We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

I know! Let’s ban all the gas engines!

“Japan would run out of electricity in the summer if all cars were running on electric power. The infrastructure needed to support a fleet consisting entirely of EVs would cost Japan between ¥14 trillion and ¥37 trillion, the equivalent of $135 billion to $358 billion, he said.
“When politicians are out there saying, ‘Let’s get rid of all cars using gasoline,’ do they understand this?” Mr. Toyoda said Thursday at a year-end news conference in his capacity as chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.”

We have the worst governing class in planetary history.

41 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. “When politicians are out there saying, ‘Let’s get rid of all cars using gasoline,’ do they understand this?”

    Yes, they do. The name of the game is forced rationing and artificial shortages. They plan to kill us all except for about 100 million
    and the method will be denying the necessities of life, privation.(the first big kill will be by injection)

    Understand it, learn it.

    1. Car ownership will be reserved for the elites and politicians, “essential” folks only. We’ll be expected to ride share in autonomous mini busses. It’s actually quite obvious by the technology they tout.

      1. They’re brining back Feudalism at an accelerated pace. It has been the wish of elites for a long time and the perfect opportunity has arisen with the WooHoo flu. Not serious enough to cause mass deaths, but with the media’s help, scare enough people so they will accept anything. They won’t deny you anything in order to maintain the illusion of free choices. They will just make everything so expensive you can’t afford it. This of course will be your fault, you just didn’t try hard enough or didn’t go to the correct schools, or are a white male.

        1. The signing of the Magna Carta was the single worst catastrophe to befall the elites. The barons who drew it up committed the unpardonable sin by granting rights to the peasants.

          Similarly, Henry Ford committed the worst crime against humanity. He not only gave the peasants personal mobility and, thereby, independence, his autos helped kill Mommy Gaia.

  2. It’s very simple; Government officials want you to give up your car and take public transit.

    Just like they did in Russia.

    It will also leave the roads free of cars so government ministers can drive in their own dedicated lanes out to their dachas.

  3. The question is when the green führers will banish not only the sales of new ICE vehicles but all the used vehicles that we will maintain forever if we have to. The führers have legislated away our future options but only partially so. I suspect they don’t want to let the cat out of the bag yet that the agenda is as it’s always been, to make personal automobiles out of reach of the average person which might, and this is a big might today, turn off the mindless mushy middle voters. Perhaps starvation will inspire an alternate mindset after the supply chain breaks down but by then the mindless mushy middle will exist entirely as state dependent serfs.

    1. If Trudeau was re-elected, look for him to bring in a hefty tax on internal combustion vehicles; say $1000/yr for 4 cylinder, $2000/yr for 6 cylinder, and $5000/yr for 8 cylinders.

    2. Welcome to Cuba North. Still driving your 2020 Toyota in the year 2100.
      (as long as your black market gasoline dealer still comes around now and then)

  4. Excepting some Mongol tribes of the 1300s, the Baby Boomers were by far the worst parenting generation in history.
    It stands to reason they couldn’t organize a one car parade, let alone run the world properly.
    Much like they ran their own households, they’ve put the world in massive unfixable debt.
    Spoiled the children/government check recipients with free everything except rules and reason.
    Math doesn’t matter.
    Logic doesn’t matter.
    Facts don’t matter.

    1. “the Baby Boomers were by far the worst parenting generation in history.”

      I’m not sure what following generations are called but they are, and will be, worse.
      It’s hard to be a good mommy when you were born with a penis.

    2. the Baby Boomers were by far the worst parenting generation in history

      Speak for yourself. Many of us on SDA are boomers, and lots of them are parents.

      I’m a boomer myself, but I’ve never been a father. I, thereby, claim an exemption.

    3. And now elections don’t matter.. It appears we no longer get the Govs we want but the Govs “they” give us.. We are Fkd!

    4. Given the inarguable truth that the worst thing to happen to Canada was the election of Pierre Elliot Trudeau by the “Greatest Generation” (boomers weren’t sufficiently of voting age in 1968 – those born before 1947), I’m not sure any one generation is responsible for bad parenting. What all generations have in common is the guilt of reliance on the increasingly leftist / nihilist public institutional education of succeeding generations to where today’s young voters are largely intellectual cripples.

  5. We allow ourselves to be governed by morons. In Canada we have a government that is going to mandate “low carbon fuels for cars and home heating”. We have a government that is going to make us use low carbon hydrocarbons. This is what you get when you elect politicians who didn’t take, or failed high school chemistry.

    1. No kidding.
      I laugh when foods are declared to be “organic”. Oh do you mean it contains carbon?

        1. Also made of carbon, unspoken but true (which I think was your intention with the line, but sometimes simplification helps – similar to how there’s no sarcasm font).

  6. Never underestimate the stupidity of the general population. The puppet masters are fleecing the sheep. Time to throw all the bums out of office. We are all F$&#!

    The army of “caring” bureaucrats will not save you. Lib/Con/NDP – what does it matter?

  7. It’s all about the grid and the grift.

    One is limited and the appetite for the other is endless.

  8. The bureaucracy grew and grew. It consists of card carrying members of Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, and various other Soros financed organisations.
    The Liberals support the bureaucrats 99.9%; Conservatives slightly below that.
    It’s not only politicians we have to eliminate but most bureaucrats as well.

  9. If gas engines are banned, they’ll be around for at least a 100 years after.

    Just look at Cuba, essentially they have had an economic ban on vehicles since Castro took over, People just couldn’t’t afford a new vehicle so the ingenious people of Cuba just found ways to keep them going by making their own parts and doing repairs themselves.

