43 Replies to “Enjoying The Jan. 6 Show Trial, Comrade?”

  1. In reality they’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in the way. Former President, Donald Trump

    If the 2022 mid-term election polls are to be believed then Americans have seen the truth in that statement.

    1. It is uncanny how accurate Trump was in his wild talks.
      Being bombastic has its drawbacks, though the essence of the speeches is more right than wrong.

      1. Correct. I have always valued Trump’s bluntness. He comes across as authentic vs. The typical mealy- mouth politicians who are obviously screening every word — those who are perpetually suggesting we need to have a ” conversation” about blah, blah, blah. I suggest we have a conversation about dishonest and manipulative politicians and media.

    2. They’re trying to destroy the MAGA movement by making it “uncool” to support President Trump. Hahahaha … MAGA supporters aren’t MAGA supporters to be “popular”. Bzzzzt!!! Sorry Jan. 6 Crisis Actors!! Only leftists make important life decisions based on “popularity” and other assorted shallow emotional needs

      1. Kenji

        Make American Great Again. I wonder, do folks even know what MAGA really means?

        Don’t we want our country to be Great again?

        1. Don’t we want our country to be Great again?

          There are Americans like Bathhouse Barry who claim that it never was.

        2. No. Everyone who voted for Biden agrees with Obama who told America to … “get off our high horse”. And Biden did just what they wanted … spend spend spend … print print print MORE money!!! Yeayyyyyyy … MORE $$$$$$ !!!! No. They want America utterly destroyed

  2. Exactly how many churches and White House guard posts were burned on Jan 6th? Weren’t there hundreds and hundreds of injured policemen, too? Wasn’t there violence and rioting right at the White House gates? Wasn’ t the secret service forced to secure the president in a bunker?

    Oh crap…. my bad…. all of that was actually done on May 31st. by Democrat activists.

    Can anyone tell me what channels those hearings are on?

  3. When do we get to put Liberal Jabbers on a show trial?

  4. “Mr. Trump, do you have anything to say before we find you guilty?”

    1. Reply to B A Deplorable Rupertslander.
      Mr Trump has been found guilty according to evidence of Democrat Eyewitness, Sen Adam Shiffty, Senor/Mrs McCain, Vietnam War Hero, Chuck Senior Sen Schumer, and a plethora of others.
      Our Guilty Decisions Order YOU to stop wearing Orange Color Makeup and No Talking to the Socialist Haters.
      May God Have Mercy on Your Soul.

  5. You should look up videos of Roland Freisler and the Volksgerichtshof. The similarities are remarkable. This whole thing is the Democrat Reichstag fire.

  6. Show Trials?
    We have enjoyed some of the old reruns of ‘Sgt Preston of the Northern Canadian Mounted Police.’
    Especially when he captured or Shot criminal Fur Traders, and then served them warm beverages. Tea Bags and Hot water from an old wood stove.
    Canadian good Ole Days !

  7. Remember the state of the union when Trump completely ignored Pelosi?
    She was going to shake his hand after the vice president and Trump wasn’t.

    Well, with no expense of her own, she made the taxpayer of the US to pay for show trial of hot air.

    Don’t think there are witches, though if you want to point to one, Pelosi would be the one to go to.
    The woman is control freak, the only thing that is holding her back is that she is not the president.
    Apparently there is no ‘journalist’ that after asking hard question of Pelosi, will follow up or will be listened to follow up questions.
    The woman goes on with word salsa that is meant to suck up all the available time and limit access.

    It is one of the mysteries that they let her in a church.
    while she sure needs the merci, for the scum that she does, that the almighty provides.

  8. Why do we need to give the corrupt Canadian media billions of our dollars to have them mindlessly parrot US media lies?
    Can’t we just get the lies directly from them?

    1. @Stan: Another question, why Canadian media allocates so much time to this Jan6 BS? Because it fits the narrative and it fills the mandatory 2-Minute-Hate. There’s no better pinata then Trump pinata.

  9. Never forget the video of the DC Capital police and others opening the massive several tons in weight bronze doors to allow the crowd outside to wander into the Capital Building.

  10. I used to be the live and let live guy when it came to talking politics in social situations but those days are gone.
    The stupidity of government is supported by stupid people.
    We have a duty to educate them whether they want to hear the truth or not.

    If nobody believes these massive Jan 6th lies then the scam doesn’t work.
    Same with mandates and other idiotic ideas.
    The government stupidity exists because there is a base of support for that stupidity.
    Some hurt feelings now is a small price to pay.

  11. Is anyone really watching?

    do Democrats set their TV’s to the “show trial”,,, then go out shopping???
    just to get some ratings?

