74 Replies to “November 27, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. Thank you so much for this excellent link. It ‘says it all’. I’ve sent it to several doctors on my list.

    2. It pretty well has come to the point of anything that might be is.
      I.e. If, when extricating a victim from a car wreck, mucus is seen coming from the nose, the cause of death is COVID and not blunt force trauma.

    3. Important observation by the researcher ““If [the COVID-19 death toll] was not misleading at all, what we should have observed is an increased number of heart attacks and increased COVID-19 numbers. But a decreased number of heart attacks and all the other death causes doesn’t give us a choice but to point to some misclassification,” Briand replied”
      (https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:jg06Kqj1tvsJ:https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19 &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca)
      The other odd thing in my view is that deaths from other common causes should have gone up given that hospitals were closed and treatment a postponed. They certainly are scrambling to deflect from Briand’s observations.

      1. I keep encountering people who use these circumstances as an opportunity to bully and antagonize people because they can. I guess they get their jollies out of that sort of thing.

        I’ve been in establishments which used to be relatively friendly but if I didn’t wear a mask or shut up and do as I was told (enthusiastically and cheerfully of course, because “we’re all in this together”), I incurred someone’s wrath. I’ve been publicly and loudly rebuked on several occasions because of that because, it seems, I deserved it and needed to “reform”.

        This is just like it was in China during Mao’s time.

        1. Exactly. Just like the thugs at airports tuned into extra JBT mode after 911 and never switched back the same now goes for all the low IQ cretins enforcing Wuhan Flu restrictions. Now they can finally push people around like they always felt they were entitled to. And they are loving it.

          1. Now they can finally push people around like they always felt they were entitled to. And they are loving it.

            I’ve often had the impression that most of the tyrants here in Canada were laughed at in school or didn’t have many dates when they were teenagers (e. g., Red Rachel’s cabinet). Their oppressive policies were a way of getting revenge.

    1. Breaking: FOX News is reporting that Iran’s leader of its defence nuclear program has been murdered in his car, east of Tehran. Explosions and machine gun fire were heard.

      Sorry: this is supposed to be a new post. Something happened somewhere.

    1. ‘Bartley.’ Wouldn’t that be Bartley Kives of CBC Manitoba?
      As to the answer of 10 Covid patients in Manitoba ICU beds….
      The hopelessly gigantic, bureaucratic nightmare that passes for government anywhere in Canada these days need months and years of a head start to tackle any problem. By the time the Health System is ready there will be 100,000 COVID patients needing ICU beds so no wonder Pallister is panicking. Or not. By then half the Canadian population will have driven to the USA to get a vaccine shot anyway.

      1. If that was a CBC reporter then good for him. It was a good question. When it’s reported how many people in ICU we’re conditioned to assume it’s all Covid because that’s all we hear about. In this case 10% of the ICU pop have the infection. That’s newsworthy? No?

    2. One thing for sure in Canada the truth is the very last thing you will see or hear. By the way, the whu who flu is not killing us all.

      1. Unfortunately, most of the population has been cowed into believing it, particularly people who should know better.

  1. “Yet Canada had, AND STILL HAS, a domestically produced mRNA option – the same new type of vaccine Pfizer and Moderna produced, seemingly with great sucess. (Canadian pharma company) Providence Therapeutics Inc submitted a $35-million proposal to conduct human trials back in the spring, after trials with mice showed its vaccine was successful in blocking COVID-19.

    ‘Back in March, we were two months behind Moderna,’ said (Providence CEO) Brad Sorenson. But the company heard virtually nothing from the federal government between March and mid-August, according to Mr. Sorenson, and only secured funding – $4.7-million – in October 2020. The company hopes to begin Phase 1 testing in early 2021.”


    Rosie and the CBC are still in the Liberal corner (see Thursday night’s ‘The National’) but when Justin starts to lose the Globe & Mail, he is in trouble. Good.

    1. I saw O’Toole finally made the news tonight about this issue. The narrative of the story ended with Trudeau preparing to apply pressure to get us access. Good luck you freaking buffoon. What can he offer? Some socks? The chickens are coming home to roost Toronto.

      1. I don’t understand the reasoning behind not supporting the Canadian company? Why would we give millions to Moderna and Pfizer. I would be more comfortable with using the Canadian option. Thry at least tested It on mice.

          1. I don’t understand why we even need a vaccine with 99.9%+ survival.
            Another agenda? Limiting travel and assembly, or even jobs without a vaccine that will probably have more severe side affects than having COVID.
            Something is amiss….

    2. Why would anyone be foolish enough to take a vaccine that has not been tested and verified safe? Because that is where you will find yourself, being test subjects so a company can fleece the public of billions with a vaccine that will not cure the virus or any virus for that matter.

      1. Some may agree to the vaccine because the government is going to force the issue.
        Its coming: You will need proof of vaccination in order to cross a border. “Show me your papers!”
        Many are very afraid and will take it to make their fear go away.
        I prefer beer for that.

  2. Hay Kate, I was wondering if you ever got the 5 pics I took at an air show I was at one time.
    I emailed them to you on Oct 31.

