It’s Monday On Turtle Island

Woke Britain:  Animal Rebellion doesn’t like Gordon Ramsay.  Lies were told, freedoms were taken.  The eco-terrorist hypocrite.

Trudeau’s Canada:  National Film Board is obviously racist.  Trudeau’s gun scam.  The legacy of Justin Trudeau.  Justin had a wonderful time yesterday handing out money.  Today Dear Leader takes the day off. The poor little fella is all tired out, from throwing money around on his world tour.  The federal payroll is now 55 billion.  And Justin discussed seizing bank accounts.

Biden’s America:  The transgender industry.  Third times a charm for Merrick Garland.  Victor Davis Hanson writes about the strange morality of the Bay Area billionaire.  Your morning meme.

Today In Islam:  Muslim outreach in Burkina Faso.  The Islamic caliphate.

Global Warming Scam News:  Andy Warhol is bad for the environment or something.

24 Replies to “It’s Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. The “legacy of Juthtin Weirdeau” is still being recorded.
    As someone noted recently, the Putz has almost three years left.
    How long will the shit-list be by then?
    And worse, will he be elected a fourth time?
    Think he’s giving up his luxuries, his travel, his fawning media, his security detail without a fight?

    1. But we have to keep on giving more money to the UN and third-world despots leaders to improve Justin’s chance of becoming the next Secretary General of the United Nations, so that the whole world can be enlightened with his wisdom!

      1. Never mind, Marx’s parents had converted to Lutheranism before Karl was born and he was baptized at the age of 6.

        So not just antisemitic, but ignorant of basic facts.

        1. So, not a bigot but a racist. Marx was after all a Jew, he just wasn’t Jewish. If you despise the Jewish religion, you have no gripe with Marx; if you despise the Jewish nation, not so fast.

  2. Re Emma Not-soSmart, from the linked article:

    “Smart, who protested on behalf of Animal Rebellion, said: ‘We don’t need another documentary series showing us that we are losing, some 150 species going extinct globally every single day. What we need is action.'”

    150 species per day? [*raised eyebrow*] Show me the bodies, Emma. Publish the list of 150 every day for the next 2 years and I might, just might, pay attention. But before that, you need to publish a baseline. How many species per day were we losing from 1700 to 1900? And how many were we losing from 1901 to 2000?

    Also, from the article:

    “Smart was held in custody for 48 hours in a basic, windowless cell and refused bail because she had a record of breaking bail conditions.

    At the time, her husband said: ‘What kind of world do we live in when scientists are forced to put themselves into positions of arrest and hunger strike to be heard? And why has she not been released? This was a minor crime with no disruption to the public. Her treatment is disproportionate to her crime.'”

    Did it ever occur to her hubby that his dear Emma has been heard loud and clear and has been dismissed by most as a hypocritical nutter? Perhaps he should consider that most people don’t like being told to stop using fossil fuels by someone who took an 81,000 mile tour of the world in an 18-year-old vehicle.

    Oh, and don’t complain about the law being followed… for once, finally, against the eco-terrorists. What? You’re one of those “Laws for thee and not for me” people? Might I suggest you go pound sand?

    1. As it is with the credentialized class, for no other reason but being where they are, they throw the verbal excrement around know for a fact that some of it will stick. The media cartel will pick up the best sounding slogan and run with it.
      You have to remember that slogan is not questionable, it is wrapped in warm and fuzzy fresh bullshit that will solidify along the way and becomes a meme among the credentialized and the NPCs. There is no need to go any further, the meme is set and opposition is futile.
      You may or may not like Trump, Lake, DeSantis, ….. those are the people that disturb the meme bullshit, and you can see the results of what happens.
      The media cartel still enforces the censorship on anything that disturbs the bullshit.
      They don’t like the ‘social media’ because among all the waste there is enough to be considered as having essential truth. The essential truth is something the ruling class/media cartel complex are firmly against.
      An essential truth can’t be layered by the bottom feeders, only with their word salad into their own self-delusions.

    2. Extinction is anyway a normal part of nature’s march onward. Anyone believing the natural world to be constant, static and permanently unchanging is just scientifically illiterate.

      1. Agreed. Just need to look at the geological timeline to see mass extinctions happening on a fairly regular basis. Still lament the extinction of the trilobites and the brachiopods; they were really cute.

  3. “A plant-based food system requires 75% less farmland to grow food…”
    How did they arrive at that figure? The raising of meat utilizes land that is unsuitable for crop production.

    1. We’re cursed with an entitled class of pseudo-scientists whose emotional and educational development ended at age 15.

    2. Yes, about that:

      “Surprisingly, however, a vegetarian diet is not necessarily the most efficient in terms of land use,” said Peters.

      The reason is that fruits, vegetables and grains must be grown on high-quality cropland, he explained. Meat and dairy products from ruminant animals are supported by lower quality, but more widely available, land that can support pasture and hay. A large pool of such land is available in New York state because for sustainable use, most farmland requires a crop rotation with such perennial crops as pasture and hay.

      Thus, although vegetarian diets in New York state may require less land per person, they use more high-valued land. “It appears that while meat increases land-use requirements, diets including modest amounts of meat can feed more people than some higher fat vegetarian diets,” said Peters.”

    3. Dennis – they lied. Much more farmland would be required to grow the crops to sustain a plant-based food system, and there is probably not that much suitable land available. As the commentator below noted, animals are traditionally pastured on lands unsuited to agriculture (read growing wheat, oats, barley, etc). Even back in day, animals were let onto the crop lands only after the crops were harvested, where they would graze on the stubble and left-overs from harvesting while depositing much-needed manure (the only fertilizer then) to help replenish the soil.

  4. Swiss banks have reported that a significant number of new accounts were opened shortly after the PM of Canada promised millions of dollars in aid to Francophone nations in Africa and Haiti.

    1. I’d like to know if there is any truth to the rumours that Chrystia Freeland begged for and was given a loan from Biden.

    2. 1. I doubt that Swiss banks reported any new accounts opening. Swiss banks are normally quite secretive.

      2. Justin’s promises of money aren’t worth anything. I doubt any money will actually be delivered.

      Justin’s spending announcements are designed to get media attention. No one pays any attention to the fact that little if any money is actually delivered. In this way Justin gets to make another spending announcement 6 to 12 months down the road. And the cycle repeats.

  5. Consider that Canadian nationalism since the Sixties consisted of “we’re not American” and “those Americans sure are stooooopid”.

    Canada under Trudeau fils is the gangrenous, pus-filled limb that should have been amputated ages ago.

      1. Wonderful. Have always liked the Worms. Some years ago, travelled across the Prairies with an offspring who had casually wished to go to Moose Jaw and didn’t realize quite how far away that was (we ended up, for various reasons, in Winnipeg). Said offspring listened to their ditty “Canada’s Really Big” with new respect.

  6. Today Blackie appointed three new diversity is our strength Senators. Two women and a Toronto Star columnist.
