18 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. Today Blackie burns jet fuel to diverse Toronto for some sort of African commission meeting.

  2. ah, and regarding eroding cwistian faff, ummmm, just do like happened to me the newcomer at open door christian fellowship and treat said newcomer like CRAP.
    -constantly interrupted
    -snapped at in a meeting GET TO THE POINT despite 20 seconds away and instead an arguement 5 times longer ensues
    -make sure the head pastor thumbs their nose when said newcomer is wracked with grief losing their gf in 2015 as howard katz said “she didnt attend” (you got it howard, NEITHER DO I ANYMORE
    -and finally when you make a big addition to the place, TURN DOWN THE FULLY EQIUPPED EXPERIENCED AND AVAILABLE newcomer at least a dozen times, 5 times one morning alone, thus make godam sure at least one newcomer ‘knows their place’.

    thus l havent stepped in the place, *or any other ‘chuch’* in over 3 years so their strategy is working.

    any time what my faith is comes up, l tell them lm a ‘Usedtobe’

    1. Covid stopped me from attending church, they locked the doors. I will not longer return. Cowards who believe in God, not my kind of people.

      1. Bingo. They all stayed silent as turdo and Blubber douggie sent in their legions, destroyed families and treated us unjabbed as lepers. And they lay down and crapped themselves in the long grass as Caesar’s henchmen went after the handful of pastors who spoke out against the evil.

  3. Migrants will flee somewhere. Illegals need to be deported from everywhere to where ever they came from.

  4. Is Freeland speaking for Herr Turd when she talks about the border?
    Yeah no.
    When it comes to our southern border, she sounds just like Kamala.

  5. WINNERS and LOSERS about to become BIG WINNERS and LOSERS and/or following the lead of Garland/DOJ & Jack Smith retreat from lawfare.

    Judge Juan Merchan Considering ‘Tossing’ Trump Convictions

  6. The Honorable Mr Randy Boissonnault, our federal employment minister, claimed Aboriginal status when he and a buddy formed a company during covid to go get them some of that covid money his boss was throwing around. Not very honorable I would say, I would say he is a liar and a cheat, prove me wrong!

  7. Liberals must stand up to the rise in populism

    Well our PM is certainlydoing that; he is very un-popular.
