78 Replies to “Thumbs up.”

  1. In Mr. Hill’s closing paragraph, he hopes that the CPC will adopt policies that will provide encouragement for Westerners to wish to remain in Confederation. I do believe that his hope is misguided as the current leader, Joe Two, has already shown that he has no real desire to implement policies that would supply that encouragement. Ironically, it would have been a Quebecer (with an accent thicker than Chretien’s) that quite possibly would have introduced principled policies that would make Canada a more workable state.

    Quite frankly, Canada is a giant welfare scheme; one part of the country provides all of the economic support for the other. There is no real possibility of this ever changing as everyone east of the Ottawa river knows upon which side their bread is buttered and will always vote for more and larger dollops of supply managed fat. As (I believe) Churchill said; “When robbing from Peter to pay Paul, one can always count on the support of Paul”

    Because Quebec and the other welfare cases will vote solidly liarberal, there will be sufficient votes in the GTA and lower mainland to ensure yet another liarberal majority, even if it is reduced. In order to shore up that support and that majority, Le Dauphin and his cabal will do anything necessary, including a carbon tax at the well head, not the burner tip, i.e. an NEP II. It is already
    more than apparent that they are quite willing to do so.

    Mr. Harper probably provided the last hope that the Canadian experiment could continue. However, the Laurentian Elite, and their fellow travelers, did everything possible to ensure a good, decent, intelligent, and thoughtful man could have no part in their machinations to ensure their enrichment at the expense of others.

    I could write for hours to express my fervent hope for a new Western Dominion. I would hope that their would be a person that could stand and be that inspiring figure that could endure the onslaught of slings and arrows that will be hurled against them. (Although why they would have to speak French is beyond me)

    Mr. Hill, I hope that your piece will be that inspiration. You can count me in.

    1. Well put.

      Count me in, or out, as it were. Canada is heading towards oblivion (in economic terms as well as others) with foot to the floor, full speed ahead reckless abandon, and I believe the point of no return was a couple miles back.

    2. Well said.

      I have said it before and I will say it again now. The Laurentian Elite slipped up and Harper became prime minister. They will not make this mistake again, and will cement their control by destroying the resource economy of the west.

      1. They don’t want to destroy it they want to control it and milk it. Their vision of western Canada is as a dependent hinterland- not an equal in confederation.

  2. He’s got a bit of cognitive dissonance going on. He thinks that the West needs to renegotiate with the natives to remove “past grievances” while also crying out for property rights. The main reason for the recent uptick in cries for property rights are those that think all white people’s stuff is theirs by gods-given right being slapped by the occasional bullet.

  3. A decent argument. But it ignores the other option: suing for statehood with the USA.

    The benefits are much much better than independence IMO.

    That noted I think a reformed/repaired confederation is the best option. But I have little confidence that that is likely anytime soon. Their is a crisis on the horizon of that I am confident.

  4. I do NOT understand why Alberta does not simply join the US. They would have immediate access to massive markets, and ports to move their goods. Not to mention, they could get their pipelines built already.

    The break-up of Canada is both do-able, and desirable for all. Try find Czechoslovakia on a map! They simply agreed on an amicable divorce. I think Western Canada should split away as soon as possible, and become a republic. There should DEFINITELY be a citizenship test. No Quebecers need apply!

    1. Would America want one more socialist state? Alberta is a socialist state/province.

      1. I have read / listened to several American conservatives – including pat Buchanan- on this topic and with very few exceptions they all say America would never turn its back on the opportunity to add some or all of Canada to the union. That has been the dream of America since before its inception.

  5. “First Nations: As a new country, the West could negotiate a completely modernized new deal with the First Nations of the Prairies and territories, built around future shared economic well-being, rather than continuing to dwell on past grievances.”

    Or the new Dominion of Western Canada could tell Chief Big Screen TV he had thirty days to pack his bags and leave the Dominion before officers of the new Department of Border Security arrived at the rez to arrest him and the rest of the tribe, and forcibly remove their lazy drunken hides from the Dominion for good, because they can drink and raise hell outside the LCBO on Rideau Street in Ottawa.

