Morneau says he doesn’t like threatening provinces, other than Saskatchewan

So just like Alberta gets different treatment than Quebec, British Columbia gets different treatment than Saskatchewan. It is easy to understand, the Liberals win seats, or have the potential to, in Quebec and British Columbia while they win little in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

The provinces that reward them with seats get carrots, the ones that don’t get the stick.

More here….

37 Replies to “Morneau says he doesn’t like threatening provinces, other than Saskatchewan”

  1. The arrogance of my fellow coastal (and big “cosmopolitan” city) elites is astounding and sickening. They actually BELIEVE they are “better” than the “rubes” in the hinterlands. They believe they are “smarter”, more “educated”, more “sophisticated” … you name it … they’re “better” than anyone living in the flyover states or flyover provinces. I am sure they’ve never actually MET anyone in the middle of our countries. So, all they have is an Uneducated bigotted opinion. Oh … and a grotesque totalitarian leftist belief system.

    I pray that Canadian voters can pull off their own Trumpesque revolution. I honestly, fervently, pray that you can SAVE your beautiful country and culture. Watching your politicians commit National suicide is like watching your own brother develop a meth addiction. You watch a loved one DIE in slow motion, right in front of your own eyes … and can do very little about it.

    1. We don’t need a revolution, just a negotiated settlement. Something like,

      Dear Rest of Canada,
      We are not your slaves and we demand reparations from when you treated us like slaves. The NEP took in excess of 100 billion out of Alberta. We want it back. You have 90 days to return it. After that, all commercial traffic entering or crossing Alberta via road, rail, pipeline, or aircraft will be taxed with ‘Alberta Carbon Fees’ at a rate of 2500$ per tonnage in perpetuity. Alberta Oil and Gas will only be shipped to Sask or the US. It will be banned for shipment anywhere else in Canada.
      Thanks for your time,

      PS: this is our early, soft negotiating stance. It only gets harder from here.

      1. “PS: this is our early, soft negotiating stance. It only gets harder from here.”

        Correction: it only gets sillier from here.

        1. “When reason is declared to be illegal, you either vote liberal or go to jail.”
          Justin Trudeau

          Now, this would be sillier – but unfortunately, we are only a few feet on the slope away from this. He could utter that tomorrow and the media and his fan base would love him for it.

    2. Canadians will change nothing. The country has been marching down the socialist road for decades. Indoctrination has insured that well over 60% of all Canadians will vote the socialist line all time, every time. Canadians have never voted to repeal a tax, a law or anything else no matter how destructive it is to the national good. Albertans voted for the NDP, proving that they have slid into the socialist swamp. You are correct, the people of the country are committing national suicide, and they are too ignorant to realize it. I am an old man and will not live to see the eventual completion of the socialist complete control of every member of society but it is coming. I was a free man when I was a young man, I no longer am free because every aspect of my life falls under some form of bureaucracy. I have asked many people this question, tell me just what you can do that does not have the thumb print of government on it.

  2. Where the votes are is the same reason the lieberals are pushing more gun control on law abiding gun owners rather than go after criminals.

    Farmers and duck hunters do not vote liberal. Criminals do.

  3. In the CTV interview with Premier Moe, at 4.18, he missed the perfect opportunity to respond with a “just watch me”…

    and never forget, that the SCOC has set the constitution of Canada aside to make a political decision, that they someday will look back at in awe as to how wrong they were. Screw the SCOC. Screw them hard.

    1. “… he missed the perfect opportunity to respond with a “just watch me”… ”

      That same phrase came to mind. If ever there was a PM that could break up the country , small potatoes is the one.

      Its probably time for Sask and Alberta to become the 51st and 52nd states. Market access, less regulation, and beer that’s cheaper than bottled water. What more could one ask for.

      1. You mean the 58th and 59th States of Obama’s America … when he’s off the TelePrompTer

      2. Yeah … I agree … and believe that XTC got it entirely WRONG! We all COULD USE a big reduction in the price of beer …

        Dear God, hope you get the letter and
        I pray you can make it better down here
        I don’t mean a big reduction in the price of beer
        But all the people that you made in your image
        See them starving on their feet
        ‘Cause they don’t get enough to eat from God

        1. Well , we have a lot to drink about . The absurd thing is there is so many people in Saskatchewan and Alberta that believe is a pathway to change within Canada .

          1. Yes. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Canada is a failed state. To be Canadian, is to migrate to Jonestown at this point.

      3. “Its probably time for Sask and Alberta to become the 51st and 52nd states. Market access, less regulation, and beer that’s cheaper than bottled water. What more could one ask for.”

        Yeah, right.

