Showing Up To Riot

CTV- Protesting Dutch farmers dump manure, garbage on roads

Dutch farmers protested government plans to reduce nitrogen emissions by dumping manure and garbage Wednesday on highways and setting fires alongside roads — the latest actions in a summer of discontent. Police urged them to stop for safety reasons and were investigating who was responsible.
Traffic authorities said several roads in the central and eastern Netherlands were completely or partially blocked by the early morning blockades and fire services rushed to clear roads as traffic built up. Cleanup operations were expected to take hours on some roads.

24 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. There are few things finer than the smell of well rotted manure.

    I’m not joking!

    It’s part of our farming DNA to like that smell.

    Keep dumping the manure until the woke politicians learn to like it.

  2. The people who implemented these policies must be removed from power. If that doesn’t happen, then these protests will have been proved useless.

  3. So what’s new? The politicians have been dumping manure everywhere for years.

    1. Prinz Dummkopf has been telling us to eat it, hasn’t he?

  4. It looks to me like the Dutch, and now the Canadian farmers are behaving with too much western civility! Sri Lanka has done a way better job of it. Albeit their government is way further down the WEF/WHO/UN/NATO stupid road, than Holland and Canada. I presume it would be far better to do a Sri Lanka style protest now, before we all actually get to the point of starvation. However, as is always the case, people usually need to be hungry before they become unruly, when sadly they have a lot less strength and stamina. Holland does appear to be getting there, whereas we here in Canada are behaving way too politely, as we always do. If the thuggery of the Truckers convoy didn’t seed the revolt here, I dunno what will. Maybe this attack on our farmers might do it??? Nah, all that will happen is a bunch of signing petitions.

    1. Canada has reached the point where the only two routes forward are Chile or Venezuela, and there is no Canadian Pinochet.

      I say this not because I am advocating it, but as a student of history both ancient and modern: there will be blood in the streets before we return to anything like normalcy. Regardless of where we end up, there will be blood in the streets.

      1. Agreed DR, I should have also mentioned in my post above, that Ireland, and now the UK is stupidly planning on going down the same path as Holland, and Canada. At some point the madness must be stopped by we the people, as they did in Sri Lanka. From what I’ve read though, they are now installing a replacement government/President that is just as friendly toward, and as idiotic as, the WEF/UN/WHO/NATO evil cabal.
        We do indeed now live in interesting times! Not sure when the pitchforks will come out here….if ever. Sigh!

        1. Given current events, it might be prudent to stock up on certain essentials before supply tightens up:

          Every garden needs spare pitchforks.
          Rope is good for towing dead cars.
          Pillow-feathers do wear out eventually.
          And tar’s very handy for roof patching.

          One never knows what unforeseen impediments may abruptly appear in Canadian supply chains nowadays…

      2. reply to Daniel Ream ..
        I also don’t see any easy way out of the current situation.
        The Liberals will carefully watch the Nov 2022 Mid-Terms to learn as many lessons as possible to cheat in the next election (who votes doesn’t matter, who counts the votes matters : Stalin) . I also would not put it past the Liberals to invent some form of crisis such as provoking a general uprising against food and fuel cost and availability , or another pandemic and again invoke the Emergencies Act under the premise that the country is too perilous to afford an election. Trude$$ is a useful idiot (Lenin/Stalin definition) and is playing by and enforcing the WEF rules.

        At this point I expect the worst from the Liberals in an attempt to set up a permanent totalitarian state and remain in power indefinitely.

        1. I’ve written this before, Trudeau is not giving up his power or his luxury and God knows his security detail can’t leave.

  5. Farmers can say ‘no farmers, no food’ but do the city folk care?

    Some townies asked me about the fertilizer ban, my response was that it will make food a lot more expensive. They nodded. In a rural area most people’s heads are screwed on okay. We’ll see if the city folk care in 2026 when Trudeau – Singh next go to the polls again. That is quite a number of cold, hungry years ahead of us. How much decline will the city folk put up with?

    1. Sheeple will sit quietly. Even while starving. Even while getting their throats cut. This country is so screwed that Venezuela will look free and modern in comparison.

      1. When the diversity in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal find out they can’t buy essential foodstuff at any price, the riots will begin. And it’ll be ugly. 3rd World ugly. Don’t be living near diversity is the only thing I can recommend.

        1. It’s only a hop, skip, and a jump of the subway turnstile from the hood to the leafy streets of Rosedale,Forest Hill or The Beaches. Do the liberal loons even realise who’s place will be pillaged first? Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.

        2. Thucy

          Look to Areas in Calgary where that exact thing will occur:
          Forest Lawn
          Falconridge…et all.
          …the entire NE of the city
          Aka: Brownsville

          While the rest of the city sits on their collective Socialist inbred ass….Mewling& Whinning.

          1. the entire NE of the city

            Even my old neighbourhood of Marlborough?

  6. The farmers are not engaging in the most effective action. We *all* know that we are forbidden to defend ourselves or our homes. But we *all* know that if a brick unexpectedly launched itself (like a gun just ‘goes off’: no human involvement!) through a “parliamentarian’s” front window, he/she/it would get a police patrol car sitting out front within hours and it would be there for days.
    For the most effective action, farmers should be dumping truckloads of manure on the front steps (and the cars) of every parliamentarian, on as near a daily basis as possible. Unexpected ‘inadvertent’ disconnection of the electrical supply might also tend to get the message across. If they expect us to live in the dark, they ought to experience it too.

  7. Interesting that Prince Justine, has *already decided* what agriculture will do. Under the Constitution Act, property and civil rights are the Provinces arena (section 92) but there is a carve out for Agriculture (and Immigration), section 95:
    95. In each Province the Legislature may make Laws in relation to Agriculture in the Province, and to Immigration into the Province; and it is hereby declared that the Parliament of Canada may from Time to Time make Laws in relation to Agriculture in all or any of the Provinces, and to Immigration into all or any of the Provinces; and any Law of the Legislature of a Province relative to Agriculture or to Immigration shall have effect in and for the Province as long and as far only as it is not repugnant to any *Act of the Parliament of Canada*.

    Which means it takes An ACT OF PARLIAMENT to do what Justine states he is going to do. I don’t think an ‘Executive Order’ will stand up to judicial review (although given the Courts, I would not bet on it). But there WILL be repercussions (can you spell Freedom Convey 2?) if he introduces legislation.

  8. I hope the farmers and ranchers of Alberta and Saskatchewan are stockpiling manure. They’re going to need a lot of it.
