33 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: We’re All Gonna Die”

  1. None of our “experts” or “scientists” have velocities mapped our planet.


    So the science sucks and is fake news with their climate science.
    Water changes north at the 48 latitudes due to less centrifugal force.
    No glaciers along that line of latitude.
    The Suns orbital gases give us our atmosphere as it compression past our planet.

  2. A fact that won’t be reported:

    Hectares destroyed by forest fires in Canada were down a whopping 92% from a ten year average in 2020.

    1. Last I looked that 92% decline was only current to Sept and hadn’t been update and so it shouldn’t be quoted for the entire 2020 year …. check that it is updated to year end.

      Also what kind of drugs is jojo on? Dogboy is posting nonsensical gibberish.

      1. Our scientists missed the exhaust our Sun generates in order to give us light and heat. There is a great deal of friction in space which rotates, shapes and traps our atmosphere to the planet surface.
        Take a moment in time and our light takes 8.2 minutes to reach our planet on a direct route.
        Heat/radiation takes 2.2 days on a slightly curved route.
        And the exhaust/ friction takes 66 days at an orbital route.
        One side of our planet receives slightly more velocity than the far side generating our orbs rotation.
        Gases friction keeps our orb shape and holds our atmosphere down.
        Easily to measure and check these calculations.

        1. Jojo ur sun exhaust is about as intelligent as your gasoline from water with octane added comment.
          Wow …. simply wow!! Friction in a vacuum …. please explain how that works????
          And u might want to look at gravity & the atmosphere.

          Where did u get ur BSc … just curious?

          1. Not hard.
            You don’t see the wind or the oxygen that you breath but you feel its effects and live by its intake in your lungs.
            Your right that our space has a vacuum but it still is full on minute particles, meteors, asteroids, rocks and debris.
            My models work in showing how our orb is shaped, rotated and caught in a stream of particles at 5 1/4 velocities that whiz past our planet keeping us in a stable orbit.
            As for the gasoline, steam is added which is fine water particles braking up the oil into products that we can use.

      2. Wish we had the weather for a forest fire here on the west coast last 4 months.. looking like mud slides might be up this year.

  3. So you see, facemask-wearing reduces net human-caused increases in water vapor somewhat negating the anthropogenic impact of blah blah blah blah…

    When can we finally admit we have no idea what the weather/climate/ocean/tectonic plates are going to do more than, say, a week out, other than generally known cycles (and even within those there is incredible uncertainty)?

    Count me in as being sick of not only experts being wrong, but also of the general public all-too-willing to bestow credibility upon them, despite wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction.

    You want to worry about climate change? Recall what made all those eskers, drumlins, kettles and lakes across Canada. Recall the Younger Dryas. Recall La Garita Caldera. The frittering over miniscule, within-the-bounds-of-natural-variability changes–which could not even have been measured on a global basis not so long ago (never mind the inaccuracy of current coverage/techniques), is a waste of time and energy. Yes, make water/air/land ever-cleaner, and protect habitat…but STFU otherwise. End of rant. Best wishes to all (incl. those with whom I disagree) for 2021.

    1. “Count me in as being sick of not only experts being wrong, but also of the general public all-too-willing to bestow credibility upon them, despite wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction.”

      You can tell whether somebody really knows what he’s talking about by how loudly the “experts” call for his crucifixion, how willingly the powers that be carry it out, and how loudly the mob cheer when it’s done.

  4. I really like the reply that added the fake-news friendly red line. Now UNIFOR and CBC can run with it.

  5. Global warming? We are still in an ice age. It is normal for the earth to have no polar ice caps. Where did they find the 99% of scientists who think we have a problem? Newly freed from the loony bin?

    1. Scar not in the last 2.6 million years and so your claim of ” normal for the earth to have no polar ice caps” is a bad job of cherry picking.
      Antarctica probably iced up sometime after 40 MYA when the continent arrived at the south pole but I’m not going to do your work for u so look it up.

