Sunday On Turtle Island

Eco-terrorists still gluing themselves to artwork.

Woke Britain:  Transgender Girl Guides.  Looks like North America in borderless UK.

Today in Islam:  Riots in Sweden to continue.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Apparently these two are CBC heroes.  Never miss a great photo op.  Today our Dear Leader burns jet fuel to Edmonton to greet the Pope.  Think of the great photos of him kneeling with a teddy bear next to the Pope. After all, he calls himself a good Catholic.  I’m sure this will stop the conversion of U.C. buildings into condos and mosques.  United Church elects moderator that vows to fight global warming and fascism.

Biden’s America:  Dr. Jill receives a warm welcome.  Senator Ted Cruz reveals his pronouns.  Your morning meme.

31 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. “Apparently these two are CBC heroes…” Oh! THAT’s why! It’s not because they’re distributing “high-quality N95 masks.” Not at all! It’s for that “other” reason. If you read the article, you’ll know why. (fourth paragraph.)

    1. After working in a warehouse that distributes ‘high quality n95 masks’ I will never wear one again.
      I have seen millions of masks manufactured two years ago from used hospital gowns and tyvek paint suits. Just sitting.. rotting away in bulging cardboard boxes plastered with tape and Chinese language stickers. Entire warehouse full. Thousands and thousands of pallets. Millions, maybe billions of masks.

  2. “Think of the great photos of him (turdo) kneeling with a teddy bear next to the Pope. ”

    Yup. The World’s two greatest hypocrites meet. At least the teddy bear would be hypocrisy-free …

    1. Ah, but wasn’t the teddy bear invented by a white man? Wouldn’t bringing one along be an act of racism?

      1. And if it wasn’t invented by a white man, bringing one along would be an act of cultural appropriation.

        The current deck has been stacked so white people are always guilty of something.

        1. You’re catching on.

          Luckily, the huge coming financial implosion/explosion will go a long way to eventually restoring some semblance of sanity.

          Eventually. Probably after culling all the insane.

          Western countries/civilization currently, collectively have, hands down, the dumbest leadership in history.
          Either that or the most evil, corrupt, co-opted leadership in history.

          Kind of like inflation/deflation, I’m betwixt and between.

          1. “the dumbest leadership in history”
            The electorate are the dumbest electorate in history and the “leadership” they vote for are the most evil in history.
            The Poop and the Turdhole, a couple of Satans pawns performing a circle jerk of Globalist hate.

  3. Fixed it for you….

    Two high priests of satan are meeting in Edmonton today….

  4. United Church of Canada: God? Doesn’t exist. Adherence to communism, however, is mandatory.

  5. No surprise that Critical Race Theory is infesting Canada.

    North America is, after all, the Affirmative Action capital of the world.

    Obviously, your Government believes that the endemic current White Racism is an appropriate official response response to previous Black racism.

    No surprise given our Legal System treats canadians unequally, based on wealth, gender, color, sex etc every day.

    Blind “Justice”? It is to laugh.

    Don’t forget Section 1A.
    AKA the Royal Noose.

    1. There is a fourth one who died while jogging/running .
      All of them had 4 helpings of the ” goo “.

  6. Re: the East Vancouver free mask volunteers:

    For Shi and Ly, the lack of a mask mandate meant they — as disabled queer people of colour — were unable to access public spaces safely.

    They’ve appropriated our jokes!

    1. Mr. Bean here, responding to myself:

      The disabled queer people of colour giving away 1000s of free N95 masks. With super-matching contributions from the CCP: disabled queer people of colour 1; CCP 99 cents.

    2. So, being disabled (missing/paralyzed limbs) or being queer, makes one more susceptible to Covid?
      Well, that’s a new twist on STUPID!
      Follow the (political) science!

  7. Speaking of woke leftards…

    I predict Ford will eventually require help from the government ( tax payers) to not go bankrupt.( or maybe they will go bankrupt)

    Ford are firing 8000 people no longer needed because Ford will now focus on inclusiveness, equity, and saving the planet,
    and of course making Electric Vehicles ( in part built in Romania and made with a lot of Chinese parts )

    in Ford’s own words,

    […]… The future of Ford centers on a purpose bigger than building vehicles. We are helping to build a better world where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams.

