27 Replies to “Down The Primrose Path”

  1. Dr. Mercola had an article on this a couple of weeks ago. There is no accountability for money sent to the Ukraine, and the war itself is perpetuated because some people are getting rich. You bet, some of that largess will find its way to the pockets of Libersl insiders.

  2. So what you are saying is you support Ukraine joining the EU, so that they are forced to make anti corruption measures.

    If you want corrupt, look no further than Yanukovych.

    1. For corruption I’d look at Justin (e.g. SNC), Biden (Mr 10% or is it 50%?), and lot of US politicians who are multi-millionaires but it appears their sole income is their congressional salaries.

    2. “So what you are saying is you support Ukraine joining the EU, so that they are forced to make anti corruption measures.”

      Wrong. Ukraine doesn’t qualify for entry into NATO *because* of their rampant corruption. They would need to deal with that first, then apply for membership after proving themselves eligible. Good luck with that.

  3. Bottom line is:
    Never underestimate the idiocratic state of this once proud land (downfall starting with 70’s Trudeau senior) that has now become Canad’uh.
    Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, London, Ottawa and other leftard amalgamations will finish off the little we have left of freedom and self determination in this miserable northern nation of ours.

    Canad’uh is pretty much a very big but colder version of California…sanctimonious, Godless, faceless due in part by multiculturalism instead of melting pot approach and ultra stupid right down to the bone marrow.
    Yes, many of us are the Trucker type but many is not a majority…far from it.

    1. Don’t forget Greater Victoria, as nutty a political jurisdiction as any other in Canaduh. The people here are terrified of Covid, terrified of Glowbull warming, terrified of cars, just plain old terrified of everything their leftist political heroes are of as well.

      SHEEP. And they think THEY are the smartest ones. Remember, Lizard May represents many of these SHEEP, and espouses the same elitist, out of touch attitude.

  4. Buying heating oil from where ? Isn’t that going against the Green Initiative ? ‘Loan’ ? What loan ? It was a gift, with benefits.

      1. It will come from Russia. They will not let their brother Slavs freeze. Germans, however…

        1. “…brother Slavs…”

          Tell anyone west of russia that russians are their brothers and you will experience the joy of picking up teeth with broken fingers.

          1. Siberian Mongol Orcs have no brothers, certainly not among Slavs. Deal with it, or try my test in Poland for example, and see what happens.

    1. It’s a gift only if Turdeau delivers.

      The Turd has a long history of making big announcements.

      Sometimes he never delivers. Other times he repackages existing programs to make it look like new money.

      And in some cases the goods are so far into the future they are useless, but provide lucrative consulting contacts for Liberal friends to plan the implementation.

    2. I’m sure it’ll come from canadian refineries, and then suddenly those in Canada who need it will find it unavailable or at a much higher price

      Not answered, is the government printing the money to buy it, or borrowing it at 8%+

  5. Yep, where are our heroic defenders of Ukraine hmmm..?? Those sanctimonious lying moronic propagandists..??

    The article is bang on, and in my opinion doesn’t dig deep enough into the pile of Globalist Filth contained therein.

    Why and for what purpose were there some 26 Bio Labs, all run by senior ex military types from the US, Canada and elsewhere in charge..?

    Sure as hell, nothing to “help” mankind.
    The Billions have in my opinion been in part parcelled out to all who supported to send That NAZI POS our tax dollars.

    Corruption on a galactic scale.
    Anyone seen a rise in value of the Turds Foundation..??
    …and have ya noticed the nervousness of the WEF, Rothschilds et all in the very real likelihood of the Ukraine losing. It’s their playground….

  6. However…Canadians, fully glued to CBC would never ever once consider that there anything untowards going on with money that’s sent to Ukraine
    …. ” think the children”….Fly yer little yellow/blue flags.

    This country is beyond broken. Country of arrogant MORONS. 85% with Mass Formation Psychosis…(OCD on steroids), manically self testing daily if not twice.

    & Don’t even get me going on the Lower MAOland….that place is literally screaming for the Big One.

    Alberta had better Leave this cesspool…sooner than later.

    1. What a bizarre notion. How on Earth do we “owe” that corrupt kleptocracy anything?

      1. Civilized people killing orcs and doing civilization a favor, we owe them. If you don’t feel allegiance to civilization that is on you. I am happy Ukraine is getting support. For the first time in a long time this government is doing one small thing right. Can’t wait how they are going to f*** it up.

        1. So it’s a good thing Putin invaded then, so more Russians could die.

          Very interesting. Completely retarded, as usual from you, but interesting anyway.

        2. You must be a proud graduate from the Cathy Newman School of Argument.

          Anyway, we owe Ukraine for the great service they are doing to humanity and the terrible price they are paying. We’re in their debt.

  7. When Justin Trudeau; or anyone in the Liberal Party for that matter, refers to a country as “corrupt”….

    That is Liberal speak for, “We didn’t get our cut?”

  8. 3M Foreign aid: Mercedes, Monuments and Machine guns.

    None of the money gets to the intended.
