13 Replies to “Yet Another Deplorable with “Unacceptable Views””

    1. And that worthless POS our Prime Minister says….

      Lets Go Trudeau!

      Meant from the heart (you know, where the economy grows from)!!

  1. Thank you for your continued in depth coverage of this truly historic and remarkable event.

  2. “I escape from China …”

    is sounding an awful lot like … “I escape from Canada”. Your Dear PM Leader does admire the ChiComs basic dictatorship.

    Your PM has totally lost the plot. Can you call another snap election? Now … might be a perfect time …

    1. We could if the opposition voted against a bill in parliament. A non-confidence vote, but hey, commies gotta commie and the NDP commies and the Block head commies will support the liberals.

  3. Mainstream bigotry in precis, from my Facebook:
    **Note to the wokeidiots, these are direct twitter quotes, no need to factoid check them or reassign them to your “truthiness.”**

    Please submit evidence here or tarnish yourself as the prejudiced. _____________________________. This is leadership?

    PM Trudeau: “I want to be very clear: We’re not intimidated by those who hurl abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless. We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. And we won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism, or dishonour the memory of our veterans.”

    Yes very clear; and revealing – of you and your ignorant arrogance.

    NDP Leader Singh: “And today, Conservative MPs have endorsed a convoy led by those that claim the superiority of the white bloodline and equate Islam to a disease.” Is some intolerance acceptable? Substantiate, clarify or apologize.

    Plus he’s really mad at his brother for giving money to the truckers, especially the immigrant racist ones who fled classist tyranny.
