Tuesday On Turtle Island

Woke Britain:  Gardening is racist.  The middle class, leftie, virtue signalling, lunatics.

Pride News:  The move to normalize pedophilia.

Global Warming Scam News:  Wind farms working out great in Oregon.

Biden’s America:  What privilege actually means.  The Hunter Biden cover-up.  A case of oppression in America.  Your morning meme.

Trudeau’s Canada:  The CBC encourages mental illness.  After dropping the name of one of Canada’s greatest historical figures(Ryerson), the generic university gets a generic athletic team.  Rex Murphy on how environmentalists contributed to the war in Ukraine.  Today Climate Justin burns jet fuel to Kitchener Ontario.  There Trudeau will lie about housing to his loyal media.  Then he burns jet fuel to Toronto, for a discussion with Liberal Premier Doug Ford.  The reason for the Freeland distraction.  Justin’s censorship bills.

15 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Nobody seems to ask why Canada has a million job positions available?
    And increasing…
    Since this Pandemic started, the supply chain infrastructure broke away from our economic dependency on imports of globalization as needing government approval to do anything is our current monetary policy system.
    Rather than being a smart country and adapt to the situation, our politicians are still all into a system that no longer is available or exists.
    As our made in China products break and our oldest infrastructure is no longer available or created anymore.
    Not hard to see the old industries in decay to realize that they were at one time vital to our infrastructure.

    I used to be able to work from no qualifications off the street but that long ago became illegal.
    Any of my training skills no longer is qualified unless it’s updated frequently or needing a multitude of payments to the different government regulations. Just hiring a helper wasn’t a viable option with government regulations for a multitude of areas.
    I became extremely good at generating my own extra hand when needed.

    Our society isn’t going to be comfortable as it breaks…on this Trudeau ship…full steam ahead…damn the icebergs…

    Our politicians still don’t listen!

  2. People should throw yarmulke’s full of shit at Hussen and Trudeau and the security forces enabling these two Jew-haters.

  3. Those German diplomats at the UN who laughed at Trump at the UN in 2018 should be named, so the German people can embrace them. Just mentioning this for a friend of mine of German background.

  4. Re: normalization of pedophilia …

    Well … when your 1st Article of Faith reads: ”Love is Love” … what did you expect? That is the single most malignantly misinformed motto ever concocted. “Lust is Lust” is closer to reality.

  5. OJ, The middle class, leftie, virtue signalling, lunatics.

    The GB News links often do not go to the intended story.
    Seem to go to the general site address.
    You need a link to the specific story.
    Recently I googled one of your items in order to find the story.

  6. Food for thought from the NP comments, was Trudeau’s stupid looking bowl cut an attempt to copy Zelensky’s hairdo?
    Is he that vain and shallow?

    1. In a word, yes.

      The senators already started looking into passing this censorship bill.

      Did the pantomime of Fatty’s being insulted grease those wheels?

  7. None of the loyal presstitutes will question Dear Leader about where the funding for housing will come from. They will be too busy arguing over who gets to lick his nuts first.

  8. The wind farms of Oregon story is brilliant. The machine failures described in the article are typical of that super-subsidized and deficient technology.

    A new wind farm was erected here, about 15 miles west of town, and 3 months after it was completed, one of them caught on fire. This is the technology that will replace fossil fuels, and surely guarantee that you can travel wherever you please in your $70,000 electric vehicle.
