62 Replies to “Looking Back at Christine Blasey Ford”

  1. Two great minds – Terry’s and mine. I saw that video earlier and was going to post it tonight. The comments on You Tube are good. Glad to see that there were others who didn’t believe her from the moment she began speaking in that scratchy child’s voice. Never heard it even if the child thought the principal was going to use the strap.

    1. “Glad to see that there were others who didn’t believe her from the moment she began speaking in that scratchy child’s voice.”

      Exactly Gellen – a cross between a pouting little girl and a ruptured seagull. With a voice so obviously contrived, you’d have to wonder if everything else about her – including her stories – was not phony as well.

    1. To anyone who says “always believe women” or “women never lie about rape” I got three words: Crystal Gail Mangum

  2. Great Video – well put.

    Bottom line is: Kavanaugh is in.
    Balsey Ford is not – Dems Lost
    So now, that this disgusting charade is over, will we see some Legislation that allows FALSE Accusers to be Criminaly Charged…And allow the falsley Accused to Civiliy SUE for Damages caused.?

    I sure hope so…cause if this shit continues…I would not be surprised for some guy falsley accused to turn around and engineer a “Clinton” style “Vehicle Accident”………. involving said false accuser.

    1. Still waiting for her to file a police report……………………….yes, there is a crime in filing false police reports. Hmm, could it be…….?

      And there are already laws and legal matters on file to deal with false accusations.

      That’s just for starters.

      Yesterday though, it is either McConnell or Grassley said that “it was time to move on” and “work across the aisle” going forward…….

      Don’t hold your breath on Perjury charges, the GOPe is still under the surface

      1. Dan, they made sure they, the FBI/DOJ have legal cover for their stunt. That is why the “recovered” memory chit. Also, the method used to get the letter to Fartstain is legal cover. Why do you think she was coached by an X FBI/DOJ operative. And both were lawyered up with X DOJ far left swamp lawyers. Why would a “friend” of 2 door Ford need a lawyer:-)))

        1. Except that the “recovered memory” chit has expired some years ago. That was a fad way back when, but was found to be a total fraud.

        1. Yes, aware of that. The rumour though is to nail ChiFi….although it will likely be a staffer instead. It won’t be Ford, though she deserves the charges, and an Oscar, for that widdle girls voice

    2. False accusers are already criminally liable. Unfortunately, many police departments have been cowed by political correctness and don’t press charges.

  3. So it was a career move for Blasey Ford. For a psychology professor, she seemed to lack knowledge of basic psychology. The 36 year old trauma from being groped by a teenage boy is certainly fake. A teenage girl being groped by a teenage boy is a normal situation. I suspect the “trauma” in her life is simply crazy looking for an excuse.

    1. Yup, and well said. Also, it is well know that psychology academics are quit often not hinged too well.

    2. Indeed scar.
      And I’d say that an ungroped teenage girl would have major issues.
      What’s wrong with me?!

  4. If Ford payed some drama teacher to prepare her for this gong show she should get her money back, she lost badly.

  5. Palo Alto University motto …

    “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle”

    University of bumper sticker philosophy.

    PS, Dr Hazy-Ford’s expensive (valued at nearly $4M) Home is SMALL … not large. The home with 2-front doors is only 2,000 sq.ft. Yep. that’s not a typo. A 1970’s, flat-topped, “Eichler” home … with minimal improvements and an asphalt paved front yard

  6. My opinion varied between “Ford was played by the Dems” to “Ford knew perfectly well what she was doing”. That she came within an ace of succeeding is monstrous. Even so, her unsubstantiated accusations will continue to reverberate and haunt Kavanaugh and his family forever. And, sadly, I agree that she will continue to enjoy the benefits that will come because of her “courage” and her representation of the poor beleaguered femme in our world. Quite frankly, it sickens me. When I was young and foolish (I voted for senior Trudeau because he was flashy and his rebel antics impressed me) I also latched on to the burgeoning feminist movement. I was inspired by notions of equality (pay and opportunity). Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined a world where feminists became agents of “payback” for every ill, imagined or real, going back centuries. I thought that once women found their feet, they would gladly work towards real achievements to benefit everyone–not become professional whiners, and revenge-mongers.

