43 Replies to “April 19, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. This soldier looks clean, dry, warm, well equipped, and well rested. No doubt he doesn’t want to be there, but if I’m against Russia, what I see here would concern me.

  1. The Honorable Member for Rolex, Jagmeet Singh, says that the Prime Minister is an out-of-touch rich guy:


    The Globe and Mail buried this story and replaced it with an old podcast about the PM’s “rat-infested residence”. They neglected to point out that the rat infesting the residence is an influence-peddling vacation whore.

    The CBC toned down the story after it got more than 5k comments, but on balance they deserved their 69% funding this time around.

  2. PBS and the Associated Press are angry that Twitter will now allow “deadnaming” of transitioned people:

    Deadnaming: when an evil person uses a person’s birth name instead of a person’s changed name. Saying “Bruce Jenner won the 1976 Olympics decathlon” is absolute evil. So is using criminals original name, instead of his changed name, is absolute evil.

    1. They settled on the court house steps.

      Faux knowingly lied.

      Dominion was wronged by the Faux lies and sued. Successfully to the tune of 3/4 of a billion.

      We now have established the cost of lying and being a liar. Kind of like hiring the services of a prostitute.

      But hey there are no consequences. None of the Faux talking heads were fired. Tucker is still on Faux, you can catch his lies every night @8pm.

      Lying is the default position today. Feels good doesn’t it.

      1. “Lying is the default position today. Feels good doesn’t it.”

        Sure. CNN does it almost daily, and no one cares.

    2. https://press.foxnews.com/2023/04/fox-news-and-dominion-voting-systems-reach-settlement

      The press release from Fox News is much more revealing:

      In making the announcement, the network said, “We are pleased to have reached a settlement of our dispute with Dominion Voting Systems. ***We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false. **** This settlement reflects FOX’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards. We are hopeful that our decision to resolve this dispute with Dominion amicably, instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial, allows the country to move forward from these issues.”

      Dominion likely insisted on this statement being published as part of the settlement. The amount being disclosed also suggests Dominion was in the drivers seat.

      Fox likely found SFA in the discovery materials. There goes the “truth” defense against defamation. On the other hand, they withheld materials from Dominion. That doesn’t go well for defendants. Ask me how I know.

      1. A statement you’d expect from the losing side.

        Faux escaped from having to apologize and keeping 92yo Rupert Murdoch from testifying by laying out $750,000,000

        There is no way Dominion remotely agrees with that word salad but 3/4 of a billion makes it easier to swallow.

    1. Soy and gender bender hormones in the food and water supply will do that to ya.

  3. Rep. Jim Jordan Goes Off On Scientists Who ‘Called Us Names’ Over Lab Leak


    ““Why has it taken so long? You knew that early on. You confirmed that in May of 2020, and you knew that within weeks that this thing came from a lab. In fact, I think you say that in your testimony. You say, ‘Lab leak is the only credible explanation. If this were a trial, the preponderance of the evidence is all on the side of the lab leak.’ You knew all that within weeks,” Jordan told former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe.”

    1. I am sorry, but you have this all wrong. Anheuser-Busch knew what they were doing all along.

      The hired Dylan Mulvaney precisely to go after the target market for Bud Light: those who like the taste of piss.
