Big Red Button

I’m old enough to remember when global nuclear war was just a tweet away…

North and South Korea are in talks to announce a permanent end to the officially declared military conflict between the two countries, daily newspaper Munhwa Ilbo reported Tuesday, citing an unnamed South Korean official.


Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the confrontation.

And just like that, North Korea is no longer in the news.

29 Replies to “Big Red Button”

  1. WINNING! … the PEACE

    One “belligerent” Tweet at a time.

    Meanwhile … at a cocktail party somewhere in Brussels … John Fitzgerald Kerry is asking politelitely, in 7 different languages … “would you please pass the sweet and sour shrimp”

  2. … oops … I forgot to add …

    One PUNISHING sanction at a time
    One NEGOTIATED Chinese threat at a time

    Oh … and all the other “diplomacy” that has gone unreported by the NOT MY PRESIDENT media

  3. Could it be that appeasement of totalitarian arseholes doesn’t work, and that standing up to them and calling their bluffs — in short, speaking the only language they understand — is the more effective approach?

    1. Remember the warm and fuzzy Carter? A good and well meaning guy though not a presidential material where you need some nerve. Ruskis had no respect.

      Remember the irredeemable Reagan? A good and well meaning guy that insisted on straight talk (so to say). Insisted that they keep their word. Stood his ground with the Ruskis and brought them down. They had a lot of respect.

  4. So will the “Doomsday Clock” get set back to 7:28 PM? And by the way, is it set to Pacific or Eastern Standard time?

  5. The Romans knew it. Probably many before them. If you want peace, prepare for war.

    If you want endless war, and no possibility of living, vote Democrat/Liberal/Labor/socialist…

  6. I understand the elation at the possibility of peace, but don’t forget the Vietnam War, and the constant dragging of feet by the NV at the Paris Peace Talks. It is not peace until a deal is signed and a good deal, not a bad deal.

  7. And yet he handled it all wrong! Recently I shared a link from here detailing the failures of Comey in the Clinton investigation and the subsequent interference to the Trump campaign and election and why he deserved to be fired on Farcebook. It simply disappeared. I have also recently spoke with people who should know better and the are telling me about the terrible things Harper did . While imperfect he did the best job in my recollection and it is likely about as good as it gets . Now the FBI goes after Trumps lawyer . The danger in Canada and the U.S. isn’t from N.K. or Russians or Iran or China . It is within our borders .

  8. I’m old enough to remember the constant MSM (especially the CBC in Canada) reports on how President Ronald Reagan was going to be the cause of a nuclear war with the USSR.

    Oh, wait…what USSR?

    Thank you, President Reagan.

  9. North Korea has FREE healthcare, but Trumpy refuses to give free healthcare, instead he sides with greedy doctors and nurses!

    1. I prefer paying for effective health care rather than having to depend on free ineffective health care.

    2. Yes but “free (such ignorance) health care” in NK is defined as not getting shot by an AA gun.

  10. I credit Trump with the turn of events. All it took was a US president who convinced Rocket boy that the extortion game was over and utter devastation was at hand …

    So, Kim Un was facing total oblivion for real. China took note and realized that a devastation of NKorea would leak over to China in many ways.

    With China is on the verge of becoming the worlds leading economic power and possibly militarily as well … new thinking is taking hold. I believe the Chinese are now more dedicated to wealth and power than they are dedicated to propping up the fat boy’s nuclear extortion-machine and countrywide starvation of the people of NK.

    It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out …. But meanwhile let’s give credit to the no bullshit president of the USA, Donald Trump who is the most responsible person for this improving scenario in the Koran peninsula and China. The tariffs are working too. See what a difference a real AMERICAN president can make. Now, if we could get rid of our mindless Canadian puppet …

    1. “…get rid of our mindless Canadian puppet …”

      Let’s not settle for getting rid of just the puppet. More light must shine on Butts the puppeteer.

  11. Absolutely zero chance this happens. North Korea will demand some sort of highly unreasonable concessions from SK/US in return, which they will decline, and NK will then blame them for lack of peace. Thanks Trump!

    1. Could well be the most likely scenario, but at least they’re finally talking, which is at the least, grounds for hope. Thanks Trump.

    2. “Absolutely zero chance this happens.”

      Though I appreciate your central point that the Norks are not to be trusted, I think it quite likely to happen. We are not talking about any great concession here. Simply affirming what is already essentially the status quo.

      But let’s be clear, it sets up other possible ramifications, including withdrawal or at least a reduction of U.S. forces in Korea.

  12. With N Korea it was always pay now or pay later. Much cheaper to pay now even if it means turning it into a parking lot. Iran will also pay attention as will any other player contemplating the use of nukes. There has never been a weapon developed that was not put into use eventually and the greatest threat we face is not a land based strike, but rather a couple of EMP’s that would send us back to the stone age. That would be the goal of both NK and Iran. Being held hostage by nut cases is a bridge too far, and neither Reagan or Trump saw it as a viable option. Pay now or pay later,…… and then we can turn to the even bigger threat ,…… computer hacking our defenses and infrastructure. The first player to accomplish this will leave the opposition naked and afraid.. Brave new world.

  13. This is China trying to get Pres. Trump not to go so hard on reducing the trade deficit it has with China.

    The negotiations of the NORKS will drag on until Donald Trump is no longer President.

    China will then be close to taking control of all shipping traffic in the Pacific. This until it controls both South Korea, Japan, the Philippines … you get the idea.

    Things proceed according to their plans for the 21st Century. China’s dictator for life(Com.Party) has ambitions.

    At present, only President Donald J. Trump and Gen. (Mad Dog) Mattis (two alpha males) stand in their way.

  14. The only way the war can officially end on the Korean Peninsula is if Kim Jong-Un is dead.

    Did he die recently?


    Then prepare for war.

    Despots like him don’t walk away from absolute power even if the belligerent China is holding the leash. Once Moon gets an American withdrawal from South Korea, he will realise that his leftism has destroyed his country, a country that China will then own and Kim can continue being a bigger b@$#@rd than ever.

    1. well, seeing as you can’t count, and chickens, even the headless ones, are smarter than ewe……………………….

  15. Imagine. The prospect of the imperialist aggressors actually having the balls to blow a nuclear warhead up his fat arse if he didn’t grow up fast finally convinced Fatboy Kim to start bargaining in good faith with the lawful government of Korea.

    Don’t expect the human rights crowd to be the least bit grateful.
