In The Future, Everyone Will Be A Terrorist For 15 Minutes

Because you just never know when they might take down a plane: While Blair could not provide specific intelligence gathered that led to the inclusion of the Proud Boys on the terror list…

Reaction: After initially reading the NDP’s online petition calling for Tarrio’s Proud Boys to be banned and designated a terrorist organization, I admittedly had to scratch my head and wonder: was this really the same group Taylor had told me was more of a drinking club than a force of destruction?

It’s a stupid reaction, but he gets the conclusion right.

Remember, in Canada we offer $10 million dollar prizes for this stuff.

57 Replies to “In The Future, Everyone Will Be A Terrorist For 15 Minutes”

  1. So a group that has performed no terrorist acts in Canada is put on the list, but indians who trash and blockade roads and railway lines are not. Meanwhile police in London Ontario are investigating regarding a number of businesses being vandalized with anti-Semitic slogans. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the large muslim community in that city. It must be all those Nazis running rampant in Canada.

  2. Ah, I thought it was just me, that being a Patriot of your Country is illegal.
    And you must hate your Country to be a politician and that is legal.

    Is it any wonder nobody is taking our media and politicians seriously anymore?
    The Americans learned this lesson some time ago…
    We are just slower to

  3. It’s all politics, completely cynical and manufactured in the hopes they can next pin it to O’Toole.

    1. Sorry Kate for my reaction.
      Any group can pick a name that can be used for evil purposes such as the search I did on this group.
      I am so used to the media beating down any group associated to President Trump and they tend to interweave stories that it is difficult to know what is true and what is false.
      Our government doesn’t have a good track record with our veterans as well.

      Our government should stay out of picking political enemies as it tends to backfire and caused more damage than if they stayed out of it.

      1. Well, if the Proud Boys changed their name to RCMP, or the OPP, that would make things interesting.

    2. The truly disconcerting part of that is many dyed in the wool Progressives Conservatives arrogantly and ignorantly disrespect anything related to Donald Trump, Fox or the GOP, consulting only Canadian highly biased news sources, ignoring Western Canadian support for him, adopting CNN speak through CBC and the other big government charlatans.

      They really believe that. My advice to them is look in the mirror, an ignorant arrogant Grit is staring back.

      The real tragedy is these mugs think if they disavow Trump et al and go along with the attacks on the Rebel, or kick members out of caucus for a $133 donation actually believe they won’t have exactly the same DeMarxist tactics used on them by Grits.

      The first domino fell today. Will O’Toole and the blue bloods cower at the first slime of Trump, or the Rebel, or accusations of white supremacy. They have before, witness how they knuckled under over gay pride parades and their former leader.

      I want no part of any Conservative or other politician who accepts nonsensical notions of white supremacy or systemic racism.

      They are surrender monkeys plain and simple, oblivious to what the Trump movement was about, how it applies to the Canadian experience, will never contain out of control statism, and offer no alternative to the corrupt apparatchiks now in power. If that holds, as I believe it will, Canada will split up at the ON, MB border, and I am on board with that.

      Denying or ridiculing the real threat western separation, by further alienating and feeding that cause, is what statists do.

      Remember how close a dilettante name Parizeau came within a .5% of pulling QC out of Canada, thanks to Chretien’s negligence. Don’t worry be happy. That will happen, but from a separate nation.

      1. I agree Antifa and BLM are disgusting and dangerous organizations certainly worthy of membership on a terrorist list.
        But are they relevant to Canada? Are there local chapters? Just asking, I don’t know one way or the other.
        I say pick your targets well instead of a scatter gun approach. Leftists throw shit against the wall hoping some sticks.
        Don’t do what they do.

        1. Black Block = Antifa

          Wake Up

          How about the International Sikh Youth Federation, Jagmeet?
          How about the Tamil Tigers.

          Oh yeah, they are officially approved members of the Liberal Party……

          1. Canadian Black Bloc? Another “terrorist” organization I’ve never heard of because they haven’t done shit.
            Wearing face masks and carrying weapons describes all the collectivist idiots.
            Speaking of terrorist organizations.
            Is the Canadian Arab Federation, once headed by the the now federal Minister of Transport on the “list?”

            “Citizenship and Immigration told the federation in March 2009 that statements made by its officials appeared to be anti-Semitic and supportive of terrorist groups.”

            The department’s letter said this raised serious questions about the federation’s integrity and had undermined the government’s confidence in it as an appropriate partner for delivery of services to newcomers.”


    1. Or the Wet’n’Sweatin’s. Oh, I forgot, opposing a pipeline or blocking a railway is good for Mommy Gaia.

  4. I nominate the Federal Liberals for inclusion on the list. They’re terrorizing the populace every day (though many aren’t aware of this)!