    Just yay or nay is good.


  3. Bravo to Jeff Healy for doing the old stuff, bless his heart,
    he may be gone but not forgotten.

    From The album “The Best of the Stony Plain Years”

    “Hong Kong Blues” written by Hoagy Carmichael 1938 and
    “Stardust” Hoagy Carmichael, lyrics Mitchell Parish 1928

    Jeff Healey ~ “Hong Kong Blues”

    Jeff Healey  ~  “Stardust”

    h/t Abtrapper from other thread.

    1. Hong Kong Blues
      Hoagy Carmichael

      “It’s a story of a very unfortunate colored man
      Who got arrested down in old Hong Kong
      He got twenty years privilege taken away from him
      When he kicked old Buddha’s gong.”

      Yeah, it is so yesterday…

      Thanks NR

  4. The bought and paid for National Post is excited that the Democrat’s AOC will take on the NDP’s Jagmeat Singh on a popular online video game.

  5. The Liberal Party’s iPolitics website is excited that whiny indian groups out west, are demanding that the Trans Mountain and Keystone pipelines be cancelled. Under Big Chief Gay Eagle With No Balls global warming plans, we won’t need them.

      1. Conrad loves Big Important Men Doing Big Things. It’s his fetish. Doesn’t matter if those things were horrible or not, he loves it. That’s why he loves fascist despot FDR and drunk corrupt incompetent John A(hole).

  6. And now your Canadians are racist bastards stories for today. Blackie’s CBC reports that there are not enough black people working in the Alberta oil sands because Albertans are racist bastards. And indians are upset that the TV show Big Sky doesn’t mention missing indians.

    1. Maybe the reason why there are fewer” black people” is that oil sands extraction is technology intensive.
      I spent the last twelve years working in the oilsands (retired this year) and yes the trades are mostly Caucasian. You don’t rebuild a pump, repair a heavy hauler, weld a pipe spool, or hook up a 10Kv power supply with a degree in African studies or with a doctorate in tetsi fly management, however, if you can fit pipe, weld, repair machinery, design a better widget, then oilsands hiring is reasonable for POC hired through contractors.
      The bigger players do hire on the base of race for their permanent positions, ie; two candidates, evenly matched in qualifications, the POC , will get the nod. That’s just the way it is. The companies will deny this, but the peons know how it works

  7. We seem to find ourselves last on the list for Covid vaccine. How could that happen? What has Trudeau been doing beyond telling us to stay at home and wash hands?

    1. LizJ, I think this is a list we want to be last on. Fatalities are still the same as the seasonal flu and the recovery rate is still 99.8%. Until a vaccine has had at least two years of research and trials it ain’t something I want to take.

      1. VOWG, I tend to agree, although not in large numbers, they still have people reacting to flu shots as well.
        In my neck of the woods they ran out of the more potent flu shots for seniors.
        We definitely are not in good hands.

    2. I still say it is because the CCP has yet to steal the technology to make a tracking chip small enough to fit through the needle tube.

      1. Mike there is a way of tracking through a liquid, I can’t bring to mind right now but I am sure you can find it. One of the getting old things.

    3. The Bong and his kids watch South Park. That’s what they do at home.

      When he got pranked by the Greta impersonators he immediately mentioned South Park. It’s his default position.

  8. And now another Canadians are racist bastards story. Blacklock reports that the first Black Lives Matter defamation lawsuit will happen in a Canadian court. Involves black man who whines that a company he worked for didn’t show enough sympathy for black causes. And don’t miss the segment on Blackie’s CBC today, that celebrates the new Canadian lesbian Christmas movie. The CBC wishes everyone a “Gay” Christmas.

    1. The CBC wishes everyone a “Gay” Christmas.

      Ever since the alphabet people hijacked the word “gay” for their nefarious purposes, I’ve never liked singing Deck the Halls, particularly a certain line concerning wardrobe.

        1. The rainbow bit was helped by the fact that some of the main characters in the movie The Wizard of Oz were also, well, you know….. Where do you think the term “friends of Dorothy” came from?

  9. I am very surprised that Statistics Canada published (last week) the results of this study since they sharply contradict the accepted narrative. Some of the striking results of the study about crime in rural and remote aboriginal communities (where there are likely very few, if any, “whites”):

    “The rate of violence at the hands of family members other than a current or former spouse was 16 times higher in the Indigenous communities in the study compared with elsewhere, with the largest differences observed for major assault and common assault. In particular, individuals in Indigenous communities were proportionally more likely than those in non-Indigenous communities to be victimized by extended family members. Furthermore, the rate of intimate partner violence reported by police serving majority Indigenous populations was 10 times higher than in non-Indigenous communities. This includes violence where the perpetrator was a current or former spouse, or another intimate partner.”


