25 Replies to “Joe Biden Wants Children to Die from Cancer”

      1. I was more talking about how Donald’s own charity got shut down for using donations to pay for his personal legal fees in broad daylight but yeah.

  1. Robert; Your inner leftist voice is tuned remarkably well … but mine is even better …

    “It’s what Beau wanted”

    A charitable welfare program. Dough for show. Dough paid to administrate the illusion of a Charity. Oh! And to dodge taxes. It’s what Beau wanted. To create a Tax Shelter for The Big Guy.

    1. Pedo Joe learned GRAFT 101 from Shillary, C Foundation, where the money stayed all in the family.

      For more, see Trudeau Foundation.

      Pay to Play

  2. Joe Biden Wants Children to Die from Cancer so that he can fill his scrap books with their hair.
    It makes the sniffing simpler.(yeah, I had to go there)

    1. … especially that he does not have to pull the hair out … it falls out by itself (I am going to hell for this one).

  3. 47 years in government and somehow becomes a millionaire. He’ll be a billionaire by the time he’s done his first term.

    1. A great mystery. Sheeple will support a crooked politician who became rich by being a crooked politician as long as he gives them some free stuff. But they despise someone who can make them self reliant; hate even worse if he or she became wealthy honestly.

    2. I think he’ll be dead before that happens. I dunno, just a hunch. And Camel Toe ain’t a shooin, either if he does. Someone else has their eye on the prize. Another hunch.

      1. PO, the corruption and deception is wide and deep and if you look at Camel Toe’s performance, 1% in the primaries, she was and is not the choice for president or v p. You may be right.

    3. I dreamed that Biden redeemed himself for his 47 years by admitting that he was part of a sick plan but now he was sorry, and hoped that his latter day admission redeemed his sorry ass life. The dream went on to say, thanks Joe, but die anyway, you fuck, and take the others with you to perdition you pieces of shit, etc.
      Excuse my burp.

    4. Took Barry O’Bama a hell of a lot less time than that. He learned not to put his foot in his mouth, unlike Racist Sexual Predator Joe (h/t Kamala Harris).

  4. Oh, c’mon now….has anyone ever read comic books!? Look at the Biden and Simon heads, and convince me that those aren’t predictable comic book, evil headed, obvious puppets, who are also, scarily enough, unaware of their own real roll in a much larger expression of evil. Deep fucking evil, dude. Deep.

  5. His mistake was that he called it a charity.

    Biden is the type that you find in those organizations that likes to boast about stuff even the stuff they didn’t do.
    Joe Fontana is a good example.
    They can’t keep their mouth shut, and they are the last one you want getting access to sensitive information, unless you want it leaked.
    That charity likely had limited involvement from Biden except to get his name and then they sent him back to his room with a biscuit.
    Which gets to this point.
    What kind of $hit storm is going to happen when a dispute breaks out over who gets to take control of Ol joe?
    Will it be the squad, the wife, crazy Nancy, or HER?

  6. “Joe Biden sets up Mengele-like facility to conduct experiments on terminal children.”

    It’s a progression, you see.

  7. “Biden advises Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah he ‘would not interfere’ in the event of a multi-front attack on Israel.”

    “Fearless Leader Biden cuts the ribbon at Camp Josef Stalin, the first of many reeducation centers for counterrevolutionaries.”

    “Supreme Generalissimo-for life Harris congratulates top scientists for developing virus that will exterminate 80% of human beings. ‘Our species is a cancer that is destroying the planet,’ said our glorious leader. ‘Fulfilling the dreams of our dear departed friends the Duke of Edinburgh, Ted Turner, Paul Ehrlich and many more has always been our goal, and starting today we will fulfill it, Mother Gaia willing.”

    …and so on.
