24 Replies to “Scratch The Saskatchewan NDP”

  1. Normally one could forgive Tommy Douglas. It was, after all, a Master’s thesis, and all of us has had stupid ideas that we grew out of. If you can’t be misguided when you’re young, when can you be?

    But Douglas was at least 28 years old when he presented his thesis, and Hitler had come to power in Germany. That makes it less forgivable.

  2. Do stupid white people [aka non-Muslims] not fully understand what “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”??? It has a VERY specific meaning and WORDS DO MATTER.

    Feel free to disagree with the Israeli government but the moment these specific words are uttered, know that the chanters are absolutely chanting for the mass murder of about 9 million people.

    1. Not my circus, not my monkeys. The Jews can kill all the Muslims, the Muslims can kill all the Jews or they can each kill a fraction of the other. Muslims hate me for who I am, Jews hate me for who I am and I have no interest in who rules over what chunk of the middle east.

      1. I’m not exactly sure why you think Jews hate Christians. Israel is 20% Muslim and 5% Christian. They all manage to live in relative peace with each other if you ignore a few fanatics who do disgusting things like spit on people they don’t like. If it goes beyond that level of stupidity they get arrested in Israel.

        Hamas on the other hand has amply proven they will not restrict their activities to the middle east. They are willing and able to bring the war here. If Hamas wins and succeeds in obliterating the only Jewish state and the only state where Muslims and Christians also have the same rights, Canada will up for conversion to a Muslim theocracy. Europe is already 3/4 of the way there.

        1. Q: “I’m not exactly sure why you think Jews hate Christians”

          A: “The plan to ship Gazans to the West has been endorsed by multiple Knesset members, the current Israeli minister of intelligence, and numerous other current and former Israeli officials, and still low IQ American conservatives will claim this isn’t the plan.”


          1. Well the west is constantly on Israel’s back about the poor Palestinians. It’s like those blue states that declared themselves to be free zones for migrants while looking down their long noses at red states on the border actually dealing with the migrants. The red states gave them what they wanted by shipping them to blue states and suddenly the blue states aren’t so welcoming anymore. But that’s hardly the same as Jews hating Christians.

      2. ” Muslims hate me for who I am, Jews hate me for who I am and I have no interest in who rules over what chunk of the middle east.”

        The Jews do not hate you. The Muslims do, though….and worse than that, they have *already* brought their fight to every country in the western world through those belligerent, confrontational and often violent ‘protests’ they are organizing on every college and university campus, and every public gathering they can figure out a way to hijack (like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, for one). Like it or not, you are already involved…so either choose a side or stop complaining.

        1. According to Jews (and others) I’m a Far Right Neo Nazi White Supremacist for wanting my own country. They would kill me just as fast as the muzzies. They were instrumental in helping destroy this country, now they can live with the results.

  3. “forced sterilization and segregation for people of “sub-normal” intelligence and morality”
    As repugnant as Douglas’ beliefs may have been, one has to admit that implementation of his ideas would have eliminated the NDP since this is exactly the type of people that tend to gravitate to that party.

      1. Good question. The way the constitutional “out clause” was used to take away all our rights during the pandemic is pretty much proof we have no rights and already live in a socialist paradise.

    1. No. Prenatal testing is when parents make the decision on behalf of their own child. Eugenics is when the state decides no matter what the parents have to say about it.

      1. ” No. Prenatal testing is when parents make the decision on behalf of their own child. Eugenics is when the state decides no matter what the parents have to say about it.”

        What is prenatal gender testing when certain ethnic groups use it to abort female babies? Femicide?

        1. Oh it’s abhorrent but again it’s individual parents making the decision not the state mandating it over the objections of the parents.

  4. Well it has been well established that the CCF (the precursor to the NDP) was well aligned with the Nazis.

  5. I very firmly believe that the Club of Rome and the WEF are the descendants of the eugenicists of the 1930s. I believe they deliberately and carefully took over by gravitating to all the positions of power and authority in public health. Once they were comfortably ensconced they began a program to further this goal of reducing the population of undesirables unfit to reproduce using “vaccines,” specifically the mRNA gene therapy contaminated with dsDNA and an undisclosed SV40 promoter.

    That, IMHO, is the only possible explanation for why they hid the SV40 promoter from regulators, used psychological tricks, co-opted the media, and terrorized us into accepting the gene therapy and coerced those who could not be sufficiently terrorized. That also explains why they are deliberately and blatantly ignoring horrific adverse reactions at astonishingly high rates and censoring anyone who dares to bring it up. They are also carefully manipulating the public health statistics to hide all the death and morbidity their “vaccine” is causing.

    Canada is still pushing the poison mRNA gene therapy contaminated with dsDNA and an undisclosed SV40 promoter on all Canadians six months and up in spite of literally mountains of evidence of lack of efficacy and great harm and the advice of multiple experts calling for them to stop.

    The Government of Canada’s Public Health Department and all their adjuvant provincial bureaucracy are killing us, on purpose. Prove me wrong.

    1. JB, you are correct, and no one on planet earth can truthfully prove you wrong. Many will lie but you will still be correct.

    2. Health Canada is a criminal organization as are all the provincial health organizations. SHA is a criminal organization in Saskatchewan.
