77 Replies to “October 22, 2021: Reader Tips”

    1. Some years ago, a newspaper headline asked the question: “What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath?” The answer, then and now, remains the same: None. There is virtually no difference between psychopaths and politicians.
      More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than gun violence and organized crime, the U.S./Canadian/Alberta government has become a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.

  1. *
    yeah, i’m kinda partial to hearing critical race theory
    explained in the original german… like coke classic.


    1. Critical theory came out of the “Frankfort School”, who were a bunch of Jewish academics at Frankfort University in Germany, who ended up at the University of Chicago after Hitler kicked them out. So the original language would have been Yiddish, if it were spoken in academic circles

      1. What was worse was that they were nihilists. They only cared about destroying western civilization and were ambivalent about what replaced it, if anything.

  2. Thought of the day – We live in a country where you can get an MRI for your dog nearly immediately but a human may wait months. It doesn’t matter how many resources you have if you don’t manage them properly. Which brings this question to mind – Is it really a negative to call Ivermectin horse dewormer given the fact animals get much more timely care than people? (serious sarcasms )

    1. Ivermectin, an effective parasite drug and an effective antiviral. Over 3 billion does have been given to humans and unlike the vaxxes, it actually does work. Today many people do not grasp sarcasm.

    1. So were they tricked into voting for a wolf in sheep’s clothes, or was she open about it before the election? This is either grounds for recall, or a case of getting what you ask for? If they’re getting what they asked for, the oil companies should leave and stop selling fuel in Calgary.

      1. Spoke with a buddy of mine couple days back who lives in Cowtown. He noted there was no mention of this in her campaign whatsoever.

      2. CUPE and other public sector unions were instrumental in promoting this new disaster. Corruption runs very deep here.
        Even Elections Calgary went so far as to run an ad for her. Sure, they didn’t mention her by name – they are “non partisan” after all – but essentially rattled off her campaign platform.

        Her record as a councillor should have stopped people from voting for her. However, brain dead sheeple don’t bother remembering or checking into that. Prospective voters should have to take an intelligence test before being allowed to vote. But then, they wouldn’t vote for commies.

      1. Maybe the $2 million should go to training the cities plumbers. But no, real problems can’t be fixed. The obvious answer is more supervision.

        1. But there’s always money to enforce masking and gunk passports, right?

        2. The Mayors are weirdos. I can’t wait to see more squandering from Silly Hall here in Calgary. The ugly artwork was enough to turn anyone off.

          1. You’re absolutely correct about the mayors. Every mayor everywhere; led by mayor lightweight in Chicago. But we inch ever closer to rioting in the streets, which one would expect to prompt a reaction.

      1. roaddog, oil was 147.00 a barrel in 2014 and gas 1.41 a liter. Amazing how the dollar has lost it’s eh.

        1. VOWG,
          And in 2019 we were energy independent. Now its considered leadership when our influential President encourages Russia and the Saudis to produce more oil. Spinning Barack’s limpest meme, the demented clown is Leading From His Behind.

          1. As I said, isn’t liberal socialism grand. Now if only people were smart enough they would take action against the insanity and remove it from their midst.

  3. Some more Kommissar-X movies. Unfortunately, they’re not as good as the other ones I mentioned.

    First, there’s Death is Nimble, Death is Quick (Drei gelbe Katzen):


    Part of it looks like it was influenced by Dr. No. For some reason, there are several minutes in which there’s no English dubbing, so the dialog’s in German.

    Then there’s Kill Panther Kill (Drei blaue Panther) (yeah, the number 3 appears in a number of the titles):


    This one’s good for a giggle as it’s set in Canada during Centennial Year. There are scenes of Calgary, including the Stampede, as well as Expo 67. See how many landmarks you can recognize.

    I gathered that this genre of European-made movie has garnered its own collection of fans.

    1. Expo 67? How quaint…good stuff. I’m in! Thanks. The Centennial year seems like it was a century ago.

      1. The parade shown during the opening credits might bring back memories for some SDAers. I recall seeing some of the landmarks from when I worked near downtown Calgary during the late 1970s. Watch for the marching band from Vernon, B. C.

