14 Replies to “Topp Hits Ottawa”

  1. And CTV news has compiled a list of those Conservative MPs who have met with Mr.Topp.
    “Yah…vee are joost dooing our job”.

  2. Everyone who talks to him will be charged with counseling mischief while our Lord Of The Flies government funded media dance and howl in a bizarre ecstasy of rage because someone dared question their master.

  3. News (sewer) channels keep pushing for ‘so-called’ prefix, to suggest it’s not about freedom. Why not ‘so-called honorable’ for all Libranos in high gov positions?

  4. More opportunistic fake conservatives Libcons all took pay raises, all voted for mandates & are hypocrites.

  5. aaaand Emergency Act 2.0 in 8 . . . 7 . . . 6 . . . 5 . . .

  6. Canada is not a serious country and the people are terminally stupid. Not much longer folks, and you will get what you wanted. You sure as hell won’t like it.

    1. But, but, free stuff!

      How stupid are Canadians? 60% still believe the MSM. A survey found that percentage of sheeple in Canada say Xiden Zhou is a great leader.

  7. The few CPC MP’s that attended would do well to pay attention to Dr Paul Alexander’s FACTS.
    We’ll see.

  8. From what I can ascertain,The Ponce will be out of the Country on Canada Day.
    Seems highly suspicious when a freedom rally is planned for Ottawa that very day.
    Maybe even some with trucks.

  9. Viva did a great interview of James.
    He is an incredible, focused man.
    He is gaining attention and support. He has also organised all the “fringe minority” into an alliance/coalition to be more effective.
    Canandian Citizens Coalition.
    Some members are Police for Freedom, Frontline Nurses, Vets for Freedom.
