38 Replies to “So. Much. Winning.”

    1. Indeed, the squeal of the commies will be spectacular. Take it bitches. Bend over, grab your uncles and sing kumbaya to your sphincters.

    2. Great! Now Trump should nominate Hillary and maybe the Democrats will demand the FBI investigate her!!!.

      And by FBI I don’t mean the Funky Breath Investigators a la T. K. Williams who are sniffing around Maxime.

  1. The Altering of the Deal
    A win for all for the Swamp Critters…

    Deflection from…couldn’t have all this being rehashed…



    Twenty-nine year old Brett Kavanaugh replaced Miguel Rodriguez when he resigned from Kenneth Starr’s Office of Independent Counsel. Associate Independent Counsel Rodriguez, an experienced prosecutor, thought he “was scoring big points” for Ken Starr investigating the death of Vince Foster, President Bill Clinton’s deputy White House counsel. Rodriguez’s assistant Lucia Rambusch thought they “would be getting pats on the back” for uncovering evidence Foster had been murdered. Instead, according to Deputy Independent Counsel Hickman Ewing’s notes, Rodriguez said that Deputy Independent Counsel Mark Tuohey “cancelled everything [he] was doing” and “undermined everything [he] had done.”

    Kavanaugh sided with the Democrat Tuohey in opposing efforts by Rodriguez to uncover the truth. For what it’s worth, Tuohey is married to Marty Daley, the sister of Barack Obama’s former Chief of Staff, Bill Daley, and the former Democratic mayor of Chicago, Richard Daley. Their father was the powerful Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley. Kavanaugh was willing to do what Tuohey expected to achieve the desired result. Rodriguez told Reed Irvine, the deceased former chairman and founder of Accuracy in Media, that “the young aspiring people, who I used to work with back in that office will say and do what they have to, to move up the ladder.”

    Ewing wrote in his notes, “FBI refused to coop. w/ [Miguel Rodriguez] on [Vince Foster] death.” Rodriguez told Irvine the same FBI agents that did the Fiske investigation were working in Starr’s office and they hid photographic evidence, intimidated witnesses, and threatened him.

    In 1997, Kavanaugh concluded his investigation of Foster’s death and the Office of Independent Counsel Report was released on October 10. The Report stated, “According to the reports of their interviews at the scene on July 20, 1993, [Doody] and [Feist] did not see anyone in or touching Mr. Foster’s car.” This statement is true only because Mr. Foster’s car was not there. This sentence cleverly made it appear Foster’s car was at the park by saying that no one touched it.

  2. The Altering of the Deal



    Some how Trump did not have to worry about paying back the majority of his mezzanine loan. A special group of lenders came in and erased a significant portion of this obligation.

    That group was the original mezzanine loan lenders: Soros, Fortress and Blackacre; all of whom decided to forgive Trump’s future interest payments on the loan, selling it to him at the massively reduced price of $48 million. To put that in starker terms, Soros and the others effectively gave Trump possibly hundreds of millions of dollars in debt forgiveness, while cutting down the principal of his loan by $82 million**.


  3. For the sake of completeness, I called it right.

    October 6, 2018 at 12:23 pm
    Justice Kavanaugh will be confirmed today. His only oversight was the failure to wear LEDERHOSEN to his confirmation hearing.

    “I liked beer. I still like beer.”

    Oktoberfest 2018 – Logo Logo, Wiesn Hit der Rockaholixs Buam

    Bayern has good counsel on proper beer handling…ENJOY.
    Frohes Oktoberfest!


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  4. Ha! That graphic has made my week.

    I have always predicted that history will show Trump to be one of the greatest presidents that ever lived.

    I am sticking 100% to that prediction.

  5. Last week Laura Ingram had a couple of guests on to discuss the Kavanaugh story. Both professors, one a conservative the other a liberal. The lib couldn’t wait for Laura to get the first question out before he loudly ranted about… Trump. He was like that for the whole segment contrasted with the calm conservative prof. Well, guess who CTV had on tonight to opine on the day’s events. You guessed it.

      1. That’s the guy. We’ll done Nancy. To be honest I didn’t watch the CTV interview but I’m sure he gave them what they wanted.