    1. ” I thought that once women found their feet, they would gladly work towards real achievements to benefit everyone–not become professional whiners, and revenge-mongers”

      rita, women like you have found your “feet”, so thanks for that post

    2. rita…don’t you find the optics on this fascinating?

      The same women’s libbers, democrats, liberals…that say women are equal to men, etc

      Are applauding a woman, with a little bitty girl’s voice, traumatized for life…portraying women as weak, ineffectual, victims…and possibly power liars

      They don’t realize it, but Ford is the new women’s lib poster child

  7. But we must believe the victim!!
    So if a victim tells you that 2+2=7 you must believe them.

    And every accuser is automatically a victim and survivor so you have to believe them too.

    1. And remember, you’d have to believe in witchcraft — Salem witch trials and all that. All the accused were apparently guilty.
      Oh, and all those black men lynched during the reconstruction and after in the southern U.S. following accusations of “rape” by white women: all guilty according to the libs. “To Kill a Mockingbird” is misogynistic, patriarchal propaganda apparently.

      1. That reminds me of Lindsay Graham’s now classic retort from a Kavanagh hater, seeking “justice for all women:”

        Graham spars with protester over Kavanaugh: ‘Why don’t we dunk him in water and see if he floats?’


        While there were a lot of impressive push backs from Kavanagh himself and the GOP, notably Susan Collins amongst others, Lindsay Graham brought about the end of the beginning (to paraphrase Churchill), in his finest moment, just when it was needed, and presaging the end of the “we’re better than that” nonsense in the face of an implacable enemy with no more ambition than but to destroy anyone they perceive as a threat to their hegemonic lust for power.

        It has become the beginning of the end for those DeMarxists now fused with fascism, their malevolence and duplicity presently made plain for the voter to see, to wonder if they and their men are next, with a whole swatch of complacent GOP mid terms voters now headed for the polls to avenge the baseless attacks on Kavanagh, his family and its reputation.

        How ironic it is that women were the first to be revolted and turn away from this feminazi inquisition.

        Perhaps Trump is right and Americans might actually get sick of winning. The Dems don’t seem yet to be sick of losing.

    2. Yes, we must believe victims, but must we believe those claiming to be victims?

  8. She is either a slut or a liar. Probably both. One of the most hated and detested women in America next to Hillary, Maxine and Nancy. Keep this lying slut in the public eye to galvanize the vote against this nonsense.

    1. Both. Her “recovered memory” is of her youthful sluthood regret. Her therapist helped her identify “men” as the cause of her mental problems. Esp. “elite” men, from “elite” private schools. “Frat-boy” men who took advantage of her drunken sluthood. Her therapist absolved her of all personal responsibility. It wasn’t a great leap to apply all of this nonsensical therapy onto Kavanaugh. It was all just make-believe.

  9. I am shocked. Shocked I tell you.

    The poster above, rita, is just funny.

    “(I voted for senior Trudeau because he was flashy and his rebel antics impressed me) I also latched on to the burgeoning feminist movement.”

    I suspect that people who used to do that, will always be among the first victims of flim flam men like both Trudeaus, the Clintons, etc. etc. etc..

    1. I’m not sure I understand your comment. What I thought and did way back then is entirely different from what I think and do now. I meant to illustrate that people, who are not discriminating and skeptical, are vulnerable to manipulation by emotional arguments and staged drama (as I was then). Now days it’s very easy to mobilize and enrage a mob with a few tweets and there seems to be armies of people who are willing to scream and protest issues about which they understand nothing and probably actually don’t care all that much about. I think what was done to Kavanaugh is a travesty. It’s a crime and in a just world, there should be severe penalties for it.

  10. She’ll pop up again. But, not in a way beneficial to the Democrats. There were over 85k illegal searches by hired contractors into the NSA Meta-data to secure opposition research (to date, you’ve only heard of Fusion GPS in this regard). There were many of these “contractors” doing these searches until Admiral Rogers shut it down. This is documented fact.
    (CNSNews.com) – Earlier this year, in an interview with TV One, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) praised President Barack Obama for putting together a campaign database that “will have information about everything on every individual.”

