When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Roger Simon;

[The] current scandal is far, far worse than Watergate, which, bad as it was, was the coverup of a completely unnecessary buffoon-like break-in during an election that was already won in a landslide. What is being exposed now is an attempt by our highest law enforcement agency working in concert with our intelligence agencies and, evidently, the blessing of the former administration itself to block the candidate of the opposing party, even to defraud and spy on him, that is to, as others have said, “set him up.” And then, if they were unsuccessful, make it impossible for him to govern. In addition, in all probability, the same players conspired to make certain Hillary Clinton was not indicted for a crime for which virtually any other American would have done jail time.

h/t Warren K Smith

32 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Lol what lame excuse making. Many of these people were under investigation before Trump even announced his presidency.

      1. You can always tell when the truth doesn’t fit someone’s internal narrative. They resort to name calling.

  2. That’s a fine lot of bovine excrement there young Allan S. I’ll bet that your garden grows well. Words for the day: “LOCK HER UP!!!!”

  3. America had better nip this coup in the bud, or a second civil war is inevitable.

    1. Yep, we’re all just waiting for the closing line to Julius Caesar:

      “Et tu Brute..?”

      Of course the media’s only ‘contribution’ will be to count the dagger strokes.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group ‘True North’

  4. Hrrmmm… how far back does this go? Methinks similar activities in play even with Romney I’d bet. If Obama would do it for the shrew, he’d do it for himself given the coterie of sycophants.

    1. The powers that be have been trying to get the individual liberty genie back into the bottle ever since King George III let it out. They thought they had us but Billery stunk so bad that many Dems couldn’t vote without puking and stayed home.

  5. This is why Obama could go on TV before the election and squirk saying “Trump will not be President……..”. When you have that kind of machine rolling over the other party it is really no wonder.

  6. The lesson here is that all this bulls hit only works within a bubble and the folks inside the bubble have to be receptive to it.
    They got careless when they made the claim that She was fit for the office of the POTUS.
    At that moment the bubble got a whole lot smaller and they didn’t realize it.
    That or they where too scared to admit it.

  7. I linked this a few years ago. It’s worth a re-read.

    “These people are playing with matches… I don’t think they understand the scope and scale of the wildfire they are flirting with. They are f***ing around with a civil war that could last a decade and cause millions of deaths… and the sad truth is that 95% of the problems we have in this country could be solved tomorrow, by noon… simply by dragging 100 people out in the street and shooting them in the f***ing head.”


  8. ……..”. When you have that kind of machine rolling over the other party it is really no wonder.”

    Methinks there is/was no other party. Had any other uniparty candidate taken the Repub. nomination, non of this would have surfaced.
    Trump was of course the Washington outsider. Trump was the ‘enemy’ of ‘business as usual’.

  9. When subversives aren’t punished, they are empowered. Hitlary should be in jail and Obama should be acquiring a legal defense team. But they are not so things will only get worse.

  10. Within the next ten years, the US will be in a shooting civil war, unless folks at the FBI and DOJ do the perp walk, and maybe even one or two of them end up on death row.

    If not, the same angry, desperate folks that put DJT into office will correctly conclude that there remains NO law-abiding, peaceful means of effecting change in their political landscape, and they will act accordingly. History is a beeyatch… Hope liberals know how to dodge bullets. I can already see the long lineups of desperate coffee-shop metro-sexo libs begging to be let onto the airplane to whisk them away to New Zealand as the armies of the Oathkeepers and the 3 Percenters advance on all fronts… chock full of service men and women who have had enough of having their country taken from them illegally.

    1. Hopefully so. The people need to see some of these Democrat criminals marched off in cuffs and soon.

      This whole sordid criminal affair is different from the Roman Praetorian Guard assassinating and picking emperors how?

  11. I would suggest it would be imprudent of DJT to take an open-car motorcade in Dallas. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

  12. “What we have here are people who think they are “good” driven to evil by their own self-righteousness.”

    So true.

    It has been said that the ‘right’ and ‘left’ of the west are watching two completely different movies right now. Nothing reflects that metaphor better than today’s media/societal landscape. Leftards are sooo buried in groupthink and protected from alternate opinions, that they truly believe Trump is thoroughly evil and must be destroyed for the good of peoplekind. They believe this from the tips of their heads down to the tips of their little toes. Absolutely everyone in their circles is obsessed with destroying Trump too, so how could ‘everyone’ be wrong? So, when they openly lie about the president, they convince themselves it is in the name of killing evil…. so of course it’s OK.

