Have You No Decency?

‘What America needs is an investigation of the investigators. I want to know who is paying for the spies’ work and coordinating this attack on President Donald Trump? I want to know who Dan Jones is talking to across the investigations – from the FBI, to the Southern District of New York, to the OSC, to the Department of Justice, to Congress.


‘Forget about all the death threats against my family. I want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you lost an election.


‘I want to know because God Damn you to Hell.’

34 Replies to “Have You No Decency?”

  1. It’s painfully obvious the “Russian collusion” is a political concoction, Deep state vs DJT, Mad Magazine white vs black spies.
    No intern cigar @ White House.

    Even the Liberals here dredge up Harper/Harris/Mulroney to deflect blame. Fakers.

  2. The goal is very simple.

    The deep state will punish Donald Trump, his family, his friends, and business associates to strike fear in the heart of anyone that dares to try running against the deep state Uniparty in the future.

    Their witch hunt has already cost Don Jr. his marriage, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen his privacy, and dozens of people are paying tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawyer fees.

    Note that Caputo has already said he will never, ever work for another Republican Party Candidate again. The deep state’s message has been sent and it has been received.

    1. The blame goes to Gutless Jeff Sessions. His cowardly recusal set this witch hunt in motion.

      1. if only, and I’m not defending Jeff “Howdy Doody” Sessions, it goes way back. Have you ever heard the a USA president, JFK, was assassinated??? I think the only “cleans” presidents since then were Nixon ( the drunk) and Carter (the stupid)

        1. Not so sure about Carter. I believe he was recruited by the NWO. His lack of experience in government would have made him particularly easy to manipulate. Nixon for all his faults was bit of an outsider and possibly knew too much which is why they went after him.

          1. LindaL, Watergate was GD set up by the CIA, as Nixon was asking too many questions
            Ford, who bailed Nixon’s ass out, was on the Warren (joke) commission. Ford pardoned Nixon so that it would not go to court, as discovery would have opened a can of worms that would have destroyed the deep state. The deep state is a bi-partisan effort to fvck the average citizen out of their democracy, and it’s working!!!

    2. Mueller et al are the “insurance policy”. In their fetid dementia caused by the loss of the election, they are willing to bring down the United States itself. (OK That is the objective of some Dementocrats anyway).

      It’s worse here in Canada where we have the government even funding those that want to destroy Canada economically.

  3. Rush Limbaugh’s lead story today begins with Mr. Caputo’s testimony and story.

    At some point int he future, I’d like to see Mr. Caputo being called to testify against any Democrats responsible for this.

  4. “Have You No Decency?”

    That there would be a rhetorical question. Here is another, “What are ends for, if not to justify the means?”

    1. “Decency”, there is no decency in politics. You have to go for the throat, you have to go for the balls, you have to go for the eyes. There is no decency in politics. Great remarks by Dan Jones and it could be a spark.

  5. ironically the ‘decency’ phrase was first aimed at one sen. j mcarthy. a big hero here @ SDA.

  6. The boulder has started to move. Now that it is rolling, there is nothing that can stop it.
    To borrow the vernacular, the average American voter has become “woke” and the Deep State Uniparty (DSU) knows this.
    Hence their simultaneous dropping of even the pretense of impartiality, and their increasingly strident hammering in the MS Media about more and more fantastical scenarios of defeating Trump.
    Their gloves are coming off and the masks are falling because they are beginning to realize that they are involved in an existential fight.
    One wonders if the increasingly hysterical barrage of fake anti-Trump news is more to placate the DSU itself, like whistling past a graveyard or muttering Hail Marys while strolling a dark street.

  7. Decency is for people in power – sometimes. Establishment fascism – what they tried (the first reason):


    What they’re trying and the mutual sellout by them and the media of the American voter:

    The second reason for the departures from legal, institutional, and procedural norms that propagating a conspiracy theory requires is far more troubling. The lies and misinformation spoon-fed to the press by former high intelligence officials, who are now cashing paychecks from the same news outlets that they partnered with, are part of an ongoing campaign which, if successful, will protect those ex-spy chiefs from the legal consequences of their own law-breaking while in office.”

    For example, the House Intelligence Committee report found that James Clapper “flatly denied ‘discussing[ing] the dossier [compiled by Steele] or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists.’ ” Yet while Clapper may now find himself in trouble for lying to Congress—which he has done before on extremely consequential subjects, like the extent of America’s domestic spying programs, apparently without damaging his credibility as a “news source”—he has carved a new job out of a possible crime. In August 2017, CNN hired him as an analyst, creating the appearance, at least, that the network is now paying him for the information he leaked to them. At the same time, it provides him with a platform to run an offense shielding him from the legal consequences of his actions. Presumably, Clapper will continue to justify his actions as a public official on-air while denying any wrong-doing, and his “analysis” will be presented to viewers as impartial and truthful.”

