What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Depopulationists rejoice.

The White House offered measured support for the idea of studying how to block sunlight from hitting Earth’s surface as a way to limit global warming, in a congressionally mandated report that could help bring efforts once confined to science fiction into the realm of legitimate debate.

The controversial concept known as solar radiation modification is a potentially effective response to fighting climate change, but one that could have unknown side effects stemming from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, some scientists say.

If this works, we could get the crop failures they’ve been striving for.

60 Replies to “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”

  1. We’re all going to die. Just not quickly enough to satisfy the Climate Nutters. This would/will be Covid-19 to the third power.

  2. Well, once the sun blocker is in place, Dementia Joe will be on top of the world, and free to wallow in his own crapulence.

  3. Mount Tambora pulled it off in 1815 with a volcanic eruption. The following year was known as “The year without summer”.
    Widespread crop failures and famines were the norm so you know what these effers have in mind.

  4. Pretty sure that would violate international law and treaties regarding geoengineering. Normally I would be in favor of a geoengineering solution, like fertilizing the ocean desert, but blocking sunlight is just really irresponsible, and not easy to stop when the effects become known.

    1. If the results become a runaway period of cooling … we may be Royaly Fkcued! Just because “we can” … doesn’t mean “we should”. I’ll take “Scientific Ethics” for $2,000.00 Alex. As in … we SHOUDN’T have been screwing with CORONA viruses either.

      1. But on the other hand other powers may consider it an act of war (Russia, China, India, etc.).

  5. The benefits of the Sun belong to all of us, the billions who live on planet Earth. The sun provides heat, light, plant growth and vitamin D to name a few essential benefits. The idea that a handful of megalomaniacs can decide to reduce the amount of the Sun’s energy reaching the Earth’s surface to manage the climate is insane.

    Any serious negative consequences (crop failures, immune system dysfunction, deaths from unnaturally cold temps, etc) that the megalomaniacs have been warned about but have chosen to ignore should be considered negligent homicide or premeditated murder. The first ones depopulated should be anyone associated with making these decisions or implementing the policies. “I was just following orders” will not be accepted.

    1. Watch the movie ‘ Snowpiercer ‘ and the TV series to get an idea of how bad things can get if these azzholes pull this off.

      1. It’s dangerous. Anyone who understands the impacts of The Little Ice Age or large volcanic eruptions should be concerned about the increasingly crazy ideas that are being discussed.

    2. Reply
      These idiots are going to try and block out the Sun.
      I can’t even imagine the freaking dipped shits trying to change a light bulb.

  6. I would be in favor of relocating these experts to an uninhabited island. The sooner the better.

  7. Any reference to “scientists” or “experts” should have scare quotes from now on. Just sayin.

    1. Notice how all the latest research findings etc, start with “top” as in Top scientist? Now that I’ve mentioned it you’ll spot it everywhere.

  8. Why not just move directly to “nuclear winter”?

    It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine…

  9. This is related. The imminent destruction of Dutch farms. Practically makes me ill to just read about their sinister plans. ” Food innovation hubs” will replace farms. These people (WEF and its minions) are maniacs. What can be done to stop this nonsense?  https://winepressnews.com/2023/05/16/eu-backs-plan-to-forcibly-sequester-thousands-of-farms-in-netherlands-to-achieve-climate-goals-replacing-supplies-with-food-innovation-hubs/

    1. LindaL: “What can be done to stop this nonsense?”

      Vitamin L comes to mind. I think the WEFers don’t get enough lead in their diet. The lack of lead sometimes causes continuing crazy ideas and behavior.

      Someone needs to inject some lead directly into their bodies. That will calm them down and they will no longer come up with those insane policies.

      BTW, agreed. The Dutch farmers need to hold firm. The WEFers are trying for population reduction via famine. If the weather won’t cooperate and provide a famine, then eliminating food production will do the job. Their policies aren’t actually crazy. They are just evil.

  10. Gain of function in geo-engineering, what could go wrong! I’ll bet Fauci is all for it. If you can get away with demonizing carbon on a planet where virtually all life forms are carbon-based, then yes, the Jimmy Jones cool-aid tonic will soon be mandatory.

  11. Easy. Just get rid of the catalytic converters on cars so as to produce carbon monoxide and not CO2 – back to the 60s and global cooling.

  12. If you were really worried about the sun’s rays, if you pulled a black plastic garbage bag over your head and sealed it up tight, wouldn’t that block them?

    Do you think there’s any chance my idea might make it to Popular Science magazine?

