Party On, Media Party!

Things you’ll never see on the CBC.

Or Postmedia, or Global.

48 Replies to “Party On, Media Party!”

  1. So “Real Journalists” only use dinosaur media like PAPER! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…..
    Yes, so “technologically” advanced they are still using Gutenberg’s press, but don’t print the Bible; just BILE.

    The comedy challenged government spreading devalued dollars, to propagate devalued opinions, to prop up our devalued Prime Minister.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. My parrots will miss the news media and any of their newspapers.

      I had to put slick pages of perfume smelling magazine advertising in my birds cages,

      They hate slipping and falling into their own shit.

  2. By feeding the dinosaur that is the crony and ideologically addled LPC, we are feeding the cadaver of print media.
    And thus sowing the seeds of our enslavement to climate change totalitarianism and gender equity.
    Only the parasites and scavengers remain to feed; not the workers, not the readers, not even the “journalists.”
    No co-opted stone will be left unturned in the name of raw power, turning $20b surpluses into $20b deficits.
    Bribed by our own money to be led to serfdom and because we don’t want to be called racist, or worse, we take it.

  3. I wonder if ‘The Rebel’ will pass the approval panel. (They may need to have more written content, less video, maybe just provide transcripts of the video?)

    1. LOL. The Rebel is likely the most honest source of news in Canadastan nowadays.
      BTW having media eating in the hand of government equals that Canada just crossed the line into a banana republic, so enjoy Millenials.

      1. Pretty sure Ezra and gang have said no way they would take a dime …if there was ever any chance Trudeau and gang would offer it.

        1. Ezra should sue for it anyways, to make the point.

          Then donate it to charity when he wins!

  4. Anyone else having issues reaching SDA using Brave browser? It starts to open, and then switches to a page that claims “phishing/malware” has been detected. Have Liberals or Commies (BIRM) been falsely reporting SDA to sites that track spammers?

    1. Yes, but it seems to have stopped after I switched of the phishing / malware setting.

  5. “This is a government handout to millionaires and billionaires.”

    But that’s the way it always works. Before the last federal election our “Conservative” MP, Pierre Lemieux, went around with a shopping cart and handed out millions to local millionaires: the St. Albert Cheese factory, Skotidakis Yogurt, MacEwen Feeds, etc.

    Us poor little peasants with no political influence always end up paying the rich bastards who have it.

    1. Come on! The Conservatives are gonna fix EVERYTHING corrupt in Canada. Those handouts were, er, essential to their gaining power, and as such totally excusable, so they can get at all that bad Liberal corruption. ( Like the equalization extension they did not oppose in any way, whatsoever.)

      Just don’t vote for Max, or the conservatives won’t be able to fix the corruption. Bernier man bad!

  6. Well, that was weird. I posted the previous comment about Brave browser not playing nice with SDA, using Firefox, then shut down Firefox, and opened the site again in Brave (shields up) with no problems.

    Anyone else having transitory issues like that? I notice that even Firefox reported blocking one tracking attempt, probably an ad.

    1. I use FireFox and have added the NoScript plug-in to stop “scripts” like pop-up ads and other nasty things. Videos do not automatically load for me, so I have to manually start them (not a problem, I like this.) SDA has always loaded perfectly for me. You can change the settings in NoScript for each individual site you visit to allow “scripts” on your trusted sites, like SDA. Works great.

  7. The CBC is finally going to get some competition. They have had a free ride on the taxpayers dime for far too long. Now they have to compete with all the Sponsored Media of the Liberal Party of Canada whores on their knees before Trudeau. They have not had to compete before, so it might take some adjustment time to accept their new role.
    I don’t think ‘The Rebel’ wants anything to do with the graft and corruption involved here. A reputation, I suspect, is still worth something in the news business. I mean, Trudeau is not going to be PM forever, is he?

    1. O/T 64, “I mean, Trudeau is not going to be PM forever, is he?”

      I sure hope not,but with the competition………………

      One item Scheer can put into the CPC platform is complete transparency on CBC. They take about $1.5 billion in direct taxpayer subsidies, but the place is treated like it’s the Secret Service. What national security issue is at play in not disclosing the salaries of their “stars”? And what are the pensions of the ex-stars?

      I would like to see a complete audit of the books with all the numbers any taxpayer owned corporation should be able to provide.

      What I SUSPECT,but have no way of proving until we DO get a full audit: CBC employees are paid way more than the market value. I suspect Peter Mansbridge earned a salary and bonuses higher than any in his position at any other network in Canada. Same with many of the other stars on CBC.
      I also suspect that the government pays a huge amount of advertising revenue to CBC, further subsidizing them. I gave seen way too many ads for the Canadian military sponsoring CFL games,when the Forces aren’t hiring. Every branch of government possible advertises on CBC, probably to the tune of another several hundred million.

      And the ratings, it’s almost impossible to find out what the rating for any CBC program are, so we have no idea is anyone is actually watching, or if the whole damned thing is just a boondoggle for the artsy-fartsy communities of Toronto and Montreal.

      To sum up, I believe CBC has ratings in single digits, pays their people way more than the market rate, further subsidizes them with advertising revenues, and in the end actually costs taxpayers over $2 billion per year,all to act as a propaganda vehicle for the Liberal Party of Canada.