    1. I second that the LPC be included on Canada’s terrorist list for working as an arm of the CCP and against the people of Canada.


      1. Seeing how Trudeau relaxes his sphincter with great anticipation at the sight of anything CCP, I can well imagine that they told him to put the Falun Gong next on Jackboot Blair’s terrorist group list.

  5. So anti-political correctness along with skin color is enough to put you on a terror list?
    Wow I knew many progressives where educated morons but to be shown its indeed so, is well…sad.
    What a country we have become.
    Looks like the bottom is not far from being found.
    And they just keep getting away with their nonsense.
    What a bunch of intolerant hypocritical good for nothing, busy bodies.

  6. “While Bill Blair could not provide specific intelligence….”

    Well now, there’s an obvious statement of truth if I’ve ever heard it.

  7. Calm down folks.
    While the PPC is a distraction that splits the CPC votes, Erin & his Canada’s Cuckservatives will save us all.

  8. I don’t know enough about the proud boys to necessarily defend them; however, this moves the bar in an extremely worrying fashion. They’ve gone from terrorists who actually conduct acts of terror to “combatting ideologically-motivated extremist sentiment”.

    So now words are terror? But obviously not all words, just words the left doesn’t like.

    1. Be very afwaid-wascally wabbit.
      Fooking nonsense.
      Not the Toronto 18? Or that van driver?Whats-his-nuts, the bro of the scarboro shooter, who happened to have the largest cache of fentanyl seized? Or Montreal Poly shooter?

  9. So, as I am occasionally proud of something, and am a male, often colloquially referred to as a boy, I guess that makes me a terrorist.

    C’est la vie.

    1. If being proud makes one a terrorist, what about all those who participate in a certain type of parade? You know, Prinz Dummkopf’s type of people?

  10. Off hand, I can’t think of a better way to create a violent insurrectionest than to falsely accuse them of something.

  11. I will adding “Assault Style Liberal Politicians” to my terrorist list as the blithering evil of the likes of Bill Blair truly terrify me.
    To be playing cynical political games with what was once a very serious charge,tells you just how malicious these fools in our government are.
    Third amendment to the constitution of our new country;
    Such creatures shall be exiled,shot on sight if they return.
    When government issues such edicts with such contempt for due process,they are the enemies of the people.
    Now if,as per the covid edicts,the government has declared war on every civil liberty the citizens ever thought they had..Does that qualify them as terrorists?

  12. It’s obvious that they wish to create the conditions that create an incident that will give them justification to go full Gestapo. This is provocation. And it won’t have to be a very serious incident.

  13. The Sikh leader of the NDP was just on CTV ranting that Proud Boys are running rampant in Canada. Funny, the biggest act of terrorism was Sikh terrorists blowing up that plane of Canadians.

      1. Ah, yes indeed. But let’s remember how justice in Quebec works for one of their ‘proud boys’ like Paul Rose the social worker.
        How many schools still honour Pierre Laporte these days. Dead Lives Don’t Matter.

  14. A while back when I heard disparaging remarks about the Proud Boys I looked them up. They were being called violent, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, white supremacist, Fascist and Nazi. Wow! Clearly the scum of society! But their website welcomed all races, creeds, religions (or lack thereof), anyone and everyone who was a man, who was sick and tired of the assault on our civilization by the radical left. Pictures of them showed a lot of white men, but also non-white. There was video of a black man explaining their purpose. They did not support violence but were prepared to defend themselves against violence rather than run away. And the few instances I could find that they had been violent were indeed in self defense against ANTIFA.

    They aren’t terrorists, they’re anti-terrorists.

    1. “they aren’t terrorists, they’re anti terrorists”, Kind of like Antifa ain’t fascist. Get with the program, if it’s against the left’s agenda, it’s terrorist okay! Oh, and don’t you dare complain.

    2. I am finding that even our searches is being altered in our media views and some pictures may not match to who has done this damage as our media wants us of the true news…CNN…
      Ah, I crack myself up…
      I see they have no breaking news anymore on what Trump did and sinking like the Titanic in ratings.

  15. The Regime Media hack in Macleans, with the old-stock Canadian name of “Adnan R. Khan,” describes the Proud Boys being set up as “a fight club for angry white men,” and then classifies them as white supremacists, yet fails to inform the reader that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, whom he mentions 3 separate times, is a black man.

    Stop lying, Adnan R. Khan.

  16. I had to look up the entries on that list because I had not heard of most of them.

    If these people were dangerous and prone to terrorist attacks (like Khalistani separatists or al Qaeda or the Khadrs or ISIS child rapists or Boko Haram) then wouldn’t everyone know about them?

  17. Fine. So be it.

    Good men who fight for their country and civilization will be called terrorists anyway, so they may as well get on with striking genuine terror into the hearts of men who only do the decent thing when struck with heart-stopping, bowel-emptying terror of certain, painful death if they refuse.

