30 Replies to “Trucker Tales”

  1. Oh Yeah.
    Should retribution for such robbery also be compounded?
    Consider the GST at 5%,costing the consumer 20-25% at retail?
    Its only 5% the parasites chant.
    Consider “Regulation” and why you cannot build a shack to live in anywhere.
    Consider the cost of government help and our national debt.
    Consider separating our affairs from the Parasitic Overload..for we have no future under the status quo.
    Remember Government says they tax things they wish to discourage..Hence “Carbon Tax”..
    So how do they explain that Income Tax?
    The “Temporary one” imposed in 1917..
    Ever feel like we lost that war?
    Or that finally now we must rise to fight?

    For overweening nitwits who tax air,are Oxygen Thieves.
    And shall be denied all air.
    Preferably up close and personal,with a pair of thumbs.

  2. Recall green economists selling this carbon tax by their own admission that this would be inflationary. The offset was to lower income taxes but for some reason does not seem to be happening.
    Imangine that !

  3. Let’s be a bit honest here. It is not just the FED Liberals, as those of us in provinces that do not have fed taxes have been paying through the nose for decades, with many activist municipal/regional/provincial and other bodies participating.

    I am happy that Ontario and the Maritimes, especially environment freakos, are finally suffering. I am also happy that Stats Canada can no longer LIE, as all food is up, and they can not eliminate food from their baskets of basic goods.

    Canadian taxes upon taxes at all levels have been outrageous for decades. WHY was this EVER permitted? And now, every business has a fuel surcharge or some other fee for their beyond-control taxes.

    Canada is closed for business, except billionaires with deep pockets and nefarious agendas.

    1. Well, if you’re happy Ontarians and Maritimers are suffering, because they voted for it, then you must also be happy the Jews are suffering, because they vote overwhelmingly liberal as well.

  4. All paid for with after income, property, land transfer and other taxes. Oh, but greedy grocers, Gritdipshits say.
    Not unenlightened despots, faux utopians, closet fascists or the burgeoning lusty leviathan that is progressivism.
    Governments caused market failure, seek scapegoats, issue yet another partisan parliamentary proclamation.
    On issue after issue, from housing, including rentals, to inflation, to productivity – to everything, at 50%++ of GDP.
    It’s not because we think they’re wise, frugal guardians of the public purse, interest and welfare; we mistrust them.
    It’s not because we believe they put our interests ahead of theirs. We know they loathe us and our petty little lives.
    Still. We. Vote. For. Them. Progressivism, taxation, inflation, war. We refuse this lesson at our peril – every time.

  5. We got dippers, liberals and the block who all think? they can avoid the consequences of their loyalty to big government.. Exemptions and rebates pls.. Well somebody has to pay and that’s inflation :)..

    Then we all demand a big raise that makes matters worse.. We woke up one day and discovered we could vote ourselves anything we wanted.. The end run of what we call democracy..

    1. What rebates or exemptions? I never get any, nor do I want anyone else to have them. I never voted for that!

  6. “Canada is closed for business, except billionaires with deep pockets and nefarious agendas, and corrupt politicians that can’t steal your money fast enough!”
    Fixed that for you, you’re welcome.

  7. PM Harper called the carbon tax a tax on everything, and was constantly scolded by experts and the media for that statement. I found a video of Harper from 2018 discussing his thoughts on the carbon tax (2:22 – 3:33).


    While watching Harper, it’s interesting to compare his communication skills to Trudeau’s. No word salads, deflections, repetitions of prescripted answers or weird speech cadence. The other parts of the video are about immigration, the US, UN and NATO.

    1. LC
      It’s great to pontificate, without repercussions. Were the HELL was Harpo on the CBC, and why did he grow government in size. Also there was an article about one department under Harpo that was huge, with no justification for being so. Harpo , just another useless X politician!!

      1. My understanding is that Harper believed that incrementalism was the way to go. That big changes would result in a big backlash. I certainly didn’t agree with all of his policies and sometimes you need radical course correction. But compared to Trudeau, the Harper era looks better and better.

        1. Compared to Harper, the Pierre Trudeau era looks better.
          Compare any PM to a PM a decade or more before him, and see what “incrementalism” really means.
          The incrementalism he preached means incrementally worse for us.

          1. The Pierre Trudeau era looks pretty much like the Justin Trudeau era. High inflation. High debts and deficits. National unity problems. National Energy Programs designed to harm Alberta and Saskatchewan. Trudeau governments create tough times.

      2. GYM you see to be in another dimension. Harper reduced the number of Government employees, and had us doing balanced/surplus budgets. Id o fault him for leaving the senate seats unfilled, but beyond that he was as good as it gets in Kanaduh.

        1. I J

          That does not refute my assertion or negates a over blown govt department. Harpo also introduced a law that allows a bank to confiscate part of your deposit with out a court order. Harpo is/was a joke, who thought the world is about 4500 years olde, so an Idiot in overdrive.

  8. The carbon tax, the clean fuel tax, all fuel taxes, and of course the G/HST which are charged on those taxes, are all paid with after tax money…

    And corporate taxes are paid for by the customers with after tax money, so it’s built into the price of every product you buy, but the government doesn’t want any one to understand that.

    Oh, and someone pointed out that about 30% of the money in canada was created in the last three years, but that shouldn’t cause any problems right?

  9. Money supply tripled under Turdo senior too! Inflation then high interest followed and is again. We haven’t seen anything yet.

    Harper didn’t cancel the GST and left many senate seats open for junior to fill.

      1. It was to replace the Manufacturers Tax which they knew was going to dwindle to nothing after the FTA.

  10. Bbbbbuut the nice folks on Twitter/X are saying that inflation is really low, taxes are low, and employment and GDP are at record levels and Dear Leader is soooo dreamy…

    What planet are these people even living on?

    1. Apparently, you did not live when we had real inflation rates of 18% in 1991, which about the truthful rate for 2023.

      1. Then, and in the early 80’s. All that and $8 will get you a stick of butter nowadays. The government is lying like a rug about inflation and its causes, if that wasn’t dead obvious. That there’s people out there that somehow believe them is the real story.

  11. $1,400.00 (taxes) / $3,400.00 (fuel cost) = 41% in taxes. Then, whatever product you buy is taxed … in my neck of the woods that would be another 10% sales tax.

    And the government scolds will insist you’ve NOT been paying your “fair share”. Why, in the 1950’s we had tax rates of 88% !! scold the dimwit socialists who are STEALING from us.

  12. I’d like to see a full breakdown of the costs. Does the initial column for cost include the costs paid at the pump? If you are paying $1.70 per litre at the pump how much of that is allowcated for road tax and did he take that into account.

    Now the big question, where will the government make up the lost revenue when we all switch to EVs? To paraphrase the great leader on our southern border, ” Well son of a b*tch, we screwd them all!”

      1. In canada, there are no “specific purposes” taxes, they all go into the general revenue fund, and then get portioned out to whatever the politicians decide to waste it on.

  13. The fuel is also taxed before it reaches any pumps, and in fact the people who own the companies, are taxed in various ways for the pleasure of working for a living.

  14. Do you know anyone personally living near a coast at ten feet above sea level, or lower? Because we are paying all these taxes on the chance that those people could have to leave their houses at an unknown date ten or a hundred years into the future.

    Would it not be a lot cheaper to promise them a new place to live, if they actually do have to leave?