        1. The movie “Kill Panther Kill” (Drei blaue Panther) was interesting in that the main feature of the movie was definitely the various familiar locations.

          For example, The Stampede Parade was nice to see (in color) because Canadians mostly watched it on TV at home in that era. Ditto, the Stampede itself.

          From personal knowledge, the public telephone scene was somewhat inaccurate as once an Operator got red light signals that a phone call was ended by both parties they immediately disconnected the lines at the Phone Company if it was a toll call. One couldn’t get the ‘called number’ from the Operator after one hung up the phone, it was something not usually divulged for privacy reasons.

          Except for the L.A. scene, the Waterfall scene and the Brick Factory scene (well done with the shoot-out) I recognized that The Brick Company was located on the south Shore of Montreal, then considered to be a suburb if the City.

          I recognized the Chateau Champlain Hotel, also the Anglican Church nearby.

          Also other landmarks like the Jacques Cartier Bridge, Mount Royal or maybe Westmount lookout, and of course everything at Expo ’67.

          One thing, about the Mansion, I’ve seen that place from the outside but I can’t place it. The inside shots were likely done elsewhere.

          Lastly what Clothes and Hairstyles, Suits, Footwear and Jewelry– they were the real thing!

          What a flick, thank- you!

          What do you mean by your statement in parenthesis?
          As follows: “yeah, the number 3 appears in a number of the titles ”

          And what is the significance of the marching band from Vernon, B.C. that you wrote about?

          1. You’re welcome. Bet you didn’t think that Calgary and Montreal would be considered to be “exotic” locations, eh?

            “Drei”, by the way, is three in German. Maybe its use in a number of the movie titles was a gimmick on the part of the author of the original novels or the screenwriters.

            I sort of recognized some of the Calgary landmarks shown during the opening credits, such as the parkade that had the large Texaco sign. If I recall correctly, that was still around in the late 1970s and was located on the north side of what was the downtown section.

            As for the Vernon band, you can tell that they were from B. C. because of the B. C. Fruit Growers emblem on the side of the bass drum. (Maybe I recognized it because I grew up in B. C. and often saw it after school started when stores sold the Okanogan harvest.)

            Of course, that was when that part of the province actually grew apples, which was well before many of the orchards were converted into vineyard.

          2. Ah, that explains it! You’re most observant where I missed those things completely, not knowing about those things won’t make them stand out.

            One thing I forgot to write about is that I think those Expo 67 scenes were likely filmed before school was out for the summer holidays and filming took place on weekday afternoons.

            In the heat of summer there were larger crowds and weekends were always very crowded. One couldn’t get a table at the many Cafe locations without lining up. Also, ditto, with the various International Pavilions. The wait times were as long as one hour or more if word got out that a particular place was most interesting.

            I didn’t wait for anything and went at off hours with my friends because we all had Season Passports which meant one could go for a short time, everyday.

            Too bad we were too young though– boyfriends were verboten and the best looking place was the German Beergarden which was hopping with a loud band. We were underage and looked it. Not even lipstick and falsies would’ve worked, ha ha! So you know what we did? We sat on the long park benches provided outside and listened to the lively music blaring from the inside!

            When we were of age, finally, years later, we made up for it and went to the famous German Beer Garden in downtown Montreal and finally got our share of the fun. It was good to be an adult. No falsies and one ate one’s lipstick right off– if it wasn’t kissed right off!

          3. Your comments about the telephones were interesting, particularly after listening to the phone phreaker’s recordings I referred to two or three months ago.

            Keep in mind that the movies were made in Europe and were set in Canada. It could be that what was in the script was describing acceptable practices over there at the time but one mustn’t rule out artistic license, either. After all, getting bogged down due to telephone company regulations might not have gone over well with audiences.

            Also, one goof in the movie was when one of the characters was reading a handwritten note. I don’t remember what it said, but it was in German….. in a French-speaking city….. in a country where English is one of the official languages.

            Details like that are often missed by writers and directors. Movie buffs often have fun finding them.