    1. Donation amount up to $178,943. My wife and I each put in $100 but I have to be anonymous as too many local doctors (especially those who work mainly as administrators as they’re best kept away from patients) seem to enjoy being part of the scamdemic.
      Noticed people talking about getting influenza vaccinations which really isn’t necessary since there’s essentially no influenza going around this year and the influenza vaccine recommended for everyone over the age of 65, Fluad, has antigen from 3 or 4 strains or influenza at 4x dose in non-adjuvented regular vaccine and uses Squalene as an adjuvent. Same adjuvent that caused worst post-influenza vaccine reactions I’ve ever seen in 2009. Back then found literature relating to Squalene being used to create a model of rheumatoid arthritis when injected into mice and had a patient in hospital that year a week after his vaccine who appeared to have suddenly developed severe rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatologist agreed with me that it sure looked just like rheumatoid arthritis but very strange and unusual for a previously healthy man in his 80’s to suddenly develop it. If influenza vaccine part of ones fall traditions, ask for Agriflu which is non-adjuvented and has no mercury in it. Just this year found out that Squalene was originally thought to be cause of Gulf War syndrome but US military went to great lengths to bury that starting with “it’s illegal to use Squalene in US manufactured vaccines” but was perfectly legal in Europe then. In 2009 special exemption granted to use Squalene due to “pandemic” which was also a scamdemic like current one we’re in. In 2009 started looking in detail at vaccines and haven’t seen the need to get any of them since.

      Best to get Karry Mullis to explain things in somewhat idiosyncratic fashion as he does in a utube video that can currently be found at:
      as utube keeps deleting it or calling it “fake news” when the chemist who got a Nobel Prize for his discovery talks about what PCR really does and what it can’t be used for. He was a Libertarian and probably would have been least considered to be someone least likely to get a Nobel, but definitely thought outside the box and some of the issues he raised about HIV are still relevent today. The video was recorded in Santa Monica on 12 July 1997 and utube keeps deleting it in same fashion as the “Hide the decline” video and have to use Yandex to find current links.

  10. The Bong has named former Maj.Gen Dany Fortin to head the vax roll out. Nothing like surrounding yourself with credibility when you yourself have none. It also sets the table for a fall guy if things go wrong.

    Mark Norman wasn’t available…?

  11. I just called Penguin Canada at 1-888-523-9292. Their offices are closed until Monday. If you WAIT on the line, they will give you the option of being put through to customer service. The first item that comes up is regarding Jordan Peterson. You can deliver a pretty long message. When you finish and press # send, you have the option of adding more content. I suggest everybody do this while they are still allowing public opinion. They have no e-mail contact option at all. Presumably you can speak to a human being on Monday in customer service or public relations. I would gladly have spoken to a person and left my name and phone number twice.
    I forgot to suggest that their entire staff read “Maps of Meaning” and prove tht they did. 12 Rules for Life ought to be within their grasp. I was too angry to hit my sarcasm fly. Grrrr. Canadian politeness syndrome. Please descend upon them, astute bloggers, now that you have been warned they are at least noticing that the public is pissed off.

  12. Actually I just re-checked the Penguin Canada message. I was bin error. They don’t give a crap what you think. The extension I pressed was to order Jordan Peterson’s new book. It sounded too good to be true. Mind you, it’s OK to harass them this way. I will wait until Monday to speak to a human about my discontent. At least I can take up their valuable snooty time and let them know WHY I won’t be ordering Dr. Peterson’s new book so they can make money off a man their staff vilifies unfairly and viciously. I will wait and get it from the library because their staff needs firing or training in the work of a world respected Canadian author who will support the lifestyles of their bigoted illiterate drones. How many of them have READ the giants of literature Dr. Peterson discusses? NONE.

  13. Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau gave his parliament from the cottage doorsteps to his loyal, drooling media. After he explained how wonderful he is, he promised that the peasants would get vaccinated by Sept. next year. He then gave half a billion more dollars to indians. Now he is off to his winter palace at Harrington Lake. He is so wonderful.

  14. And now your Christians are evil story for today. True North reports that a NDP MLA in Alberta liked a tweet that trashed Christians.

  15. The truth about working-from-home:

    “When my own law firm’s employees chose to work from home in March, productivity plummeted over 30%.”


    In Canada, the vast majority of the employees in the massive government bureaucracies (where there have been no lay-offs) are receiving full pay and benefits to work-from-home. ( In normal times, they are already at least 30% less productive than those in the private sector.) And the public sector union leaders want their members to always have the “right” to work-from-home, even when we return to normal life.

    1. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-the-showdown-at-the-barbecue-corral

      “So it’s no wonder that the barbecue protest attracted people in support. Nine months into the COVID regime and the disparities are mounting, and the contradictions are getting more than annoying. And overall the political leadership during this wretched time is at best confused, and only very rarely, if at all, inspirational.”

      P.S. Someone should tell Rex that it’s brisket not ribs on the BBQ.

    1. Re: The unfair business lockdowns in Ontario:
      From the comments:
      “Finally Ontario is doing what Alberta has been saying all along.”
      “The Media is dead.”

      Adam is going to win this case. He goes to court in Feb 2021. The crowd funding is doing it’s job. Randy Hillier is with Adam all the way. Good stuff. Good luck to Adam!