        Alberta would become the 27th state by population, right after Kentucky. Saskatchewan would be 43rd, sandwiched between Maine and Rhode Island. You’d get two seats each in a 104-senator US Senate; Alberta might get six seats in the House of Representatives, Saskatchewan would get two. That’s out of over 440 seats (California alone has 53 of them).

        By way of comparison with the Canadian Parliament, Alberta has 34 out of 338 MPs and six senators out of 105; Saskatchewan has 14 MPs and six senators.

        Dream on if you think you’ll get a better deal in Washington. You’d just be replacing your “Central Canada bogeymen” with California and New York.

        1. the number of seats in the canadian parliament is moot as they have no power or influence and the gov. merely sees us as a bank to make withdrawals from and never having to pay it back.

          1. Thank you denis. This “country” was set up to enrich the centre. As it barely stands, “Canada” demonstrates it’s official belief in nothing; we change our anthem willy-nilly to accommodate those who would never sing an anthem in the first place.

            I’ve been waiting since 1980 for Albertans (and then Sask and Man/peopleToba) to wake up to this terrible fact that “Canada” hates us but LOVES our money … oh how they love it, especially as have agreed amongst themselves they never have to pay it back.

            Since “Canada” doesn’t like us except to f*ck us, why on earth would we want to be in such a battered wive situation … forever?

            1st draft MAGA: Majestic Alberta Great Alone

    2. Moe, like Wall before him, is a creature of the swamp. Entitled to his entitlements; just like every publuc “servant” since the beginning of time.

  4. If AB had more balls…they’d just turn off the gas and oil to BC. No warning nothing. Then when the feds go after them, they spring a surprise separation referendum. Having served in the “Army of the West”—I think you’d find a very willing bunch of soldiers to back the new country of AB.

    1. Excellent idea. It screws the Feds — certainly gets their attention– and screws BC as well. BC may decide to join the adults for once.

    2. When I was on my first arty officer course in Shilo, it was a mixed course of Franco and Anglo guys. One of the Franco guys was the son of a CO from a reg force unit back in Quebec. We ended up in a discussion about what would happen if Quebec seceded and we got into some kind of civil war. He said he would defend Quebec. I told him I’d happily kill him for betraying his oath to Canada (to the Queen).

      I’m proud of being part of the Army out here. I don’t see all of 3 Div suddenly volunteering to support secession (unless it was legal and approved). If it came to that, it would be a damn sad day. If that’s the way it has to be, then every Canadian should be ashamed for failing to find a better answer.

      1. Who said anything about not being loyal to the Queen? Why can’t an independent AB/SK be part of the Commonwealth and still have Queen Elizabeth and all her successors as its Head of State? It’s people with your kind of thinking that’s stopping AB and SK from being the masters of their own destiny (ies).

      2. All separatists – whether the Québec variety or the Alberta kind – are like spoiled, selfish children having a tantrum because they aren’t getting their own way.


        1. At this point, is the not a better description of the folks engaged in these antics in BC. They are the ones ignoring the rule of law and failing to respect the rights of another Province. Now the Quebecers have discovered that playing the separatism card is a great way to get what they want (time and again). Alberta, however has a legitimate beef. They have contributed much to confederation and having their economy screwed by a bunch of Yahoo’s (including Quebec when Energy East was being pursued), and by the Feds.

          1. In this pipeline brouhaha, I happen to be firmly on the side of Alberta. But I have no use for its yapping little secessionists.

            The Federal Government – if you can call the children’s crusade our Dear Leader is running in Ottawa a government – has failed the country.

        2. Yeah JJM…

          Have you any data points to make a convincing argument that remaining in “Canada” under many fed gov’ts with policies directed to undermine Alberta’s economic strength … while transferring billions and billions from the province to pay for what we can’t seem to afford here, is workable or sane? I know it’s great for “Canada” but what’s in it for Alberta?

    3. Everyone involved, Moe, Notely, Horgan, Trudeau, are all in cover butt, pass buck mode. Notice how everything is “if somebody does something, we may do something”. It is clear that no one wants to do anything; they only need people to believe that action is being taken.

      If Alberta actually wanted to take action, action would have been taken. Years ago.

  5. At least the Liberals still know how to party.

    Liberal MP facing sexual assault allegation

    An Ontario Liberal MP is facing an allegation of sexual assault following an incident in Halifax early Saturday morning.

    Halifax Regional Police are investigating the alleged assault they say happened just after 2 a.m. AT on Brunswick Street across from Citadel Hill in downtown Halifax, near where the Liberal Party policy convention was being held.

    1. Need one ask why? If it’s associated with that part of Quebec that supports the Little Prince, it’s automatically exempt.

  6. I wonder how the Liberal voters in Quebec are enjoying the influx of low life from across the 49th. Mr Dress Up seems to think he can invite them but not create any distrust in his beloved Quebec.
    How is this affecting the average Quebec resident?
