24 Replies to “I’m Going To Miss The Polar Bears”

      1. Gee,I hope there was no violence! Our own beloved Prime Minister made a “surprise” visit to prop up his support in the LGBTQetc. community.

        Does anyone know if the German researcher attacked was wearing bells?
        Apparently, polar bears will not attack anyone wearing bells for the same reason grizzly bears won’t attack anyone wearing bells. I don’t claim to understand their reasoning, but every university educated researcher I’ve ever met wore bells to ward off grizzlies, while they scoffed at my .444 Marlin which I always carried when working in areas near a salmon run.

        1. Pro Tracker Tip: You can always determine if it’s Grizzly scat by checking it for little bells.

        2. Always carry bear spray and wear bells when in bear country. The bells warn the bears that you are coming and they usually avoid you. Brown bear scat is brown and convoluted. Grizzly scat is brown, convoluted, smells like pepper and has little bells in it. Be safe!

          To a brown bear pepper spray is a deterrent.
          To a grizzly pepper spray is a condiment.

  1. According to Farley Mowat polar bears used to range down into new England and as far south as the interlake of Manitoba. They were mostly extirpated from their traditional range because Europeans with guns objected to being eaten by them and the pelt was very nice..

  2. Scott: “There is no such thing as a Prime Minister of Greenland.”

    In the words of Al Boreland, “I don’t think so, Tim.”

    As near as I can determine, the official title is ‘Premier’, but the title of Prime Minister is also valid and more often used. For example, The President of the US is also the ‘Commander-In-Chief’ of the Armed F0rces as well as ‘Chief Executive’. Or perhaps it’s something like a Monarch. It would be silly to say Britain has no kings or queens, only Monarchs.

    So, that’s what I gathered from a quick search, that Greenland does have Prime Ministers with an official title of Premier. I’d be curious as to why you wrote there is no such thing as if it is an absolute. Perhaps that’s so, but since you’ve already done the deep research to determine that, and I’m not inclined to duplicate your efforts, at least give us a link, eh?

    I’m completely open to your conclusion, since I don’t care what Greenland calls their political leader. Greenland’s Grand Poohbah, for all I care. But since you brought it up, I’d appreciate seeing the evidence that persuaded you of that absolute, ‘there is no such thing’ given that so many other people think there is such a thing.

    Why is everybody else wrong?

    1. I’ve never had any inclination to even visit Greenland but if they do make “Grand Poobah” the official title of their head of government and/or head of state I’ll be tempted to investigate the possibility of emigrating there.

      1. I want to publish a dismissive review of A. A. Milne, with the title, “The Grand Pooh Bah!”

  3. The northwest passage is going to be ice free and ready for trade any day now.. Forgone conclusion politics..
    The lazy polar bear exists because of easy seal hunting.. This makes the lazy polar bear extra dangerous..

    And all that is fine.. I just don’t know why we would want more of them..

  4. Yes,but they are so cute! Not polar, but I had a cute on my patio a couple of weeks ago. And 30 years ago it would have been unheard of in our area. All types of large mammals are in abundance unheard of 30 years ago in Saskatchewan.

  5. Back in the day, propaganda was a starving waif contrasted with rich folk eating a sumptuous meal with the caption “The rich gorge themselves while children starve!”
    Look at how the climate crisis people behave, jet-setting all over the planet.
    Look at how the coof lockdown folk behaved, telling us all to shelter in place while they went out partying.
    Look at the trans folk, acting like victims while they get flags flown in their honor.

  6. Signs of a climate crisis:

    Abundant sea ice: global warming is causing unnatural breakup.

    Very little sea ice: global warming has melted the sea ice.

    1. “Unnatural breakup” is when a climate scientist can’t keep a straight face at his own bullshit.

  7. A couple of things:

    Has anyone else noticed that the scientific name for these beasties is, “Ursus Maritimus”. Literally translated as “BEAR of the SEA”.

    They are strong swimmers and travel long distances that way. NOT to be trifled with

    I had a friend in the oil and gas exploration biz; a geochemist. He worked extensively in places like Canada and Alaska before deciding that he did not like the cold and moved to Queensland, after a stint in the Gobi Desert.

    He and ALL of his colleagues were under strict orders to NEVER go out on the ice ALONE and to ALWAYS travel, literally, “loaded for bear”, with serious hardware. Being mostly white, these bears tend to blend in with the Arctic scenery and can RUN surprisingly fast, especially when an easy meal is in the offing.

    Just for giggles and to bewilder the wokesters, these bears are whiter than the Winter brothers on the outside, but their skin is BLACK.. The sunlight, such as it is, passes through the individual hairs and is absorbed by the black skin.