      1. Sorry – 9994/10,000 sounds normal to me. To repeat – throughout most of its history earth has had no ice caps.

      2. Yup. Glaciation has been around for a long, long time. We’re in an “inter-glaciation” period meaning its going to get cold again.
        Future humans will look back at these Climate Doomers as patently foolish if not genocidal maniacs.

        1. But they should have to pay for the financial damage they have done to the world-at least that.

      3. Antarctica hasn’t always been covered with ice – the continent lay over the south pole without freezing over for almost 100 million years. Then, about 34 million years ago, a dramatic shift in climate happened at the boundary between the Eocene and Oligocene epochs. The warm greenhouse climate, stable since the extinction of the dinosaurs, became dramatically colder, creating an “ice-house” at the poles that has continued to the present day.

        My guess is that what caused the cooling from normal conditions is that the plants have been sequestering carbon since the day they evolved, driving CO2 down for uncounted millennia, the same way yeast will use up the sugar in a mash, and if we hadn’t come along and released some of that carbon, Earth would have become a snowball. Look at the hockey stick and continue the “handle” without “the blade” if you doubt this.

        Of course there is no rational rebuttal to the above observation, but my real point is that calling today’s climate “normal” for Earth is the real “cherry picking.”

        1. OK, I got curious. First green algae evolved half a billion years ago, atmospheric CO2 has been dropping ever since. Mountain building affects it from time to time, but the one steady, unchanging factor that has been operating for half a billion years, and therefore dominating the trend, is that plants have been sequestering CO2, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, which eventually, if left on their own, they would use up completely until they turn the planet back into a nearly lifeless snowball.

          It’s almost evidence for God’s existence that man came along and started digging up and burning the coal to save the planet from this fate.

        2. Plant sequestration is Coal which is minor compared to marine (shellfish) sequestration which is carbonates (8% of the Earth’s crust). Same result, in geological time scale we are currently in a dearth of CO2. Fossil fuels allow us to recycle just some of that back.

        3. Ummm!.. Those plants sequestering the carbon for millennia. Where can a guy find plants that live for ever.. They die Tim, and give up their carbon ,they have forest fires.

          1. What’s your point? It doesn’t change anything about what I said. The current climate is the result of a process of taking the CO2 out of the atmosphere due to biological processes cooling of the planet, a process that has been going on for half a billion years.

            To suggest that the climate that we have enjoyed since the glaciers melted a blink of an eye ago in geologic time is somehow the “normal” climate of the planet is “cherry picking.”

            BTW, when the planet was far warmer than today for tens of millions of years, there were 28 species of great apes. Global warming isn’t going to kill us or the planet, even if it meets the most dire predictions, which seems pretty unlikely given that the data coming in does not match the model predictions.

      4. Stewart – it’s the new norm since the Isthmus of Panama closed off. The primary heat pump of the planet is not air, it’s water. The channel between Asia and Australia is only 1000km wide where it’s deeper than 100m (the amount of sea level change when we’re in full glaciation), and Africa is also in the way of the primary equatorial current. And the pump has been disrupted for about 5 million years and not able to get up to “normal” temperatures.

        2.5 million years out of 4.5 billion is a very, very small percentage. When the currents aren’t blocked by land masses, Earth is several degrees warmer than we are accustomed to now.

    2. From the ranks of unemployed science graduates, who went to graduate school for want of what it takes to succeed in the private sector, where the solution has to work the first time.

      If they were as smart as their mothers think they are, they would have gone to engineering school—or into the trades.

  6. I’m more than a little tired of hearing snowflakes cry, wail and ball about our planet is on fire. As a northerner I say bring on the
    global warming. I like the sun and warm weather. Warmth is good and cold not so good.

  7. BTW, polar bears evolved during or before the Eemian, which was much warmer than today for thousands of years.

  8. Ask a liberal if they know that there is more forest cover worldwide today than there was 30 years ago.
    Then ask them why they didn’t know that, and why they thought forest cover was going down instead of up.
    Ask them where they get their information from.

  9. We can do nothing except keep our water and air clean, other than that we just enjoy the ride.