    Consider that Israel only continues to exist because the Israeli government credibly threatened to unleash the Soviet nuclear arsenal against the financial capitals of the western world, reminding the genteel Jew-haters of the world that this time, their bankrolling of Jew-murder would have consequences.

    If what Americans have to do to get their country back is beg or borrow a small nuclear device from the Russian Federation and set it off on Wall Street or near Capitol Hill, warning of more of the same if the globalists do not yield all the powers of government they usurped from the people, so be it.

    All I ask is that they try to get a small nuke for the benefit of the capital of Chinada Province as well. Nothing of value will be lost by blowing urban Ottawa to radioactive ash. Trust me, I live there.

  18. Related news: Kyle Rittenhouse has gone on the run.

    The kangaroo court charged with finding an excuse to condemn him to many years as the sex slave of big black lifers is unable to locate him.

    1. Or he has been disappeared to prevent the gong show his trial will be for the narrative.
      For while he has been convicted by the Media Drones,he has yet to see a jury of his peers and a real court with rules of evidence.
      From what we know,a jury would likely find his act of shooting righteous and justifiable.
      Can’t have that happen.
      Not during the International Year of Lying.

  19. Like everything in Turdholeland some groups are more equal then others and the same “logic” applies to Terrorists as well.
    Some terrorists like convicted terrorist Omar Khadr the muslim terrorist gets rewarded 10 million taxpayer dollars for killing Canadians and Americans and is treated as a hero by the CBC and the CCP/LIberal Party and the extremists and racists of the NDP.
    Then you have another group that are labeled as “terrorists” by the same muslim terrorist sympathizers in the CCP/LIberal Party although this group have not committed any terrorist acts, but are presumably, white skinned therefore, white supremacist.
    The “Proud Boys” should actually convert to Islam and start committing terrorist acts then they will be rewarded by the State instead of punished.
    Some terrorists are more equal then others, only in Turdholeland.

  20. Had a look at their page when Parler was up – pretty much in line with the 10 Commandments and The Golden Rule.
    Difference was, they were less likely to turn the other cheek.

    1. IMO when Jagmeet Singh refused to condemn the Sikh terrorist responsible for the Air India bombing he disqualified himself from ever making declarations about who or who is not a terrorist.
      Well done for pointing that out in this thread.

  21. Interesting. I thought we were supposed to get rid of “plastics” and curb our use of oil.
    What’s styrofoam made out of and isn’t that a plastic thingy of mootarde? He should have included the plastic knife, fork, spoon most likely included, in another plastic thingy. All made from “oil”, by the way.

  22. So will the canadian spokesmen for the Proud Boys get $10.5 million dollars out of this?
    Cause Justine sure loves him some terrorist,especially if it is bearded butch and answers to Omar.

  23. What prevents the federal Lieberals from adding to the terrorist list any western party that wants the same treatment as Quebec or wants to separate entirly from Canada?

  24. Yes, pretty soon all non-leftist, non-woke, hetero white males will be designated terrorists.

    1. The British banned Sinn Fein, and we all know what happened from there.

      I predict that now they have been labelled “terrorists”, the real fun is about to start.

      As long as they are targeting the organs of state tyranny, and not Joe Public, I don’t think I or my family have anything to fear from them.

      But if I were a Fed, right now I’d be starting to get nervous. Parking garages are large, dark, lonely places. Commuter trains are crowded, noisy places. Fed offices are large and clearly marked. And why assume Proud Boys doesn’t have warfighting ex (heck even current) military members? Drones and mortars are easy to get. And what, now, will Canadian anti-terror sweeps look like?

      “Troops. With guns. On our streets” ….

      1. In 5 years’ time, the Canadian army and police will be sitting down with PB, asking them for help and advice with recruiting.

        Last I checked, they are short of recruits. I mean if you are a young, male, working class lad, why WOULDN’T you be tripping overyourself to join the Canadian Forces, who have pretty much admitted they hate your gender, your demographic, and your race? I mean going into battle under the command of Sue who used to Bob, and having Ahmed as a platoon sergeant, who may or may not be pro-ISIS, no one is really sure. Sounds like a great deal.

        If Putin is smart, this is his moment to fund and equip an anti-government insurgency on North American soil, and look pretty good doing it.

        As long as PB don’t do anything stupid, like blow up a train or an apartment block, they will win this war, if they are serious about it.

        The Canadian State is a pathetic, fractious, joke of a post-nation state. It is ripe to get its front door kicked in by a hardcore, disciplined, trained bunch of “freedom-fighters”.

        Yes, being involved with Urban COINops during the Cold War HAS given me leave to speak on these matters. If PB is who the government says they actually are, then the government is pretty fucked now.