  13. Innocent question. Where do we take the Earth’s temperature to increase / decrease the sun-block?

  14. I have always told the left that controlling CO2 won’t do anything for the climate control .

    If you want to control the climate, control the sun.

    And good luck with that.

  15. This has all the earmarks of a scraggly coyote sending away for a giant tarp from Acme Supply Company.

    1. And then the roadrunner convoy says “Meep Meep” in Honking retort.
      Oh, and if Neil Oliver is correct that it is about 8 thousand (plus their useful idiots), then they all need to be at room temperature. That would relieve them of their nihilistic burden, and the rest of us could then breathe a collective sigh of relief.

  16. The White House is the Climate Change We’ve All Been Waiting For.

  17. The stupid…it hurts. All those solar panels are gonna be obsolete I guess because TPTB have a new and improved way to make us suffer the consequences of their idiocy

  18. So if this all goes sideways, what is their plan to reverse it all? Do any of these “geniuses” ever think about that?

    And why do any of these politicians feel that they have the authority to make these kind of globe-altering decisions? I recommend that their families be placed in escrow, and if these crazy plans don’t work, we can easily wipe their genetic code from the population.

    1. Amen! As Thomas Sowell observed, there’s no worse way of making decisions than leaving the decision-making up to people who pay no price for being wrong. We need to start holding people accountable, at gun-point if necessary.

  19. The best way to fight climate change is for NATO to keep escalating the Ukrainian war against Russia. An exchange of nukes will block the sun for a few years and wipe out 90% of humanity. Earth will cool and finally be able to regenerate. Who needs modern civilization anyways? I will miss smalldeadanimals though.

    1. okoto
      There will be truck loads of small dead animals if/when nuke winter is implemented !

  20. I dunno. Sounds too ridiculous (and I don’t mean that word in the way sports writers now use it) to happen. Can It be reversed if they do try it?

  21. my assumption is that this is the same group of people who thought releasing GMO mosquitos in florida and texas were a good idea, and then suddenly there was a outbreak of malaria

  22. I hope the upper class knows who will be held responsible for failure.. Any failure really, even natural variation.. Playing GOD on a planet full of religion is a dangerous dangerous game..

    Just look at the clot shot narrative that no amount of censorship can kill.. True / false hardly matters when people you don’t know are falling over dead.. But what if we are all starving?.. That narrative will bring a cruel revolution.. Play GOD and pay the price..

  23. Just read an article that stated a bag of coke was found on the WH grounds, that would explain this asinine idea?

  24. The arrogance, the moral rot, the absolute corruption of the ruling class is quite unbelievable.
    The ‘climate change’ scientology is obviously affecting the brain of increasing number of the politicians and the grey men. Those that are manipulating the politicians an are almost in real terms the puppet masters.
    It is obvious to anybody that cares see, that the current president of the US and prime minister of this country are utterly uncapable of running sensible government.
    There is something that is ruling these people, they are just a mouthpiece of the cabal that runs the world affairs.
    They obviously have no ideas of their own, no one person can be so demoralized, despicable, contemptible, appalling, so as to rule totalitarian rule in a so-called ‘democratic’ country.

    Perhaps the ill-fated part is that these same low life in high places will be elected again, possibly finish off the destruction of the current civilization in Europe and North America.

  25. Quick!
    Throw out another distraction,the peon’s are getting angry.
    We might have to re-invoke some old traditions.
    Shooting “Top Scientists” and their Bureaucratic Owners into the Sun..
    For “scientific reasons” of course.
    Their “sacrifice” will placate the Sun God,blessing us with “Peace and tranquility”..
    Well at least until the next lot forget the fate of their predecessors.

    I wonder if the Members of this cult,can be persuaded to dig shelters from the sun,in their backyards and places of work..And how much persuasion would be needed to convince them to fill the hole in over themselves?
    As Doomsday cults go,the Cult of Calamitous Climate,has all the earmarks.
    And ,because it is Demon Rat Type Parasites promoting and pushing the gullible to buy indulgences,would it be traditional to substitute K for C?
    Such cults of insanity appear to be the Demon Rats stock in trade.

    Still pissed off cause Lincoln freed their slaves.

    1. If Lincoln had lived things would be a lot different.
      He had Liberia and a constitution almost equal to the US one built for the return of the slaves back to Africa in huge numbers.
      He didn’t want them here, only the exceptional ones.
      Lincoln knew the score, he wasn’t the Great Emancipator everyone made him out to be.

      As it was he was right, Liberia turned out to be a shithole after all America did to prop it up.
