39 Replies to “Great Moments In Statesmanship”

  1. Someone capable with Photoshop should draw lines emanating from the backs of this pair of fools to indicate their puppet-like behaviour.

  2. Now, put your hands together and start singing your kumbaya.
    You will feel better almost, a key word, instantly.

    This is why the developed world is going to hell in a handbasket.
    In Burkina Fase this means exactly 0.

  3. L – If they really were supportive, they’d have offered him asylum in their country.

    If these two have your back, you should book a B&B cave in the Hindu Kush.

    Come to think of it, isn’t this the same line they spew to their own citizens, too…

    1. Nope…

      Some still think Trump is not in on it yet even though he pushed the death shots…

      All the world is a stage…

    1. They are pandering to the young souless husks that eat this crap up.
      Hopefully there isn’t as many of them as I think, but I have my doubts.

    1. First thing I thought of. They’ve got a conference call going to discuss how to remove a woman’s bra, which neither of them appear to have ever done.

  4. Was it a class project from the G20 to call Volodymir? Now, find a partner, children, and give Volodymir a cheer up call….

  5. For the folks following at home please set your Western Civilization Ash Heap doomsday clock to 30 secs to midnight. Wouldn’t surprise me if “VaaLaadameer” was in the next room.

    These WEF clowns will have us all killed.

  6. Why did the Turd think it appropriate to do the stereotypical Eastern European accent at the beginning?

    1. Must be some weird affectation. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear him imitate the voices/accents and pidgen English of other leaders when they meet. Just look at Hillary or Barry when they slip into southern preacher dialect when they’re speaking to largely black audiences.

  7. Wow, he was able to do that entire skit without referring to cue cards or a teleprompter. Makes me so proud I almost upchucked.

      1. Ah, that explains the shortage of Uh.

        You know, I had no idea how awful my neighbours were until I read that Quebecers like PMJT are better than them.

  8. Putin should forget about Ukraine and instead invade Canada and the UK. He’d win in a matter of days.

    This skit reminds me of the characters Troy and Abed from the show “Community” and the characters’ imagined morning TV show. “Rishi and Justin In The Morning”!

  9. Yesterday was difficult and barbaric for … Ukraine?? Because Ukraine killed two Polish civilians? Nice to know murderers … no matter how “accidental” their crimes … have become “victims”. Welcome to the inverted world of “1984”.

    Now Bidinh is demanding the US taxpayer give vol-o-dy-myr another $38 Billion from the US taxpayers. For his “grief” …

  10. Turdhole is like a little girl and that asshole that no one voted for sitting beside her is just as bad…

    Turdhole is not a very attractive lady.

    “We’ve sent you a new bag of Cocaine Vlady, enjoy girl, can’t wait to do some rails with you next time we need a photo op in Kiev”…
    “toodles girlfriend”.

    “Hit us up on instagram girl.”

    Who knew that WW3 would be led by the dumbest most incompetent trannys the corrupt western world could insert into power.

  11. Two pre-puberty school boys won First Prize which gave them a few minutes to speak to their rock-star idol.

    Poor Greta must be so disappointed that she has lost her cachet.


  12. It has a very touchy feely girls running the universe feel to it. Both these men command an army lest we forget.

  13. What a couple of perfumed, pampered ponces!

    Maybe they can both get roles in Olivia Wilde’s next movie?

  14. Why didn’t they call Poland? Poland was the country that got bombed.
    I bet Justine Castreu could fake a Polish accent.