      1. Don, as an economist I have checked out the CBC’s annual reports, and these have very little in the way of properly reported accounting information. The reports are self-serving glitz, with little hard data.

  8. The problem with paying out danegeld is that each season you need to offer up more or you end up getting gelded.

  9. Warning: The following program may contain scenes of bribery, corruption and malfeasance.
    Voter discretion is advised.

  10. I remember the pre-deployment briefings we would get in the Army, about how graft and corruption was the way of doing business in those countries we were sent to save. It was even factored in for local contracts. The lectures were always delivered with a smug sense of superiority that this could never happen in a modern progressive country like Canada. Then I would come home and see that we were just the same if not worse. Worse because at least those other counties were honest about their corruption. Canada is not.

    1. Yes the Lib Con Parties have had their way with Canada and Canadians.

      But let’s all vote Trudeau light sheer in

      I mean eventually the cons when given the opportunity to get rid of the CBC that they will right!

      Ooppps I forgot Harper had the chance to do it and he didn’t do it why was that cons fans?

      ah yeah I forgot they all report to Globalist controlled Power Corp…

      True North but not Free…

  11. what’s the LPoC word for Pravda?

    on a serious note, THIS literally shows the communistic inclinations of TURDoo.
    real interesting to see if THAT fact sinks in election day.

    furthermore, this is the [end?] result of the common view of the ‘polite canadian’.
    too ‘polite’ to raise a stench about this malfeasance.

  12. Bigger picture. First take control of the media, then go for the guns, then remake the new Utopia. We’re in year three of the Chavez Decline.

  13. If Scheer was smart this policy will be absent from his platform. Then the first day of his government deep six it into hell.

  14. Yes, you won’t actually read about this in the MSM.

    That’s why I (used to) like FRANK Magazine: I learned that a local editor was convicted of multiple drunk driving offences (his nickname was Hartley Stewed), and of course his own paper wouldn’t write about it, and neither would the “competition” out of respect for the “Thin Inked Line”, so to speak.

    Wouldn’t be so bad, but he often wrote about how our drunk driving laws were so onerous…

  15. Trump tweeted today that he is considering defunding NPR, if the Left wants it, they can pay for it. Now if elected, will Sheer follow suite?

    1. Absolutely not…

      Puppets follow their Globalist master lead.

      Sheer will allow

      Carbon Tax

      Paris Accord

      Islam is the approved religion of peace

      Keep the CBC

      Trudeau a Puppet so is Sheer…

      No new pipelines will be built to the coast by the following next election after this one this fall.

      Bank on it…

  16. I haven’t picked up a News-PAPER for at least 10 years. Not off my driveway, not off the newsstand … nowhere. The Canadian Govt. really DOES HATE FREE SPEECH don’t they? They are funding their own Pravda. Shameful. Governments have been overthrown for less.

  17. Another one bites the dust – Celina Caesar-Chavannes – mp for Whitby and ‘woman of colour’ resigns from liberal caucus.

  18. sigh . . . . . .
    (quoting myself) “they ALL do it”.
    anyone care to dispute?
    sound of crickets . . . . . . . .

  19. Too bad I’ve already passed by the MSM to acquire my news electronically so that I get as much of the kind of news I’m interested in, and none of the stuff I don’t.

    A win-win deal all round, and if something really interesting pops up on the dead-tree media I can buy a souvenir copy, like I did with the February 7th and 28th editions of the good ol’ Mop & Pail.

    I won’t mind buying another when Junior finally ceases being our PM…!

  20. Surprise, the corporate Media monopoly is as corrupt as the Liberal Party that set up the Media monopoly in the first place. When Peeair imposed his CRTC he did so with the explicit intent of suppressing alternate voices to the Trudopian nightmare… the CRTC is essentially a tool of the Liberal Party, all Media must by Government decree conform to the Trudopian agenda and accept and promote Peeairs ideological dictates or, no licence for you… The corporate Media keep their stranglehold monopoly on the political narrative without fear of competition as long as they blindly promote Peeairs country. Un-surprisingly not everyone wants to read or watch Peeairs journalists spew their LIberal Party approved “news” so enter the corrupt imbecilic actor son of crazy Peeair to save the Media monopoly by rewarding the corporate Media heads with some taxpayer mad money, essentially a reward for failure and towing the Liberal Party vision. Peeair corrupted the Media decades ago, just like he corrupted everything else he touched, thats what revolutionary whack jobs do, destroy…the son is simply rewarding the Media’s continued loyalty to the Librano cause.

  21. So average Canadians making average CAN 37k/year, are taxed to support leftist who despise them and make over Can 58K/yr.

  22. The Spawn, likely under the advice of Butts is making the media addicted to government loot in order to ensure that no future government dependent of the vote of the mindless, mushy middle (who else follows them) will dare have a platform to cut them off. Max is the only current politician with any hope of forming government within the next decade who could change this.

    Given that Canadian media is purely left it ensures a legacy of propaganda.

  23. A few years ago Canada Revenue Agency considered controlling Tax Prepares. At the time I wrote a short article/post titled “Canada Revenue Agency’s Power Grab”. Luckily they eventually dropped the idea, hopefully for good, but who knows. Here is a link my short article/post:

    As for the press, even our puppies get it. Here is a short less than 1 minute video starring April and her Great Grand Daughter Cari where April explains how it works and Cari keeps fighting for freedom:
