11 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Warning printed on product package (cup) should be “Contains acrylamide which can cause cancer. If you are a rat and are force fed at least a thousand times as much of the stuff as a typical human consumes in a lifetime.”

    1. Person of no description… I just know they are trying to protect some alt-Reich white fascists!

    2. Those Lutherans have been causing so much trouble lately. Why won’t they racially profile all those Baptist shoe bombers?

  2. No one with any reasoning capabilities has ever lived, or went to California.

    If rational people lived in California:
    * all truck traffic in California would have stopped 20 years ago because of the diesel/emissions. Farmers would be walking with wheelbarrows full of almonds to the border, where trucks stopped and waited.
    * coffee would no longer be available in California, because selling it means you get sued
    * cars would no longer be sold in California, again, California standards
    * there would be no mechanics in California, because there would be nothing to repair

    California has been a lost cause since the 1960s. Just nuke the fault line, and slide it of the continent. It is still not as bad a place as Quebec tho.

  3. I have somehow, miraculously SURVIVED 62 years of exposure to gasoline fumes during every self-service pumping of gasoline, spraying of RoundUp, ingesting of barbecued food, two-cycle lawnmower, string trimmer, chainsaw … and now dark roast coffee. Guess I am just “lucky”, what with ALL those Prop. 65 “toxics” out there. Makes one wonder why CA hasn’t just declared itself a toxic-free, cancer-free Zone? And banned ALL substances other than organically-grown kale?

    But! As soon as I contract ANY form of cancer in ANY body organ, I will be dialing one of the dozens of toll-free numbers of shyster law firms promising $justice$$$$ for my infimity. Yes … if I just live long enough to contract a cancer somewhere … I will be $$RICH$$$ … filthy $$RICH$$$ (the weepy faced guy on TV told me so).

    1. I would have thought by now, that the ninth circuit would have convinced all business to move out of their jurisdiction. But, I guess thinking is part of the patriarchy. Or something.

  4. It’s worth noting that Prop 65 *kills*.

    If you go to the Santa Monica Pier there are Mexicans (illegally) fishing off the dock. Since minorities in California literally get away with murder, they aren’t even told to stop. Instead, social workers constantly warn them not to fish or eat the fish because many aren’t safe for consumption.

    But the same State also puts “this may give you cancer” signs at fast food restaurants and even THE ENTRANCE TO SHOPPING MALLS. So they’ve lost all credibility.

  5. Trial lawyers, eh? Making lots of money off a scam.

    And we continue to largely think, both in Canada and the USA, that these parasites make good legislators. Or worse, high ranking “civil servants”.