    The new Dominion government would have no obligation to recognize treaties made by Trudeaupia, no obligation to allow Indians to continue to stand in the way of development of Western Canada’s natural resources or to tolerate Indian criminal activity, and no obligation to continue to pay for their indolence and drinking sprees.

    They can all go—and so can all the other pieces of human filth Pierre Trudeau allowed to flood into Canada, as if the Indians weren’t enough trouble. The new Dominion would do well to throw them all out, and see to it they stay out.

    Rest assured hard-working central Canadians who are sick of Ottawa sucking their blood will be happy to replace the scum of western Canada.

  6. This is not well thought through, but it is a good start. As a delegate to the policy convention, it might be a bit late to do anything this time. We do have someone who is experienced in drafting sound policy for a Western Canada as a country. He is an international consultant. BC will agree, once we get rid of Horgan. Lefties here will be too high to find the polling booth.

    1. Take a look at the dramatic change in demographics in the lower mainland over the past 30 years. The LM has its focus on the pacific – not Canada east of Langley. They certainly have zero tolerance for eastern Canada telling them Quebec is a distinct society requiring special treatment.

      Were confederation to disintegrate I think it probable that BC itself would divide as the interior wouldn’t tolerate domination by the far left LM.

      1. I am of the very firm opinion that Quebec is a distinct society requiring special treatment. Just, not the kind they are used to.

  7. The country doesn’t work by design. When the crazy little midget Peeair wasn’t busy lying on his psychiatrists couch shocking and scaring the hell out of his life long psychiatrist he was busy imposing legislation that would destroy the Dominion while imposing his own warped idea of what Trudopia would look like in the future. Guess what…? The country crazy Peeair imposed was just as effed up as old Peeairs warped malevolent mind. Crazy Peeairs country doesn’t work fairly, by design. Crazy Peeair was a french talking Queerbec nationalist who posed as something different, so its of absolutely no surprise that the country Peeair imposed caters almost exclusively to the one ethnic tribe and one Province that Peeair felt he belonged. Why Canadians ever accepted the tribal and “constitutional” dictates of crazy Peeair is anybody’s guess. Western Canada should’ve separated from crazy Peeairs ethnic nationalist country long long ago.

  8. Hey, has anyone chirped in with “because it’s not an option” yet?

    What do we do about the problem of a Canadian loyalist fifth column? You know the ones; they still watch the CBC, keep voting for Ralph, …

    1. The US would welcome a new state of Alberta in a heartbeat. It is very much part of America’s manifest destiny meme. And Alberta has enough bargaining Power to get that status.

      Smaller provinces like those in Atlantic Canada would likely have to consolidate. As I expect SK and mb would as well.

      1. I doubt it.
        Too difficult to meet the pre-requisites.
        Joining an already existing state would be easier (but still hard)

        1. What prerequisites? I don’t see Montana acceding to Edmonton becoming the state capital and seeing it being dominated by Alberta. Adding ab as a state is – if I recall correctly- simply a simple majority vote in the senate.

          1. The proposed state votes on the matter.
            The proposed state officially petitions Congress for Statehood.
            The proposed state must make sure it is following the constitution for its government.
            Both the Senate and the House vote with a majority to accept the state.
            The president signs the bill.

            In the modern era of gridlock it’s impossible to makes the stars align for this.
            Alberta could just graft itself onto Montana. Edmonton becomes just another city. Capital remains Helena.

  9. As the comments in this item quite clearly demonstrate, separatism – whether in its Western or Québec manifestation – is akin to the whining of small children because they aren’t getting their own way all the time.

    1. How about constantly being slave labour and a milch cow in general for the Laurentian Elite since the 1800s. And, as soon as any economic strength appears in the west it is stifled and strangled through taxation and regulation.

      I repeat myself, the sooner, the better.

      At the very least we would be rid of Lloyd Oliver and Andrew Coyne.

