Leftist NGO’s … just like the ones chartering boats from Africa to Europe overflowing with “refugees”

  7. The most entertaining part of Ezra Levant on Sun TV was his interviews of protesters.
    Simple questions ,such as “How is it I saw you in Ottawa yesterday,now you are here protesting in Calgary..how do you afford to do this?”
    The normal response”Don’t talk to him,he is from Sun TV”.
    Flip to CBC to see a fawning interview,with crowd enhancing camera shots, of very same person.
    Same with the work day,flash crowd demonstrations, so no jobs then?

  8. Crowds on Demand would seem to be a very logical target for seizure of their lawyers records,bank accounts and all financial transactions.
    Any number of statutes could be used.
    Extortion is still a crime.
    So is inciting a riot.
    And as for being paid to slander a victim..wouldn’t CNC and CBC see these guys as direct competition?
    Oh right. I forgot they will do so for free.

  9. “Last week, the Arizona senate voted to approve a bill that would jail organizers of demonstrations that turn violent”

    I must be missing something here. What the hell is wrong with that?

    1. … and then comes law suits. Whoever is doing the funding will also be on the hook, big time. Get out the popcorn.

    2. The college Republican chess club holds a meeting, let’s say its a “let us play on campus” demonstration. Antifa shows up with baseball bats. The college Republican chess club organized the meeting, so their leadership go to jail.

      That’s the problem with that when the Dems are in charge.

  10. All day long and no blog post about the tragedy in Pittsburg? I guess it doesn’t fit the prevailing narrative of the SDA echo-chamber.

    1. https://www.smalldeadanimals.com/index.php/2018/10/27/october-27-2018-reader-tips/#comment-1155401

      There is this one from don morris and there are others in Reader Tips, today. With regrets, perhaps there will be another thread as more information unfolds.

      Our sympathy to you if you know some people there. It is a sad day. The President issued a statement of regret, and others like Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. More will probably follow.

      Also we were moved to learn that a vigil is being held in the Presbyterian Church in the neighborhood where this mass murder took place. The Synagogue is a crime scene, and the FBI are combing the scene.

      All places of worship will have to have better security, as well as schools etc where there is none.

      May the massacred souls R.I.P.

    2. There are at least 5 mentions of this event in the “Reader’s Tips” post. At least 9 separate news articles on this at FOX, the BBC has it at the top of their site, Drudge has this and another 10 links at the top of his site, the South China Morning Post has an article on this, the National Post, Wall Street Journal, CTV, Globe and Mail, Bloomberg… take your pick.


  11. Feel free to start your own blog.
    Why are you here complaining that Kate’s Blog is failing to meet your agenda?

    Pittsburg might be more interesting after the police get through interrogating the killer.
    Gee given time there might be some facts to report.
    If you desire uninformed opinion CNN awaits you or CBC is just a click away.