    I used to go to Cuba a couple times a year on business for 12 years and was amazed at seeing all the old 1950’s Fords, Chevys, and Chryslers running around. Those cars have been running for 70 years and still are going strong.

    So in 2030 when you won’t be able to buy a gas powered vehicle people will just keep repairing their old cars.

    1. The difference is that the Cuban communist government isn’t into the state religion of “Green” pseudo-environmentalism. They “allow” their serfs to keep and maintain their old cars and more importantly, allow access to the energy required to fuel them. Our communist government conversely will gradually (likely within a decade or so) make gasoline and diesel fuel economically unavailable to their serfs through taxes or legislation / regulation. The only thing that could change this would be a revolution or massive civil disobedience / Mad Max-like anarchy.

  10. Kate, too true, “worst governing class in planetary history”.
    However, I wouldn’t elevate what they do to the word “governing”.
    I’d say “ruling class”.

  11. Time to start imposing stupid rules on politicians and bureaucrats. Can we do it with petitions? Let’s start with something simple.

    No elected official in Canada, nor any bureaucrat with a yearly salary over $100,000 may lawfully consume red meat or avail themselves of the use of any motorized (including, but not limited to: electric, internal combustion, or jet propulsion) means of conveyance.

    1. Ah, but they’re indulging in such practices, making such great sacrifices, so that we, the unwashed, don’t have to.

  12. The Japanese car guy is way low on the cost. And for Canada, such an enormous land, the costs would be even greater. Overhauling every transformer to handle a doubling of the load is probably a trillion or in the trillions.
    But it isn’t possible without nuclear energy because if you’re supposed to work from home you need a steady flow of juice and stupid windmills and stupider solar cells ain’t cutting it in the winter. But they hate nuclear.
    So you’re going to freeze to death.
    But they aren’t. The elite and their bureaucrats will be able to continue with backup generators.
    At least you’ll know where to find them.

  13. “I would recommend not standing on balconies for a while, Kate. This is the land of wolves now.”

    You say, “We have the worst governing class in planetary history.” This not quite true although it certainly might come true. I lived my early childhood in London during times that were far worse.

    The problem is the U.S. Constitution. Our expectations of government are heavily based on it. But its fatal flaw is that it was made for a country governed by noble men. Noble men became noble through learning and practicing Christian standards of morality. It is ironic that the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights are exploited by ignoble men to undermine the moral principles that are needed to protect the founding document.

    The U.S., as presently constituted, is finished. The rot is too deep and widespread. To overcome that rot, measures will have to be taken that are too unpalatable for the current public taste. That said, a new constitution will have be written that guarantees that the Christian Church will be one of the three legs of good governance: The Nation, the Military, and the Church. The power to do this must be taken because, certainly, it will no be given. Rough times are ahead. There will be violence. Mercifully, I will be long dead when this happens. But I am concerned for my children and grandchildren.

    I like what I see in the new Russia. Putin has his hands full trying to accomplish what I think needs to happen and he has made remarkable strides balancing the reintroduction of the Orthodox Church with the remnants of old guard Communists. I like his chances but I acknowledge that time is not on his side. Putin certainly regards the U.S. as the enemy. I must say though that, with what Trump has revealed as the true nature of the Deep State in the U.S., I am, to a degree, sympatico with Putin.

  14. “Central banks are coming to their senses with regard to climate change. In November 2019, the ECB included climate considerations in its first strategic review of its role and operations since 2003. The BOE’s new governor, Andrew Bailey, has revealed that the Bank is in talks with the United Kingdom’s Treasury to adjust its mandate to include climate change. Even in the United States, the previously reluctant Federal Reserve has now identified climate change as a challenge that falls within its remit of supporting financial stability.”

    That print button will now be used to pay for the Green New Deal on top everything else.
    Eat. Drink. Be merry. None of it matters anymore.

  15. Once upon a time, Uncle Adolph decided that the common people needed a car, and commissioned the great genius Dr. Ferdinand Porsche to design one. Uncle Adolph dubbed it the “People’s Car”, the Volkswagen. To help the people get around and do their jobs, you know. Very efficient.

    But ever since that time, totalitarian dictators have found that their biggest problem is not foreign countries invading. It is making their people -stay- in their dictatorships. That’s why East Germany had the Trabant. It was a car, kind of, but so shitty it wouldn’t go very far, and you couldn’t get one anyway because they made like three a month. Pretty hard for the German masses to flee on foot, right?

    Fast forward to 2020. All the would-be dictators of the Western World, last holdout against the darkness, love them some electric cars. Because power is centrally generated. You shut off the power, all those cars are boat anchors. You can’t even push them.

    That’s pretty convenient if you want to do stuff like rig elections, collect all the people in town with the wrong opinion, lock down all the businesses because of a disease, stuff like that. You just shut off the electricity and all those peons are going nowhere.

    That’s what they’re thinking. They can’t do it yet, but they want to.

    1. “Pretty hard for the German masses to flee on foot, right?”

      True, but they had to get out of any car anyway if they had one because cars can’t climb over 20 foot walls…

  16. If you ask where the electricity is going to come from to run these electric cars you are being anti-science.

  17. I think people are missing half of the problem here: it’s not just that cars would become even more out of reach of the lower class, but the increased demand on electricity will raise prices for everyone . . . which of course affects the lower class worst of all! So even if you are too poor to own a car, you will be paying for someone else to have the privilege of coding electricity over gas.
