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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
"I got so much traffic after your post my web host asked me to buy a larger traffic allowance." - Dr.Ross McKitrick
Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
"The New York Times link to me yesterday [...] generated one-fifth of the traffic I normally get from a link from Small Dead Animals." - Kathy Shaidle
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"Go back to collecting your welfare livelihood. - "Michael E. Zilkowsky
Justin Trudeau ‘cut funding’ for UNRWA too, last year…or so he said. Turns out that the payments were scheduled in such a way that Canada had just made one when he announced this ‘cut’…then he restored it before the next payment was due.
I wonder if any of these Members of Parliament supported giving away Canadian tax payer money to the United Nations Rockets and Weapons Administration?
If it had been only them, I’d be happy.
The Turd will make sure that Kanadians make up the shortfall.
I find it deliciously ironic that far-left, racist, Democrats virtually invented … defunding … as a tactic to destroy segments of our government they don’t like … are getting it good and hard in return. We didn’t invent the rules … but we’re gonna make them live by the same rules too.
Kenji, you are so right. I’m loving defunding anti-Christian, anti-White and anti-American programs at home and worldwide.
Some of the biggest money whores are the churchers, and they been git money from USAID. During Trump’s first term, there were churches in southern Texas that were helping illegals, just to make $$$$, Also a few years ago 7 mainstream kristian churches were all in on the anti Israel DBS movement, corrupt and criminal money grubbers is what they are.
I said anti-Christian and that includes the mainline churches like Lutheran Family Charities and Catholic Charities both sited in recent USAID articles about their illegal immigrant resettlement schemes with offices on both sides of the border. Both like Episcopalians and Presbyterians (my former denomination) are not preaching the gospel but are SJW freaks expounding LGBTQ and DEI garbage.
Agree. These may be “church people” but they’re not Christians, aka followers of Christ.
I was wondering where you have been, GYM. I was getting worried…
Anyway, guess what! I agree with you. I agree especially when it comes to the USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops) who have been collecting grant money to harbor, and help assist illegal migrants. As a Catholic, I am disturbed at the direction the leadership of not only the Catholic Church, but other “Christian” organizations have been doing, aiding and abetting this illegal activity, and being rewarded for it.
I also want you to understand that many Catholics feel the same way as I do, and this is the point I’ve been trying to get across to you for what seems like years.
DO NOT CONFLATE the Christian faith with those that are supposedly leading it! The problem is not the religion. The problem is the people who are supposedly administering the religion. Please understand that Christians all over the world are being harassed, persecuted, even killed for their faith. I just saw a headline just this morning about a Christian leader in Nigeria who was assassinated by a gang of Muslims DURING A WORSHIP SERVICE. The marauders weren’t content with just killing the prefect. They had to blunt the decease’s head with axes, in front of the entire congregation.
None of this is being reported in the MSM.
I will grant you that the so-called “Christians” running the churches are corrupt, but understand that the people who follow Jesus Christ are victims… not only of their own corrupt leadership, but are also the most persecuted among all religious groups.
Please remember this when you post your diatribes against the Christian faith.
agm/FC … thank you for saying what I started typing … but got distracted by WORK of all things … hahahaha ha ha. I have no use for Catholic Charities or Lutheran Social Services both of whom are servicing themselves and making themselves the primary charity case.
Trump reigns supreme. Susan Collins, Ben Cassidy and Todd Young all took a knee today, rather than explain themselves to MAGA and the boss.
The UN won’t want our money soon, the Turd Peso doesn’t go far in NY, NY.
It’s like Christmas every day!
Gotta say, I knew what was coming would shock a lot of people, I’m very impressed with the speed. USAID? All of the sudden no one is talking about deportations, next it will be DOE and no one will be talking about USAID.
Fun to watch and it’s all absolutely necessary. And the Dems will never figure out that most of this would not be happening if they weren’t smug, arrogant douche-bags during Obama’s 3 terms.
This probably wouldn’t have happened, and if so at this speed, if the Demoncrats hadn’t cheated in 2020.
But after the Dems screwed the American people, it gave Trump and his team 4 years to figure out where much of the deep states lies or who funds it.
Smug, arrogant, and d-bag doesn’t even come CLOSE to describing “trans” Queer FREAKS flopping-out and playing with their bare (fake) breasts in the White House garden … or filming and distributing faggottry butt sex in the Senate Hearing Chambers … on the very desks of the Senators.
Vile, creepy, disgusting …
Thankfully, the last LGBTQueer Term of Obama is over. And done.
It is easy to forget Trump’s major achievement when he was 45th. Decades of Religious RINO Repubs screaming they need your money to overturn Row vs Wade. Decades, and nothing done. Trump comes in, nominates Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch, and poof, the impossible was achieved. And his major achievement wasn’t even in ending that monstrosity of the law that was Roe, but in showing how feckless the Repub establishment really was. Also the tax cut. When it passed, I just couldnt believe he actually did it. The impossible.
His greatest achievement was in showing how useless most politicians really are. This next term looks like he easily will outstrip Reagan’s legacy.
Excellent analysis. I would substitute “useless” w criminal, corrupt, sleazy or evil. “Useless,” gives them an out for being mistakenly incompetent.
I love everything the guy’s doing. But he needs to get a legislative/statutory backup for his rightful actions.
The U.S. has had a three party system for years. Considering both houses of Congress are wobbly, in that there are enough liberal Republicans + RINOS in both the Senate and House, it might be tough. People like Murkowski, Collins, McConnell and a few more need to be purged, threatened, and hopefully brutally primaried when that opportunity arises.
There’s no such thing as a dictator when you actually follow through on what you actually campaigned on.
Hamas and UNWRA don’t have to worry, Oxfam, Amnesty International and World Vision will continue to fund raise for them after taking their huge cuts off of the top.
Gaza’s sky is black but Qatar is always sunny
Relocate the United Nations to Gaza.
Or Mauritania, so they can all have their own slaves which will make the Muslim states feel much more at home.