      1. Keep on bleating, JJM, and sucking Laurentian … candle. The rest of the West will just keep right on going. If you try to stop them, and they are seriously fed up with being in a s**tbag country like Canada, well, you can always crack open a history book and see what typically happens.

        1. Me: “As the comments in this item quite clearly demonstrate, separatism – whether in its Western or Québec manifestation – is akin to the whining of small children because they aren’t getting their own way all the time.”

          You: “Keep on bleating, JJM, and sucking Laurentian … candle. The rest of the West will just keep right on…. blah, blah, blah…”

          Me: QED.

          1. Lol… What a boob. You genuinely believe there is something inexorable, ubiquitous and unique about Canada’s current boundaries. Well they already changed recently, and history says they will change again. You can throw poo. I prefer to bet the odds.

          2. JJM, I recognize your “Canadian” smugness, tiny violin playing and condescending boo-hoo’s. It inspires the Western separatist like you wouldn’t believe! Thanks!

  10. Is the status quo working for us? No. Will it improve with 20 Million people in Ontario and Quebec leading the government’s agenda? No. Time for action. I vote for the US option.

    1. “I vote for the US option.”

      Yeah, right. If you thought “20 Million people in Ontario and Quebec [were] leading the government’s agenda”, what are your thoughts on Saskatchewan being just before Rhode Island in terms of significance and representation in the US Congress i.e., two seats out of 435 in the House of Representatives?

      (Alberta would rank behind Oregon with five seats.)

        1. “As it stands now, we have no representation at all.”

          We need more tiny violins!

          BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba count for 104 seats out of 338 in the House of Commons or about 31 percent of all MPs. And the combined population of the four western provinces represents about 31 percent of Canada.

          So much for “no representation at all”!

      1. And with two seats in the most powerful body in the world. And the protection of the greatest armed forces and banking system in the world. Yes please.

      2. They would have the US dollar as their currency. Bonus right there. trips to Florida would be cheaper.

        1. You could LIVE in Florida. Or some other warm place year-round – no six month rule.

  11. Canada as a unity has run its course and is starting to fall apart.
    Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba together, BC need not apply. Enough resources, landmass, and population, with a seaport on Hudson Bay.
    NO dual citizenship, are you with us or still with the s******* you moved from. Remember, to get away from there? Yes, I have relatives in other provinces, that is THEIR problem.

  12. As currently constituted Canada is an unstable country. The glue that held it together was the preferential access Canada got into the US market (Auto Pact, etc.) and the wealth that generated. For a time there was a degree of pride in being the primary Dominion of the the British Empire, but Britain has committed suicide.
    Now the issue of massive debt is rearing it’s head, who is going to pay it off?
    You all know that Quebec will leave the Federation immediately the subsidies run out, Canada means nothing to most Quebecois. Frankly, if they need paying to stay in, they should be kicked out, a bit like Scotland in the UK.
    TROC is going to be colonized, perhaps by the Chinese, perhaps by the US. Of the two choices, joining the US is infinitely preferable to most English speaking Canadians, either way the status quo won’t hold.

    1. John Sebastian Helmcken, 1870, in BC:
      “it cannot be regarded as improbable that ultimately, not only this Colony, but the whole of the Dominion of Canada will be absorbed by the United States.”

      1. Another line of his: “we are currently a colony of England, do we really wish to become a colony of Canada”. Prescient man, Mr Helmcken.

  13. with all the NDPee bullshit in the west over the last so many years….just call your western shithole Douglass ville. You western wankers are a prime example of what is wrong in the world today, WILLFULL BLINDNESS. Manitoba and saskabush have just recently gotten rid of their useless NDPee’rs, and Newfberta has NDPee’rs, and LaLa Land (BC) hasn’t had a sane government for how mant decades. And you fools think separating will suddenly change all that. YOU are as stupid as the libtards!!!!

    1. NME666
      You have done so well for yourself. Congrats.
      It won’t make any dif anyways as debt will swallow Canada and a break up is the likely out come. Nothing like failed expectations to bring a day of settlement.

