11 Replies to “We Don’t Know And We Don’t Care”

  1. The purpose of Liberal NDP subsidies is to:
    a) buy votes
    b) put money in Liberal pockets.

  2. Wow, huge eh?
    Caught a systemically corrupt bureaucracy red handed, dolling out money to their rich friends with nothing close to any kind of scrutiny.

    Just kidding.
    Only Liberals and their Globe&Mail asslickers talk about “Good Government” while turning their own airplane food into a bank heist.

    Nothing will happen, nothing ever happens.

    Love to see the Mop &Pail write a story about that thing Gubmint’s doing that “ISN’T” working against us.

    1. The Globe and Mail newspaper was started in the late 1820’s or early 1830’s by George Brown, who was a major Liberal supporter (the Whigs at the time were Conservatives). The Globe and Mail (or AKA The Grope and Fail) has always been a Liberal Party newspaper. Take everything which it writes with a HUGE bag of salt.

  3. The corruption is breathtaking. They don’t even pretend anymore.

    Even Kinsella says so, right?

    When even the pigs at the trough start complaining, that’s really something.

  4. I have a great business opportunity that will create thousands of jobs, is beneficial to Mother Earth, and will grow well into the future. All I need is some sweet government cash to get things up and running, then look out!!! It will pay itself off in no time.

    I call it Solyndra.

    1. Sibling to Proterra.

      Because Joe Biden had to have his own personal pisshole in the snow.

  5. gives new meaning to the term ‘you dont say’. very true about Liberals.
    esp in the TURDeau era.

  6. The answer was “We Don’t Know And We Don’t Care”.

    But what was the question?

    Perhaps it was, “what is the difference between ignorance and apathy?” 🙂