          4. Aye, aye, movie buff!!
            I bet you the actors from this film went for a few at the aforementioned Beer Hall after filming everyday.

            We used to observe all sorts of people staggering out of that place, laughing their heads off.

            The short scenes in movies that occasionally feature a bit with the Phone Company (i.e., the “Operator” or otherwise) always intrigue me. Any inaccuracies are irrelevant, I agree.

  4. Here’s something odd that I researched today just for my piece of mind with the fluctuating fuels prices.

    The rates are determined by the Government of Canada and are set annually on April 1st, currently the rates on all propane is 3.10 cents per litre, rising to 7.74 cents by 2022.

    I just had a tank refilled a couple weeks ago and I was charged the same price as all year.
    Who’d of thought those government contracts could be keeping me warm instead of fluctuating with the world prices.

  5. I have to laugh when I hear it said, “The revolution will happen when….” Always, it will be somebody else rising up in revolt.

    The revolution will only happen when the children go hungry. As long as the government keeps the children fed no one will rise up about anything.

    Does everyone in government know this? I suspect not. All it takes is a crucial few to make a few decisions to keep the food moving until one day—and some of us see the day approaching fast—there will not be enough food. Observe Venezuela. Yet, there must be enough food for the children since there is no uprising, or not enough for an overthrow.

    Canada/USA are heading there, but the children are still fed and the grocery stores are filled with overweight people.

  6. The Trudeau cult’s Toronto Star reports on another genocide against Indians. Ontario NDP MPP is demanding free menstrual products at Indian schools.

  7. Here is a second open letter from health professionals in BC. (The health authorities in BC apparently did not responded to the first open letter. ) The facts presented are well documented, and the questions being asked are relevant and important. More people need to become aware of the information about the vaccines that is being withheld from the public about vaccine contents, questions about effectiveness and negative side effects that are not being acknowledged. I found some of the information here to be quite shocking:

    1. I take the guard of my skill saw, I could get arrested too.
      Loved my angle grinder without the guard.
      It’s what killed one of my job sites that were very inventive in making log products.
      Regulations on guard on tools with heavy fines by our government officials safety inspections.

    1. I know my canine step-brother’s crazy about ice cream.

      I remember when, after my mother died, my father came to Edmonton. The little guy was with us when we stopped at a burger drive-through and got lunch. When the attendant saw him in the cab of the truck, she asked if, perhaps, my father wanted some ice cream for the critter.

  8. It turns out that the U.K. police knew that the jihadist who murdered Sir David Amess was an ISIS supporter and had been planning for years to kill an MP, but did nothing until the murder had been carried out.

    “British police on Thursday charged a 25-year-old Londoner with stabbing a lawmaker to death in a church, a case that has raised fears about the safety of elected politicians.

    Prosecutor James Cable told the court that Ali Harbi Ali, the son of an ex-media adviser to a former prime minister of Somalia, was an ISIS supporter who had for years planned to kill a member of Parliament.”


    1. If anybody is worried about pronouns, maybe they should be told “you/she/it”.

    1. When a population is easily brainwashed, and an authoritarian government takes advantage of that, the courts won’t protect rights. The Charter is meaningless.

  9. A nice rendition by Melissa Ethridge’s partner (in singing only?) …

    But what makes the Dusty Springfield original so unique and puts her in the Pantheon of Female singers is HOW she sings so quietly, and effortlessly. She’s almost whispering the song with a fake southern drawl (unknown in her London birthplace).


    You want to judge the true quality of a pure, talented, vocalist … listen for how they sound at the lowest volumes. Lots of people can scream in tune … but few can hold and shape notes at barely a whisper and still command the song. Dusty’s deliberate ‘whispering -breathless- style’ of singing Son of a Preacher Man gives her voice a husky undertone and endless personality. I could listen to her sing this over and over and over.

    1. They’re mainly after anything that offers a mega bucks salary and fully indexed pension from what I see here in Calgary.

    1. Excellent- we hadn’t heard too much from them. The writing is on the wall, the world governments have gone mad.

    2. The EU lives on tourism. And business has been pretty shitty the last couple years.

      Let em all starve for all I care. Passport or not.