      What is truly a national farce is the knee jerk reaction over the Canadian reaction to the Trump agenda. Instead of stepping back a taking some blame for not being ‘grown ups’ and not diversifying trade, defending ourselves and yes, spending far more than can be repaid, the country continues to sink towards collapse. Trump could break this country in less than a year and he knows it.

    2. The only real question with regard separation is:

      Could it be any worse for us?
      Would being a US state mean worse treatment than being a bank machine for Quebec?
      Is there any way, in which anyone could treat us even as badly as we are currently treated?

  14. Sure, let’s just bust up Canada. Here are just a few things I think worthy of pondering…..

    Would have been handy to have this info about a hundred years ago, BTW…. might have stopped us from wasting those 100’s of thousands of lives, including all those patriotic westerner ones, to protect her. Seriously, if today CANADA means NOTHING to us, what was the point of all that sacrifice? To that end, my daddy taught me that real men stay and fight the battles that need winning, not run away from them.

    The ‘grass is greener’ mentality is in full effect here, too. Creating a landlocked nation that can’t survive without access to international markets is not exactly starting in a position of power and security.

    How ‘free’ will you feel when your new nation inevitably votes in it’s first Liberal leftard as leader?

    Yes, the west is already well infected with leftardism and separating would still just be bringing it with us. Without reforming the way we conduct our political affairs, the only real net effect would be that you are shoveling your hard-earned cash to elitists in Edmonton, rather than elitists in Ottawa.

    And that is from someone who used to be a devout enough separatist that I was pissed at Manning for killing the momentum we once had. I am not criticizing those who feel leaving is the only option left, I just wanted to inject some reality into the fantasy.

    1. I agree. Unless we saw a Western separation that would take us to a place that adopted a slightly more unassailable US type Constitution (we could always borrow it as they aren’t using it anymore), the chances of children of another bankrupt welfare state “getting it right” is slim to none. If there weren’t any equalization and Alberta had access to world markets under the PCs, they still would have spent themselves into debt. As for joining with the US, as someone who has lived there and with children and grand children as US citizens living there, I would rather be a foreign observer (if I live that long) of the grim reckoning in store for that grander but equally bankrupt welfare state.

    2. Your observation is well taken. My own preference for a new Dominion in North America, rather than another republic (why bother creating a new one when there is a perfectly good one already to the south) is very much based upon those thousands of lives that died in the mud of France. First to defend against naked aggression, and the second time, against a perverse and sinister science.

      I often look at our local cenotaph and look at the names of the young men that gave up their lives so that we may live in freedom and liberty. I am especially saddened by the appearance of the name of my Great Uncle who died in August of 1918. I think of those that charged into the maw of chattering machine guns on June 6th, 1944 to be killed or maimed in body and mind. Then I look up, and I see a flag flying by it that would be unfamiliar to them. You see, they all died with a Union Jack on their arm or leading them to battle. When a lisping little twit of a man changed their flag; the one they had fought under and whose liberty they defended, to a thinly disguised fleur-de-lis, they were told to shut up. (Please, when you have a moment, look at the Canadian flag, then at a fleur-de-lis, then back, please tell me how a leaf that normally has five arms is represented with three?) I wonder if they fought and died to one day that if they used the wrong pronoun in addressing an obviously disturbed individual, they would be jailed.

      I know that the volunteers from Southern Alberta (the place with the highest enlistment rate in WWI) did not go off to France so that their progeny could be forced to pay more and more so that one particular portion of the country can constantly be succored. Furthermore, they certainly didn’t volunteer to have their descendants called greedy, racists, rednecks, hicks… when they dare question why they must continuously do so.

      It is hard to disinfect the pestilent ooze that is liberalism. However, we may be able to inject a return to some kind of common sense into both a new Dominion and the old one, by providing a shock to an outdated and failed system. I simply ask you; what do you ever see being a solution to the deepening malaise? Or are you going to just sit there and cross your arms and pout?

