22 Replies to “Say it Isn’t So, Joe!”

  1. Wouldn’t it be easier and more efficient for that dude to build a ladder or something, rather than raising a tectonic plate?

  2. Doesn’t this feel like McCain-Palin for the Dems, versus Alpha Male Trump (not Bar-Joe)

  3. Oh, and his running mate is promising straight up Marxism.

    Or, as Mike O’Bummer’s spousal unit, Barry, once put it, it’s about “fairness”.

    If we all get an equal amount, how come we’re not all billionaires–right, Ms. Winfrey?

  4. Biden was asked if he knew about covid in January, which he claims via an obsure op ed about pandemics, not mentioning covid, then why did he hold rallies well into March?

    He responded by outlining the thinking that should have happened and the measures that should have been taken.
    Which were all taken by Trump. Biden didn’t mention any measure he “would have taken” that Trump didn’t.
    So they want to blame Trump for mishandling covid for not doing what they wouldn’t have done, which he did do.
    This bunch said travel bans were xenophobic and “didn’t work,” then claimed they never said that.
    Up is down, black is white and wrong is right in Biden Orwell land, where history is revised as required, actually lied about.
    If Americans are stupid enough to elect incompetent collectivists and the enabling violent do-gooder thugs, count on this:

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

    Then Soros, the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons and a whole bunch of establishment swamp dwellers get rich by giving China the nation.

    1. They also claim they didn’t have “hug-a-CCP-guy” rallies either. Pelosi and DeBlasio encouraged people to celebrate Chinese New Year despite President Trump advising against it.

  5. The most charitable interpretation of Sister Kamala’s idea of equity is to give the Negro a hand up (as opposed to a hand out) to bring him to the white man’s level.

    That’s been tried. The experiment has been running over the lifetimes of most SDA readers. What we’ve learnt is that your typical Negro, when well-meaning white men offer him a hand up, responds by yanking the crackers down to his level—or down into the abyss with him.

    If by “equity” we mean raising the Negro to the white man’s level, it’s clear the American welfare state has failed miserably in achieving anything of the sort.

    It’s becoming increasingly unclear whether “equity” was ever its intended purpose, or whether the objective was to drag the white American proletariat down to the Negroes’ level—to render them as dysfunctional, drug-addled and incapable of organizing successful slave revolts against their elites as the Negroes were.

    Marxism, Kate? That would be an improvement on the Biden/Harris agenda. The agenda of the Wall Street and Silicon Valley parasites is Marxism stood on its head. The goal of these capitalists is to dispossess and liquidate the proletariat of the western world—or at any rate the part of it that has the intelligence and creativity to ever be a meaningful threat to their domination of the world, much less their monopoly of everything on earth worth owning.

    Donald John Trump is leader of the first real workers’ and peasants’ revolution of modern times. That’s why the globalists are doing everything in their power to stop him.

    1. And some of the greatest Americans were segregated growing up, and conquored as a result. I would much rather spend an evening in discussion with Thomas Sowell or Walter E Williams than 5 minutes with you. Skin colour means little, culture means a lot.

      What we’ve learnt is that your typical Negro, when well-meaning white men offer him a hand up, responds by yanking the crackers down to his level—or down into the abyss with him.

      If by “equity” we mean raising the Negro to the white man’s level, it’s clear the American welfare state has failed miserably in achieving anything of the sort.

      Spoken like true trash looking for someone to look down on to make yourself feel good. I usually disregard everything else from you when I see this kind of racist drivel.

    2. Some people are “richer” in talents, some people are “poorer” in talents – a line from the movie “Enemy at the Gate”. This is so true. All that modern society can offer its’ citizens is equality before the law, but even that does not happen, as rich people can afford better, more expensive lawyers. Poor people get public defenders who suggest they plead to a lesser crime for a lesser sentence.
      I, as a middle class person, would have to sell my house and world possessions to afford a lawyer if I was ever brought up on a serious or trumped-up charge.

  6. “We all end up at the same place” … !!!???

    OK … I want Barbara Streisand’s Malibu Home! No, wait … I want Al Gore’s Santa Barbara home! Oh … and both their bank accounts. No. Wait. I want Jeff Bezo’s bank account (and Equities portfolio). And Tom Cruise … I want Tom’s good looks. No. Wait. Tom’s too short, I want Brad Pitt’s good looks (his Legends of The Fall – good looks).

    Well … if Kham-ah-law is promising a fantasy world …

    1. “We all end up at the same place”

      Typical marxist claptrap, as if we all wanted to end up in the same place. Cupid stunt.

      I want to end up a loadmaster of a helicopter piloted by Augusto Pinochet.

    1. Except your work. They might like to have your job, if it has a cool title, nice office, nice colleagues, flexible hours, etc., as long as they don’t have to do the work it entails.

      Socialists are attracted to government jobs, because they think if they are in government they can just tell the world how it should be, and it will magically produce the effects they wish for. Gosplan.

  7. Scott Adams says the solution doesn’t require wealth redistribution. Just get rid of teachers unions so parents will be able to find a school that provides a better education for their kids.

  8. Very good analysis by Conrad Black regarding the election, An important point is that media coverage if Trump is virtually 90% negative and totally ignores what he has accomplished:

    On done other discussion board someone compared Trump to a capable doctor with a terrible bedside manner. While Biden was compared to a quack with a reassuring bedside manner. I think that analogy captures a lot.

  9. HARRISON Bergeron…..with apologies to Kurt Vonnegut for any typo on the name…
    You know what I am alluding to. If not, I will don my lobe adjuster to exactly become commensurate with yours…..

  10. I guess it is very appropriate that the dead vote Democrat,for the candidates offered by the Demons are both Zombies.
    The polls are a joke,but without them the vote manufacturing would look too obvious.
    I am listening to Trump speak,he just keeps going on,man ain’t using a teleprompter.
    I tried to listen to the Demonically Possessed Democrats but they are both blessed with horrible voices and do not seem to have anything to say.
    How do you “make your case” to the voters?
    If you don’t want to talk to them.?

    Is this election a joke to the Democrats?
    Their campaign is even worse than 2016.
    Even the full might of the Fake Newz Industry and the Tech Lords is not enough to carry these two losers,hell Joe keeps blowing up his backers.
    Just what demographic are the Democrats appealing to?
    The bitter,shrieking loser demographic?
    Or are they appealing to the dead,because the dead are their most loyal supporters?

  11. John , I think dead is what they are referring to when they say we all wind up in the same place. They just want to hurry the process for some of us.