        1. I only saw the Fox one too. He was so rude and Laura scolded him, asking him not to interrupt. I have never seen her so angry. She reminded him that it was her show and NOT his classroom!

          I didn’t see the CTV interview either. I saw this Prof on and off over the years. He is definitely far far left. I bet he knows Bernie Saunders.

          1. Oops – the redundancy!
            Of course if I only saw ‘one’ interview, I obviously didn’t see the other! Heh heh! Editing @ late hour!

            Boots, have a great Weekend!

    1. “a Kavanaugh Supreme Court is unlikely to overturn federal measures against fake news.”

      You mean the First Amendment? I doubt Gorsuch and the liberal wing will be down with that.

    2. Also: if you want to be taken seriously as an objective person, you can’t go to political rallies. If you want to be taken seriously at all, you can never unironically wear a MAGAtard hat.

      1. Awwww. Is Unme’s sanity flying apart at the seams from the thought that the populists just gave yet another smackdown to your “superior future”?

    1. A court with Kavanaugh on it will not oppose states’ sending abortionists to the gallows, along with clients who wanted their children murdered to hide their adultery from their husbands.

      I can’t wait.

    2. Cool story bro. Still less human than my dog.

      A court that actually tries to overturn RvW is the greatest gift the Dems could ask for. America is a broadly pro-choice country.

      1. I disagree if there was a referendum in the USA and Canada you and your like that pushed abortion onto the population just like your pushing Islam and pedo now onto us you would all find out that the murdering of children as a form of birth control would find that the majority of we the Peoples in the USA and Canada would agree that it is murder no matter what You ungodly sjw think.

      2. “…my dog.”

        Poor animal. Have a hart and give it up for adoption. Dogs don’t deserve that. Get a goat or a donkey.

  6. Meanwhile in Brazil, anti-communist and anti-crime presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro has widened his lead over the leftist candidate and is on the track to come first in the first round of the presidential election, to be held today. Even a botched assassination attempt hasn’t slowed him down.

    Once again no globalist media outlet will endorse the populist. Once again the people will tell the globalist media where to go and proceed with taking their country back—with the help of a man who has made clear there will be no future for communism in Brazil under his leadership.


  7. Good for Kavanaugh.

    Will the protesters’ pay of $50 / hr dry up, now? I read that the ‘elevator gal’ protester who did a number on Jeff Flake was an illegal alien who made over 150 K . (Can’t find it anywhere now. Perhaps it was erased or incorrect.) The Press are really going to be going to town now against Trump, as the mid-terms approach.

    For example: CTV NEWS is painful. Even S.R. @ 11pm Sat night: (She) said 160 protesters were arrested Saturday in D.C. but web indicated the # was 301 ! Go figure. That is quite a discrepancy.

    The protesters are making fools of themselves. Matching T shirts with slogans and professionally printed signs. They’ll get their college credit all right! ( Wow! Tears, too! They are like children.)

    Lastly, Sean Hannity said on Friday evening that there will be something ‘big going down’ this week coming up… a ‘couple of breaking news stories’. Can’t wait.

    1. The $150k was their ANNUAL SALARY for being leftist Soros O[en Society professional agitators and “organizers”.

      1. Yes, I should have said ‘ per ‘ year, rather.

        Glenn Beck warned about all these Left-wing, tax free Charities. These were refused by the I.R.S. under Lois Lerner for the Right-wingers, though. Funny that.

        OTOH, the ‘Tea Party’ people were real. They were the salt of the earth. Their name could’ve been T.R.T.P. that is for “The Real Taxpayers’ Party.”

        ( It is who Max Bernier is thinking about in this country…………….. the Real Taxpayer)

    2. “They’ll get their college credit all right!”

      University of Southern Maine.

      Their accreditor is New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

      The New England Association of Schools and Colleges is authorized by United States Department of Education (USDE) and also the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). They might be interested in political protest for credit. A lot of colleges that have gone full on Marxist are in serious decline.

      1. Scar:
        Why bother when you could make $178,071 US as an activist!
        See above post at 11:46 am.

  8. This is no time for magnanimity.

    Kick them while they’re down, and keep kicking until they stop moving.