  15. Mr. Hodgson postulates a possible alternative to Alberta Separating from the Canadian confederacy, but he left out one of the most attractive perks of joining a U.S. State, that being unlimited access to some warm climate.
    In any event, I think he is correct about the problems involved in being a small state, with all the trappings that it would require.
    That being said, I do think the four Western Provinces, if they were to form a confederation could very well form a viable country, very much capable of performing all the functions of statehood.
    Three of the provinces are already well on the way in the process, with B.C. divided, the Lower Mainland has no desire for change as they think they live in their own Utopia already but the interior and the North would go with us.
    This would give us the population and resources we would need to be successful.

    1. “That being said, I do think the four Western Provinces, if they were to form a confederation could very well form a viable country, very much capable of performing all the functions of statehood.”

      There is no “West”, any more than there is a “Central Canada”.

      There are only 10 provinces, each jealous of maintaining its own interests and perquisites within Confederation.

      Get used to it.

      1. No JJM, we are not going to just get used to it, like the female victims were told so many years ago, you may as well just lay back and enjoy it.
        Nope! You see as Albertans, we CAN AFFORD a bunch of things that we now have to pay for thru government. Not that I want to piss away my money paying for someone else’s frivolous demands. I want my taxes reduced so that I can pay for my own. I don’t want to see my tax dollars sent to the SHITHOLE province of Quebec. I don’t want my ALBERTA tax dollars sent to the Maritimes to allow their residents to work short term and then be able to take time off on UI. Yeah – UI, not EI, thanks Annie M. Or to pay for their 4 MPs in PEI to only represent about 35000 residents each. And New Brunswick and Nova Scotia that each have 10 appointed senators compared to our 6 ELECTED SENATORS!
        No – give me 2 Senators that I pick and the requisite number of congressmen and world price for our resources. Give me the freedom and the opportunities that those down south celebrate.
        Give me Trump! And you can stick the failed drama teacher where it is most uncomfortable.

  16. You should make Vancouver peel off and join Washington state (they can be ruled by Liberal elites in Olympia and Seattle, since they love that sh×!) and the rest of the West can form a new state. I reccomend a Constitutional Republic. Do NOT make the mistake of going with the English monarchy. It’s a tired, decrepit old reminder of a long lost Empire, whose headquarters is now just a rump state of the EU.

  17. The advantages are there,the will is lacking.
    Joining the USA is geographically the logical thing to do,hell even the laurentian ice sheets travelled North to South,just as our trade will.

    Having one currency from the North Pole to the Mexican border would make travel more fun, plus less bureaucratic over all.

    Under current conditions we in the West would be economically more stable.
    Philosophically we have more in common with our neighbours to the south,the alien mind set of the Eastern Bloc shows up every election.

    The bill is coming due for our past excesses and once again Western Canada will bear a disproportionate share of the cost for social welfare we never saw.

    Alienation is growing,60% personal taxation sure helps that along,as does the entitled mentality of our career parasite class.
    The proposed carbon tax being a prime example of the contempt our kleptocracy holds toward non government workers.
    Loosely translated we are going to tax every thing, then we will give the “deserving” a kickback from the money left over from our “administration” of this tax take.
    Course lots of us buy this as 60% of us voted Bigger Government last federal election.
    Public education has succeeded beyond our wildest expectations, “Duh…maths is hard”.

    Separation may be the only viable option as Canada is too big to be governed by a lazy and ignorant populace.
    Borders like walls define the space you seek to defend and enjoy the fruits of.
    As Justin’s People show us,we have no intention nor ability to defend our current borders

    1. “The bill is coming due for our past excesses and once again Western Canada will bear a disproportionate share of the cost for social welfare we never saw.”

      What exactly do you mean by “social welfare we never saw” here? Are residents of the four western provinces somehow not entitled to unemployment insurance, old age pensions and the like?

      First time I’ve heard of this. Please do elaborate how such a shocking situation came to pass.

  18. So, John Robertson, what would the next steps be for you guys? How do you get people speaking about this in coffee shops and bars? How do you go about getting a referendum? Heck if Brexit could be organised, so can this.

  19. Should have been done years ago.

    As has been mentioned already, Alberta, like any other successful region quickly becomes infested with liberals looking for their share of the pie after having destroyed their previous region. (Liberal locust theory).

