32 Replies to “Welcome Aboard!”

    1. “Boris is largely responsible for half a million dead Ukrainians…”

      What a silly remark. They are all the direct consequence of Vladimir Putin. Give it up, John. This remark is more retarded than anything that ever came out of BoJo’s mouth, let alone that terminal fool Justatwit. Congratulations: you win the twit of the day award for this thread.

      Surfer may have a point about substance abuse.

        1. As we see Robert, for many people, history, like math, is HARD.
          BoJo is a fool, a court jester, that destroyed a peace agreement between the corrupt Ukes and Putin.
          Odd isn’t it that these keyboard warriors don’t move to Nazi Ukeland, get armed, and LARP against the Russians.
          Come on ‘Surfer’ go LARP, kiddo. And study history too, clearly, you’re doomed to repeat it.

      1. And we didn’t need to get involved with that war. We just needed to sit it out and wait for someone to lose.

        1. “And we didn’t need to push NATO onto his doorstep, like we promised.”

          Yes, that too..

          “Not one inch”, if I recall…

      2. “Putin did not need to invade Ukraine.”

        Which never would have happened without our interference to facilitate the overthrow of their democratically elected government. But hey, never let a pesky little thing like the facts get in the way of The Narrative, right?

  1. Boris Johnson?? I always look at Boris Johnons as the older Uncle we all had. He drank, chased women, was a local character in every town in North America, then one day he died. And at his funeral, his siblings was always referred to as ”Good ole Uncle Boris” (or whoever you wish.)

    Then on his tombtsone they wrote: “I aimed for the brakes, but hit the gas.”

    1. He is a prick of the highest order,deliberately threw away an eighty seat majority because he was ordered too by our remainer political class he is hated by real tories with vengeance.

    2. Then on his tombtsone they wrote: “I aimed for the brakes, but hit the gas.”

      Sorry, don’t get it.

  2. While C19 still stands as the worst ever self-induced human catastrophe in the entire history of man, BoJo was the first western leader to stop the stay-at-home lockdown orders. Doesn’t make him less guilty, but he gets credit for that.

    1. i had hopes for him, but he turned out just to be another globalist stooge doing what he was told.

  3. Yes, there’s much to be said about Boris, and some of is actually true. But frankly, I don’t get the impression that our Eastern European cousins have any notable shortage of grounds to start killing each other. I hardly think they’d need Boris to get them going. Did he really contribute anything, other than the usual bluster?

      1. It appears from that article that it was the West, ie, the USA, that scuttled the peace talks and Boris was the messenger. I can see how Boris might see that as “Boris did it”; I can see how his enemies might see it so. But why the hell should I see it so? Zelensky didn’t fight just because he had Boris behind him, surely that’s clear.

        1. Zelenskyy fought because he was paid to fight with cash and weapons from Team NATO / US without which, he would have either sought peace or been defeated much earlier with fewer losses. That you choose to see Boris as a mere messenger doesn’t absolve him of responsibility for his actions.

          1. So, if Boris had just said, “The USA, with whom you have been in bed for some time now, will back you all the way with cash and weapons, but the UK is sitting this out”, Zelensky would have made peace. Oh very well. You bastard, Boris!

          2. If the UK was “sitting this out”, Boris would have had no reason to be there. NATO partners, especially ones that share the Russia-Bad Syndrome, work together or at least confer with each other.

    1. Yes, he prevented the Ukes signing a peace deal with Russia. That lead to the death of half a million Ukes.

      1. True and verifiable.
        Boris is a loathsome Twit.
        However, its not the CBC/CNN/CTV/FOX narrative, therefore, falsehoods must be found to defend the Christlike image of Zelensky……….

  4. Being a limp-wristed lisping public school ponce means never having to say you’re sorry for selling your country to your former “noble” Arab boyfriends from Eton.

    Consequences are for Jews and their children—for anybody, actually, in Britain and beyond, who fears the God of Israel more than the opinion of unrepentant Jew-haters at Brussels and DC cocktail parties, and does what is just in His eyes.

    Forgive me if I don’t tune in. May Boris Johnson’s name be blotted out, and the name of GB News with it.

    1. I thought a good phrase, a variation on “pocketing”. Or, as we do inCanada “enveloping”.