    A world that is fully electric. A world that is more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable. And in doing so, we are putting people, the planet, and our shared prosperity first.

    At Ford, we are committed to making progress on the issues that matter in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) areas. It is a critical part of our Ford+ plan for growth and value creation as we transform our business for a new era of electric and connected vehicles, setting the pathway for our continued success for generations to come. …[…]

    Ford is doing that as their part in the great reset (World Economic Forum / Klaus Schwab )… which is clearly the suicide of Western Civilization.

    Ford even admits that for the first few years, making and selling EVs will not be profitable.

    Those elites agreeing with the great reset – that is obviously designed to destroy, or at minimum weaken Western Civilization – remind me more and more of the Johnestown cult followers, willingly drinking the koolaid that killed them.

    1. Ford did his part in the 3rd Reich as well, Fully supporting the NSDAP …. Seems the latest generation of Ford’s are following in their ancestors NAZI footsteps.

      You could not coerce me ever to: A: Buy a Ford, B: An EV of any kind.

      1. F me.
        I think Ol Henry would be turning in his grave.
        So GM and Ford are out for the count, leaves only Chrysler which really ain’t Chrysler anymore.
        Looks like Japanese, Korean or Russian left, all the Europeans are in the same basket of insanity.
        Anybody got a good used Lada Niva laying around.

      2. After being a lifelong Ford Fan (and still am of the classics), anything made under the ESG nonsense is dead to me.
        My last 2 car purchases have been Japanese, Honda Accord and a Q50S. Quality cars, reliable, no complaints!
        I might still consider an upgrade on the stang vert, to a 2016 or so model, but that’s it. Never anything new or Lectric, ever.
        I will keep my current vehicles as long as possible, and spend on maintenance, rather than payments. As a near term retiree this shouldn’t be too challenging.

      3. Wasn’t just Ford supporting the 3rd Reich; IBM did as well. Many years ago, was pinned by a relative while shopping who was rabbiting on about fossil fuels and our involvement in same (okay, spouse worked in the oil patch). Was really happy to be able to respond that IBM (where her spouse worked) was complicit in the round-up of Jews by Hitler because of their punchcard technology, and IBM made a lot of money selling supplies to Germany (may not have added the last bit). Silence.

  8. China burns coal to produce power

    uses that power to make solar panels

    those solar panels are shipped to North America on diesel burning ships

    Then Canadian and American leftists tell us with a straight face that those solar panels are emission free and are saving the planet.

    Leftism is the new mental retardation.

  9. Leave those 3 idiots glued there and offer them plenty of free coffee. Nature will call soon enough. Public humiliation works wonders.

    1. Public humiliation works wonders.

      Good thing, too. If they relieved themselves while in place, they might be accused of being art critics.

    2. I agree. Leave them there (except with nothing to eat or drink) until they manage to free themselves. Just make sure they can’t do any damage to the paintings, maybe by gluing their other hand to the floor.

  10. Disabled female queer people of Color. Holy shit they tick almost all the boxes

  11. I get so tired of reading about how Indigenous people and in particular, women have achieved some wonderful event in their lives. I am under the impression we are not to be misogynists or racist. Why then are these two specific identities always mentioned in news items? Women cry for equality and indigenous just cry. Can they not do something without needing the world to bow their knee to them!!!

  12. All things being equal.. Im glad the quad vaxxed are still wearing masks.. I don’t want to catch shingles or the nasty eye infections.. Keep 6 feet away from me and don’t you dare spit on me or I will lose it..

    You see, old John can change with the times given the right incentive package..

  13. How does the UCC continue to refer to themselves as Christian with a straight face?

  14. Re: United Church elects moderator that vows to fight global warming and fascism.

    The United “church” has not been an actual Church for decades. They are a secular, social activist club.