    Be nice to see it happen, but I think too many people here in Alberta are already more devoted to Canada (and the blossoming socialism of Canada) than Alberta and libertarianism. Maybe things will change for the better in the future…fingers crossed.

    If we do leave, how much should we demand from Canada in reparations for the money they have stolen from us? 🙂

    1. “If we do leave, how much should we demand from Canada in reparations for the money they have stolen from us?”

      A statement almost wondrous in its smug inanity.

  20. Interesting to hear this from the heartland of the NDP. And, right now, Alberta is hard left, with BC doing its usual oscillation from moderate left to hard left. Is SK really all that reliable?

    Independence 30 years ago might have been effective, as you could have kept Newfs out. But they came, and did their usual damage. As they are rather good workers, those that work (and the ones that don’t tend to stay and clog up welfare rolls in good old Newfie) might have been allowed in. Once in, of course, they do their usual.

    It is surprising how deeply ingrained leftism is here. Even my stepson, up in Milton, doesn’t even like Newfie, never visits, is an engineer with a very good job – but he’s still a leftie. Through the Wynne period!! Dear God!

  21. “Interesting to hear this from the heartland of the NDP. And, right now, Alberta is hard left, with BC doing its usual oscillation from moderate left to hard left. Is SK really all that reliable?”

    Proving only that the residents of Alberta are no wiser or more clever than – and just as venal as = any other Canadians in pursuing their own petty interests.

  22. Good Lord, yes, Alberta, get out as fast as possible, because if I have to endure any more whinging from illiterate Westerners I’m gonna go postal. Cripes, I’ve never seen nor heard so much whining in my life as what comes out of Albertan separatists (and I raised four children).

    You want to talk about “taken advantage of” by Confederation? Have a look at the province of Nova Scotia, which at the time of Confederation was wealthy, but alas the rules imposed by Confederation annihilated this economy, an effect that has lingered ever since. Or have a look at Newfoundland, which was once – when fishing literally fed armies and nations – the jewel of the British colonies, until the geopolitical importance of natural resources, namely fish, changed. Gee, I wonder if that might ever happen to Alberta.

    But of course none of these Albertan geniuses have any clue about any of these things, or a million other nuances of history. Yeah, get out, you bunch of friggin entitled whiners – we’ll all be better off for it.

    1. I agree that the Maritimes have also been used as a milch cow by first the Tory Family Compact of Upper Canada and then by the Liberal Laurentian Elite.

    2. Sounds like Nova Scotia and Newfoundland made a MASSIVE mistake joining Canada as well.

      1. Union with Canada for Newfie was not overwhelmingly popular. We used to be in favour of free trade and low taxes, and had warm fuzzies for our American friends, and the attitude was summed up in the well-known lines, “Our face toward Britain, our back to the Gulf/Come near at your peril, Canadian wolf!” But promised Canadian largesse, and bad management at home, did the trick.

  23. There really is no other option i’m afraid to say, In Confederation it seems western Canada is like a rich uncle who everyone in the family wants to sponge off of but nobody really cares about and who is completely different than others in the family. Under Justin, time is of the essence if you want your area of the world to look anything like it does today.

    1. Having lived in Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, and St. John’s (and certain points abroad) I will assert that the first two are much more like the second two than any are like NL.

      God guard Newfoundland.

  24. I’d like to thank some of you for very succinctly demonstrating the level of contempt held by most East of Manitoba and in the Lower Mainland for us inbred hick dumbass cowboys too stupid for our own good.

    And I love people who are only too happy to keep taking those cheques cut from other peoples labour calling us “entitled.” Little like the grasshopper in that old parable calling the ant “entitled.” People from Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes have to come here to provide for their families “Back Home” and are only too happy to continue to do so while continually taking a collective dump on us. Y’all can go to hell, take your your Laurentian overlords with you.

  25. Cutting Quebec loose would be a good start-after annexing the northern 2/3. Their what’s yours is mine what’s mine is mine schtick is the main problem.