    So devoid of any alternative opinion are these leftards that they are oblivious to the clear fact that their own ‘White Privilege” meme is actually just the very destructive ‘Racism of Low Expectations’. Just think of how evil a philosophy it is to teach young blacks that they have an inherent disadvantage because they are not white. Despicable.

    Joseph, your ‘bubble’ comments are bang on, too.

    1. religious belief is/was a precursor to unsubstantiated bull $hit ruling the day, and many in here will bristle at this comment, but it is so. This political/social “belief” system is just replacing the religious belief system. Humans are basically emotional reactionaries, and belief is an emotional construct .

      1. Ha, NME. I deleted a paragraph I typed on ‘Conservative groupthink’ just before I posted that because experience has shown me that it would have been a ‘dog whistle’ for a certain few here and ultimately would have just ended up being a distraction from the main point I was making.

        No doubt, we all need to exercise some faith just to survive, but far too many ideologues willfully practice BLIND FAITH just so that they may remain in the comfy little worlds they have built themselves.

      2. I make a very sharp distinction between organized religion and my own hard won battle for explanations of where we came from and where we’re headed.
        this is why I can agree with a poster using Rev 13:18 as a handle.
        I’m not afraid of the truth, wherever it comes from.
        Blind Faith is the name of a 60s pop group and a one way ticket to a cult, huge financial loss, etc etc.
        my autism (heavy on logic/analitical skills, light on ‘people skills’) refuses to allow me to blindly follow yammering from religious fundamentalists.

        there is a God, He has a plan, we’re the main players.

    1. “This won’t be a good week for the “bubble.” That is what we thought last week, and the week before that, and the week before that, but no one ever gets taken away in cuffs.

  13. It is quite revealing to note that even respected journalists and opinion writers are now using the term “Deep State” as a valid reality. The very REAL … “Deep State” … tentacles are coming to light. We are all learning that the Federal bureaucrats have seized POWER in our country … and that politicians are simply puppets for their nefarious activities.

    The Deep State must be DRAINED. Now!

  14. The existing Media are the enemy, but simply destroying the Media at the start of a civil war would result in a quick win… The extreme Left are less than < 12% and are not a military threat unless they get control of the Military… The Leftist twit's are not smart enough to realize that THEY are the first Group that the Communists will KILL… Yes the Communists will do it right this time, they will kill all those that pose an impediment to their ONE world Vision….They have identified & gathered everyone into Groups, easier to target…..Solve the World population & wasted Resources with one bullet… for each

  15. Unless you are in a coma, everyone knows all this already … the question is … is anything going to be done about it. That is to say, when will the arrests begin? Or … is the Democrat Party and the big shits at the FBI and the DOJ and the CIA above the law … as I suspect they may well be.

    If these bastards get away with it, there will be no more respect for government or it’s corrupt agencies. The perps must be brought toi justice and Trump must continue his stellar agenda to make America great again.

  16. “Former CIA director and high profile anti-Trump Resistance activist John Brennan called on Republican congressional leadership to stop Trump from looking into any of it”

    Why do I think Brennan is sending a message to Mitch, the bitch, that he will sing if he is trapped… It was Mitch & Ryan that provided cover for Obama, Comey & the rest of the Swamp….Jeff Sessions made a deal with Mitch & the Senate establishment…Trump was set up from the get-go, but he is winning…The more BS investigation by Rod & Mueller leads to more evidence of Crimes by the Obama Administration…Keep digging Mueller… the hole is not deep enough yet..

    BTW: The absolute Head of Justice enforcement is TRUMP! At what point does he declare that the Clown team are obstructing Justice

  17. Eliminate democracy and make Americans subjects, is a dick move Liberals.
    Most of them, like Allan S, won’t get that.

  18. I am still flabbergasted that there are still so many believers in cold fusion and flying cars. Every day, there are always multiple people saying “the Mueller investigation is about to bear fruit, Trump will be arrested very soon”. Now I know; it does not matter how long it goes on with nothing happening, this is religion, not science.

    I tried to put some on the spot. I asked them “put a date on it, at what point in time, with Trump still not arrested, would they stop believing”. They said by November. I am curious when the goal posts will start to move.