    “And that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before,” Waters told “Washington Watch” host Roland, referring to Obama’s “Organizing for America,” which was changed from a campaign organization to a 501(c)(4) called Organizing for Action.

    Now, anyone who doesn’t think such opposition research would include potential Supreme Court nominees is naive. Kavanaugh would have definitely been on the radar back then. Here’s how it works…create a full dossier on an individual which includes personal contacts direct/indirect throughout their entire lives. In some cases, a listing of individuals in the same proximity. Obviously, this includes adolescence on up (inclusive of family alive and dead). Then from that “contact list” identify those individuals who may/may not be helpful in reputation assassination. You’ll recall that President Obama’s administration had unprecedented access to the meta-data in various social media formats. This is, also, on the record. So, search out individuals from high school and college (Kavanaugh) and determine their pedigree. For example, if someone has a social media account that can be described as extremely Leftist, activist, anti-conservative…they get separated out.

    The Left needed a female who was present during Kavanaugh’s high school years who could be defined as strongly against the current administration. The person would have to be an activist who portrayed the willingness to go to extreme lengths to promote her cause. It would have to be someone willing to put her life in the hands of other individuals who would shape the narrative. And (IMPORTANT) that person would have to have her entire social media footprint scrubbed prior to going public. And, even with that scrubbing (which was done rather professionally) photos still popped up on Ford at anti-Trump protests.

    Finally, coming public. Don’t provide a location. Don’t provide a time. Don’t provide any information indicating how you might know the person being accused. Don’t provide anything that would allow any sort of documentation/contradiction. Ford’s first major mistake was naming specific individuals as witnesses. It was a gamble that they lost. They, likely, assumed that at least one (preferably the other woman noted) would provide vague support without commitment. Instead, that witness said it didn’t happen. They lost at that moment and changed the narrative to temperament as a last ditch effort.

    This was an ambitious op in my opinion. It was poorly run. It had too many open ended paths. And, by no means should Monica McLean have been anywhere mentioned in the accuser’s letters (much less showing up at the hearing in person).

    This opposition is not about Roe v. Wade. It’s not about women’s rights. It’s not about anything more than those decisions that will eventually make it to the Supreme Court relative to power. In effect: Does the President possess the unquestioned authority to declassify confidential missives/applications etc. Expect that to be tested when the IG comes back refusing the Presidential directive after consultation with Wray, Rosenstein and Coats. I suspect there will be a whole host of these type decision eventually worming their way up the Court paths (criminal and civil). The rhetoric and the lengths gone to by the Left on this Court pick was a bit out of whack. Gorsuch didn’t face such opposition (although he did face some). But, Gorsuch wasn’t a swing vote, was he?

    (agree/disagree/ concur on some items)….fine. But, time will tell. I’ve given up giving the Left the benefit of the doubt. Instead, I think they continuously go to great lengths to keep power. They just really suck at it.

    1. Better yet, that individual had a CIA father and worked in a department that received CIA funding.

    2. I recall that … at FIRST … her friend corroborated Dr. hazy-Ford’s story. At least “conceptually”. Then she obtained an attorney who correctly reminded her that a perjorious statement could get her in big trouble.

      And even more … I believe someone gave her the big-picture overview of this high level scam run by ChiFi and the DNC. Someone reminded her that ALL the big name purveyors of this scam will be insulated from any consequences of being discovered as FRAUDS. There would never be any punishment meted out to Dr. Hazy-Ford nor anyone above her pay grade for LYING to Congress. ChiFi would walk-away unscathed. However! false testimony given by a “friend” would end up being punished to the full extent of the Law. The “little” players found to have LIED in this revisionist historical drama will be burned to the ground by the DNC. The DNC would take cover behind the unwitting false testimony of their key witnesses. This friend would be the only one UTTERLY DESTROYED when the full extent of this falsehood was discovered.

      So she rethought her … testimony. Her decision saved her life and reputation. She chose … wisely.

    3. Orson, good take on the issue. Also, lets not forget, it appears 2door Ford has only 3 degrees separation from Strzok.

    4. How deep is this swamp? By Sundance at CTH

      This outline is reliant upon: (1) intellectual honesty; (2) accepting what is, and not what we wish/hope to be; and (3) the welcomed challenge to prove it all wrong. Please, prove this analysis wrong – and if we can’t prove it wrong; not by hopes and dreams, rather by actual quantifiable evidence; then please provide possible solutions – quickly.


  11. No one seems to notice that when Maxine Waters calls on activists to get in their face…attack and resist
    …she’s talking about attacking white people

    There are no black republicans in her world…

    No white person would ever be allowed to get away with that

  12. Addendum to above: Leland Keyser was the lynch pin of why I think this whole sordid mess was based on meta-data harvesting. She was perfect (on paper) for corroboration. She was married to Democrat, Bob Beckel for something like 10 years and has two children with him. She was, allegedly, a close friend of Ford’s. Although, I think that was embellished.

    But, she shut it down and caused a lot of people to scratch their heads when she said “To the best of my knowledge I’ve never even met Judge Kavanaugh.” Think about that. Digest it. She was, obviously, present in the same proximity. But, she never met him. Computers and data have their faults. Garbage in garbage out. In this case it could tell you who was in a specific limited area. But, it couldn’t tell you if those subjects ever connected directly. They knew she was the lynch pin, causing Monica McLean to actually reach out to her and try and get her to edit her position. Keyser, obviously, wasn’t having any of it because the only way the FBI could document this is if Keyser provided those email(s). They chose unwisely.

    1. That explanation is certainly plausible. When one thinks of the lengths the Evil Party went in hiding Obama’s past, I wouldn’t put anything beyond their limits of sleaze.

      1. Yes, I imagined the frantic searches for “potential witnesses”. I find Monica McLean’s role in all this the most culpable. She probably even put Ford up to it, as well as tried to squeeze witnesses.

  13. When God created man and woman, he created both to be incomplete. Or, when evolution created us, it made us co-dependents. Take it anyway you want, neither side can survive for long without the other. Without the other, we would not get to experience what the either side contributes, or recognizes as our strengths, and our flaws and our weaknesses. To declare one half of the species irrelevant speaks to an immaturity that one would not think possible after hundreds of thousands of years of existence. Jesus reminded us that there will always be among us, thieves, prostitutes, greed, and betrayal. Proceed accordingly and give their perspectives no ground.

    1. Not “incomplete” … but complimentary. Nature is filled with symbiotic relationships between species. And … symbiotic relationships between sexes. Men and women … compliment one another … in HEALTHY relationships. These screaming feminists have never had a HEALTHY relationship with a man. Ever. And they blame MEN for that. They don’t blame their tree-fiddy poundage, their mean-faces, their sour-personalities, their mental-illness for driving men away. Their problem … not mine.

  14. Mark this down as that moment in time that Clinton inc. lost the ability to blackmail.
    How else to explain the sudden increases in Republican backbone.
    “She” has been defanged, and I suspect that Sessions may soon be finding a way to un-recuse himself from certain investigations.
    I may be wrong but if you suddenly see the appearance of evidence that brings new accusations against the last administration that may be the reason.

  15. I have never, from the outset of this monstrous farrago, understood the impulse that causes some people to call CBF either “sympathetic” or “pathetic” . If you take her own statements and testimony 100% at face value, what kind of person is she? the kind who, having been felt up (ineptly), but apparently believing it to be a prelude to rape, proceeds immediately to abandon her lifelong bestie — the only other girl at this gathering — to the mercies of a pack of rapists. She made no effort to warn Leland (“Get out! It’s a trap!!), no attempt to help her escape a fate worse than death, and afterwards didn’t even bother to check in with the best friend she abandoned to learn her fate. The fact that she is a horrible person is inescapable from her own testimony.

    Naturally, her screed was garbage, but she would have done better to stay with her first version, the one with no one but boys at this “party” — that way she was free to be a 100% victim … but she had to embroider a bit to add another girl, presumably to argue that she wasn’t completely out of her mind at 15 to be hanging with four boys she didn’t know at a drinking bout. And since that was Leland’s only actual role in the script, ( a sort of uncredited extra, like an expendable Star Trek redshirt) it was fine not to worry about what might have happened to her had Ford’s story been in any way true.

    But, as it stands, Ford’s story is she left her best friend to be raped, without so much as a backward glance, much less a warning. What a horrid individual.

    1. There is a lot we will never know, such as how Dr. F could have known who BK was in the first place. Had she gone to parties in the past where he was also there? None of her friends (or his) could put them together, yet she claims she knew him (even though they went to different schools). She only had one beer, yet she can’t remember how she got to the party, how she got home, or whose house it was, even how she came to be invited. But the big problem is her best friend denied her story and claims not to have ever met BK.

      1. The interwebz says Blasey-Ford is two years younger than Fiamengo. It struck me that she looks at least ten years older. E.g. ten years of not stopping at just one beer. Maybe that’s why she can’t remember any particulars about that night she was sexually assaulted except that one participant was, of all the people who deny they were there (i.e. that’s everyone she claims was there) is the fellow who (coincidence!) happened to get nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by a President she doesn’t like. Sure she’s a victim … of memory loss. But as kenji said, above, she got therapy for that.

        1. There are some interesting screen captures of her school year books which would indicate she and her fellow students were heavy drinkers and lusting after the younger men at other schools.

      1. tks for heads up.

        Various polls out there post Sept. 27, 2018 hearing. E.g. CBS News/YouGov Poll conducted between September 28-30, 2018.

        “ Americans are …somewhat more opposed to Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination than in favor of it after hearing Thursday .

        Overall, 41 percent of men feel Kavanaugh should be confirmed, and 29 percent of women nationwide do, with relatively more women saying it is still too soon to say. “

        The non-stop MSM bombardment of gang rape accusations has had a greater impact than the actual hearing esp. in light of #metoo pre-conditioning.

  16. one big tell in this whole scam. Kav was vetted 6 times before this, but they only vet from age 18 forward. So the scumbags had to go to a part of his life before 18, and that is why this whole “school” part schtick was used, and that basically puts paid to this whole BS scam

  17. One wonders how the next SCOTUS nomination process will be handled? Bader-Meinhof is short in days, no doubt, and Trump will likely nominate that female Fed judge…forget her name….Catholic woman with 8 kids, or something. Dems will have to pivot 180 and go from women are sacred to this particular woman is a rapist! or something….I dunno. Anyway, Dems shot their wad on Kavanaugh and now got nuthin but rage and violence next time around. Open violence in the streets of DC? Why not? It’s probably the logical next step in the process for the US left.

  18. Doubt I could distinguish these two in a line-up.
    And why should I bother really?
    I was looking at the Sunday news digests. All featuring obnoxious, ill informed, mouthy women.
    Channel after channel of this garbage. Some from the right, some from the left fast talking, over talking, talking points for a mindless public who, apparently, can tolerate the voices of competitive women who actually contribute nothing .
    So I found the auto auction. Women participating there too but at least you can see the imposition for what it is and they just say their lines and get off.

  19. If we are to believe what was published in the media regarding the therapists notes, CBF was groped in her late teens, sometime in the 80s. The initial story exculpated Kavanaugh and had to be re-tuned, re-jiggered to fit the judge, based on a tenuous connection between Blasey and Kavanaugh families. I don’t see how this effort could have been anything but intentional and cynical. I don’t know if CBF is a sociopath or has some sort of pathological hero complex, or a weird variant of Munchausen’s.
    Do not lose sight of the reality that there had to be a lot of money, power, and clout behind the effort to smear Kavanaugh. Scrubbing the internet was a clue.
    I thought there would be more protestors standing outside, while the confirmation vote was occurring.

  20. Looking back at what this three-ringed circus became and the screeching harpies that are inundating the news with the #metoo movement or the “women must be believe” credo I can’t help but wonder how many men had their lives changed in the past by women claiming to be pregnant to walk down the aisle only to lose the ‘baby’ shortly afterwards. This ‘excuse/lie’ has now risen to unimagined heights when a man’s life can be destroyed by simple innuendo.

  21. I never believed a word she uttered including the thes and ands. Anyone else notice the collusion between her and the Dem Sens regarding holes in her memory. If it was said once, it was said a couple dozen times that the fact that she didn’t remember much except for a few (carefully chosen and rehearsed?) vivid scenes proved her case. Not remembering the details proves it happened? Only in Palo Alto world, apparently. Of course, the one or two things she remembered were indelible in her hippocampus. By the way, who the heck talks like that?
