The children are our future.
PODCAST: Cabinet approved booklet for schools calling Red Ensign a hate symbol and CPC a target of “infiltration” by racists.
The children are our future.
PODCAST: Cabinet approved booklet for schools calling Red Ensign a hate symbol and CPC a target of “infiltration” by racists.
Tobacco smoking, book reading, and upper body strength are all good indicators of hate-promoting beliefs too.
Somebody better report Amazon to the guvmint! They’re selling those filthy hate rags online!!
Quick, where are my smelling salts…get me to my fainting couch!
i only fly the red ensign at my cabin .
Me too. Right beside my F Trudeau flag and my Sovereign USA flag.
I fly mine every June and July. When my sister in law from Australia visits, I fly the Australian flag, and I fly a Ukrainian flag. Haven’t flown a Maple leaf in 2 years.
I fly mine where it will be seen. No sense hiding from limp-wristed libtards.
He has a fainting couch – WHITE PRIVILEGE!!!!!!
– And smelling salts are rayciss…
The so-called “Anti-Hate Network” appears to be government funded propaganda organization promoting hate against the history and traditions of Canada, under the guise of “fighting hate”.
I’m sure it’s looking forward to profiting when the “pre-hate crime” bill comes into effect.
Bernie Farber, the head of the anti-hate network is one of the biggest grifters in Canada. And he promotes hate against anyone to the right of Mao.
Any Canadians left in this country? Apparently not.
As usual, the accusations of hate emanating from the most hateful regime in Canadian history are deflections and fabrications. Happy-faced fascists now dominate the institutions, particularly the leviathan state at all levels. Due to the mindless acceptance of the notion of hate speech, all non-progressive ideas are now deemed as hate speech. Perhaps conservatives will now be more amenable to the notion of “Our Enemy, The State”.
I prefer the red ensign not because I’m a white racist but because it looks more like a proper flag than the beer label we have now. I also prefer Dominion Day to Canada Day because it’s easier to say without sounding like you’re stuttering.
Beer label? You’re too kind. The Pearson Rag looks more like a used feminine hygiene product.
Paul, with you 100% on both counts. And never forget it was Lester Pearson’s Liberals who came up with that Beer Label. Don’t you just love Canadadaday?
I’m going to fly mine too. It is a nicer flag.
I prefer Dominion Day
How to you spell Canada
C eh N eh D eh!
Right now I am flying the 1868 to 1922 Red Ensign on my flag pole. Beautiful flag! I will fly the Red Ensign exclusively until the toxic nonsense about it being a symbol of hate is clearly repudiated by our government.
As education is provincial jurisdiction, provincial governments should simply remove any such propaganda booklets from the schools and send them back to the feds.
They will not like my laptop’s background.
Link for the booklet?
Well good thing Justine brought in legislation making offending me a crime, now who do I report this hurt feelings crime to?
Anyone still think an election is going to change much? Trumps can even sound like blubber Dougy when he tries to handle the word extreme when it pertains to the right.
PP has to stand on some kind of solid principle people instinctively crave. That doesn’t cost a cent but requires some grit.
Or it’s the runaway progressive train at just a slower pace.
// the red ensign at my cabin .
Me too. Right beside my F Trudeau flag and my Sovereign USA flag. //
Sounds like the booklet might be right.
Here come dizzy calling everyone a racist… please tell me dizzy, what exactly is racist about the above mentioned flags? ANY of THEM? Why do you hate White people’s history? If the Red Ensign enrages your racists camps – so be it. Fed up of the bullshiit from the left.
Free speech always offends fascists.
Now fckoff.
when the red ensign was the Canadian flag, it wasn’t a symbol of hatred; it was a symbol of Canada’s
position as a colony of the British Empire. Proudly waved. As that status diminished the flag became
a poorer symbol of the country.
After a lot of disputatious rhetoric the present flag became part of the movement towards symbolic independence,
completed in 1982.
NOW the red ensign [from evidence here] is flown as rejection of the country Canada has become; just as the war flag of the Southern
Confederacy has become a similar proclamation.
Like it or not Canada is still effectively a colony.
Why do you think it’s called Crown Land?
Because it belongs to the Crown, Where is the Crown? In England.
King Charles III comes to mind.
The Red Ensign still works.
Our much vaunted Charter actually limits our rights and the very first line says then can be suspended.
Rights cannot be suspended, only privileges.
“rejection of the country Canada has become”
I felt no need to fly the Red Ensign before Trudeau and his woke ilk sullied our nation. You are correct that it is a rejection of the nation we have become. Mass graves, flag flown at half mast for months, demonization of key historical figures, MacDonald, Dundas, Ryerson etc. War Measures instituted under the guise of emergency measures. Politically motivated show trials of Covid lockdown protesters but kid glove treatment for “river to the sea” protesters. Mr. “the debt will take care of itself” spending us into a bottomless pit while strangling our most lucrative industries. Sucking up to China while they hold us in contempt. The list of humiliations is endless.
Really? Where can I get a Tshirt?
On another note, it is interesting that the Liberal government chose the colors on the Canadian flag to be exactly the same red as all the Liberal symbology. This is subliminal propaganda. When PP gets in we should get a new flag and fed logo that does not have any of the party colors in it.. so no red, no blue, no orange or green. Actually blue would be ok to change the narrative but maybe a different shade.. Teal perhaps.
There’s always all white, depicting the majestic polar bear in a snowstorm!
I have many Red Ensigns. They are beautiful flags that represent the people that built a country called Canada.
This latest Liberal/NDP distortion of history and manufacturing of hate has given me the incentive to buy another one… thanks for the reminder Liberal/NDP fascists.
The only “hate” the Red Ensign represents is the hatred the LIberal/NDP Party has for Canadians.
The Maple Leaf flag is a bland contrivance and a Liberal Party flag that was imposed on Canadians.
I stand with the boys of Vimy Ridge that gave the ultimate sacrifice, not some queerish mentally ill despots of the corrupt Liberal Party.
The Liberal Party spread hate and discord and they can keep their contrived obnoxious flag… it has nothing to do with me or the people that built Canada.
My Red Ensigns have a silent message for the tyrannical despots and hate mongers of the Liberal/NDP Party…
Eat shit, fascists.
Excellent, I fly my red ensign everyday alongside Jack Rackham’s flag; as it is indicative of how badly this country is being gutted and pillaged.
C in C
1st St Nicolaas Army
Army Group True North
Checking the actual online “anti-hate toolkit” I note that the red ensign description is not quite as
portrayed above [maybe it was changed]
The text includes:
// Context should always be considered. The Red Ensign is still flown by
Legions, some military veterans, and others without a hateful agenda.
However, a teenager with a Red Ensign profile picture merits a second look
because of its prevalence in young white supremacist groups. //