9 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Trudeau doesn’t seem upset that shots were fired at a Toronto Jewish school. If it was a Muslim school, a tearful Justin would be burning jet fuel to Toronto ranting about white supremacy.

    1. PM Crusty Sock is wishing they’d shot at him so he could push the next election to 2030.
      Bernie Farber of CAHN is doing all he can to find Hank, Billy and Jeff while Hakim, Abdullah and Mohammed buy ammo in bulk…
      While their U of T skank girlfriends buy anal lube for the celebration.
      The Toronto Police: they’re hoping they can beat up David Menzies.
      Fat F*ck Ford kicked a dog and Olivia Cow ate it.
      Meanwhile, the RCMP are offering to shoot up a firehall, break into people’s homes and maybe burn down a barn.

  2. Paleosimian Youth Movement gunmen?
    If the cowards knew how to shoot and dead Jewish girls was the result would it then be called terrorism?
    I’m sure that Moderate Muslims Everywhere are leaving no mosque unturned…

    1. If the two perps are Muslim and are caught, they are immediately released given their marginalized, equality-seeking heritage. Canada must understand the community’s culture you know. /s.

  3. I wonder if that school has the Catholics drop in annually to run a day long ceremony on a teaching day?
    I bet tht’s a hit every year.
    Geoff H.

  4. POW-WOW in a School? Gimme a break, my Niece just graduated in Ontario as a Teacher. She can’t even say “Boys and Girls”.
    FILTHY LIBERALS got GOD removed from School.
    FILTHY LIBERALS think PAGAN Worship should be in School. As long as you are stroking a Feather, all good..
    FILTHY LIBERALS already preach their Climate Death Cult Religious Crap to our kids.

    I hate these FILTHY LIBERALS

  5. BLM collected more than enough funds to restore and revitalize the burned-out husk that is downtown Minneapolis; but to spend that money for such a reconstruction would require that they actually care about black lives.