    Nor is Clapper the only source of misinformation to land a paying job with a news outlet he leaked to while ostensibly protecting America’s secrets. Former CIA head John Brennan, another spy chief at the Trump briefing, won a TV deal with NBC in what, if you look at it from the wrong angle—or the right angle—might appear to be a payment in kind for leaking politically charged information and perhaps even classified intelligence. It’s enough to make any real journalist nauseous—or would be, if there were any real journalists left in Washington, as opposed to people who give each other awards for printing stuff that’s spoon-fed to them by oppo shops and spies with clear political agendas. How embarrassing.”

    Then endanger what’s left of their credibility with a selfie Pulitzer Prize for this fake news “investigation.”

    Mueller isn’t the only one desperate to finally uncover a Trump “crime” to salvage careers (what’s left of them).

    Trump should most certainly use his presidential prerogatives and crush them all post haste with great prejudice.


    1. “How the ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ sausage gets made” (from your TabletMag link) shows how the swamp lost decency a long time ago…hence the Stormy Daniels allegations to ‘spice’ things up in the sausage handling department.

      The swamp is in full on “Keep our place at the trough” mode and any and ALL methods will be tried including the so called piss dossier with bogus FISA warrant application
      Stormy Daniels was just thrown in by the swamp for good measure, in case the mess they were throwing together wasn’t sticky enough.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group ‘True North’

  8. The left has decided that American’s votes shall not count. They will tell any lie and use every dirty trick to negate those votes.

  9. I posted this earlier in a similar thread but thought it might be better posted here.

    For most people that aren’t aware that this vilification of Trump goes back well beyond his nomination. Here is a series of videos that give a very concise background into what is happening in America at the moment.

  10. Mr. Caputo’s statement and appearance on Tucker last night has effected me more than any thing else in this entire circus. A monstrous and out-of-control government is systematically destroying people like him who do not have the resources to fight back. And they are doing ALL of it because they lost an election. Gd DAMN them to hell, is right!

  11. I dunno but maybe we should at least entertain the possibility that the POTUS might be an actual criminal?

    1. Trump’s only crime was beating Sainted Hillary Clinton in a free and fair election.

      If you know anything different, post it Sparky!

      1. Just so we’re on the same page here, is there any possible amount or type of evidence revealed that would lead you to include Donald Trump is guilty? Like whatever they end up having, it was all fabricated by the Deep State right?

        1. being naïve is one thing, being stupid by design is altogether an other thing. V Foster wrote a letter pointing his finger at Hilery, it took about 23 years, and a libby lawyer dying, to come to light. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass. I couldn’t give sh*t at this time if Trump actually broke a “law”, as laws are for little people and that would make him one of us, fighting for us.

          1. This reply is so impressively dense with logical fallacies, spelling errors, and a general lack of reason that I’m just going to go ahead and assume it’s satire. Not playing.

        1. With your own diminutive bobble firmly and permanently shoved up your own (_i_), how could you possibly see that UnThing….

    2. “I dunno but maybe we should at least entertain the possibility that the POTUS might be an actual criminal?”
      Who is we?
      Given the leaking,lies and slander to date,if Trump had even an unpaid parking ticket it would have bee a “huge media scandal” by now.
      The Trump Derangement Syndrome has peaked at way past stupid and now you offer the above drivel?
      Where have you been?
      Maybe “we” should accept the possibility that we are governed by fools and bandits…
      Why else would a President Trump cause them to act as insanely as they do?

  12. Andrew, your bull$hit don’t cut it, Butt now you can see how stupid you sound. I always like tossing it back at a fool the same as they spit it up. As to your “logical fallacy” , is that you using your right hand to gratify yourself??

  13. I don’t believe that President Trump is guilty of any crime.

    and I’m not saying, “compared to what the Democrats were up to”

    Any crime.

  14. Well so far in this thread we have:
    -“But Hillary!”
    -“I know for sure he didn’t commit any crimes and nothing will change my mind”
    -“He maybe did commit crimes but that’s OK, he should be allowed to” (WTF)
    -Personal insults

    Very compelling arguments guys. Anything I miss?

    1. I dunno maybe we should entertain the possibility that you are:
      1) a dem troll
      2) a pedo
      3) a russian bot
      4) an alien lizard
      5) and ndp voter
      6) an enviro whacko

      Now, tell me why we shouldn’t entertain at least one of the above?