  12. Definition of insurrection
    : an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

    Someone tell me how Trump, who was the sitting president at the time, can be accused of insurrection against his own sitting government. Had he undertaken this on January 21 then perhaps the ‘charge’ could be applied but as it was he was the president and he asked the protestors to peacefully protest against the decision of the Electoral College in light of the numerous instances of highly doubtful conduct committed at the polling stations and beyond. Pence as I understand it had the power at that time to form an inquiry into the dubious conduct committed in the election in five states. Insurrection did not happen what occurred was an out and out coup committed by the Democratic party.

    1. Pelosi makes up her own rules, as in this case failing to seat a ranking member of the opposition party on the committee. And the penultimate useless Republican Mitch McConnell just observes and never does a damn thing about it.

  13. The linked argument throws out irrelevant factoids that miss the entire point.

    Fact 1) After losing the election Trump actively worked overturn the results using any means possible. This included inciting a riot on Jan 6th with the intent to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

    Fact 2) The claims of “fraud” are delusional and have no basis in reality. Trump knows this but still makes the claims because he wants to keep his legions of useful idiots angry.

    Fact 3) Using mob violence, baseless claims of fraud and exploiting loopholes in a system to stay in power after losing an election is a technique used by despots everywhere.

    1. What a nonsense post. Trump did not work to “overturn” the election results. He worked to clarify what those results actually were. There were tons of suspicious anomalies related to that election, not the least of which was the mysterious shutting down of about 6 counting locations in major cities that could swing the vote. There were some unfathomable statistical anomolies reported at an early point. We have just learned about ballot box stuffing ( again in key areas) and the Dominion issue has still not been properly investigated. How do we know fraud claims are baseless until they are thoroughly investigated? Nobody knew, though the media was quick to claim ” baseless”. At what point was Trump supposed to agree that Biden won with so many outstanding questions? Trump did not organize the rally himself, and when there was word of the Capital breech, he told people to go home. This is a show trial– a “get Trump” trial, and it reminds me very much of ” Russian collusion.”

      1. “There were tons of suspicious anomalies related to that election”

        And every one of these “anomalies” have reasonable explanations that Trump and his followers refuse to listen to. That is why long time Republicans like Bill Barr agree that the claims of fraud are nonsense.

        “At what point was Trump supposed to agree that Biden won with so many outstanding questions? ”

        When his attorney general told him there was nothing to investigate.

        Bottom line: Trump is either moron if he believes the claims of fraud or a liar that simply uses fraud claims as part of an effort to seize power from the democratically elected winner. I

        1. The odds against counting 4800 votes in a row for one candidate in a close election are approximately 10^1445:1. That’s roughly the odds of winning 6/49 about 202 draws in a row.

          Blow it out your posterior.

          1. “The odds against counting 4800 votes in a row ….”

            A common mistake made by people with little understanding of probability theory is to assume that each event represents a random sample when it does not. Trump spent months fear-mongering about mail in ballots which means his supporters avoided using them. This means the probability of a Biden vote when counting mail in ballots ranged from 60 to 90%. When counting millions of mail in ballots in democratic counties it is quite likely that you will find long sequences ballots that were Biden only.

            Of course, this is a good example of why the claims of fraud are BS. If there was any merit to the claims of fake ballots then it would have been possible to show that by looking at the voting lists and identifying voters who claim to voted but did not actually vote. 18 months later only a handful of fake votes have been found and they have all be cast by Trump voters faking a vote for a dead relative. I guess psychological projection would explain why so many Trump voters refuse to give up the fraud fantasy….

    2. TimG, you are as dumb as a bag of rocks and add nothing of value to any conversation. I suggest you FOAD.

    3. But perhaps even worse for the J6 Committee was that not even left-wing firebrand Rachel Maddow was buying their narrative. She even admitted that the Trump rally did not directly cause the breaching of the Capitol.

      “Yes, there was a pro-Trump rally, at which the President spoke, and we can absolutely talk about all the things the President said there. But the idea that that rally is the thing that got out of hand and that somehow resulted in the breaching of the Capitol—that rally was very far from the capital, and the people who […] did the initial breach that allowed everybody else to come in, they never went to that rally.”


    4. TimG, AllanS, UnMe, whatever Soros pays you, it is too much.

      Your dumb comments are worthless.

  14. If I were trying to overthrow a government with the mightiest military in history, my point man would be an unarmed guy with buffalo horns.

    Great conspiracy, that.

  15. Ray Epps is likely the foremost inside FBI-paid guy. But the committee won’t go near him. Better to put legirons on Republican bureaucrats who had nothing to do with the events of January 6th, as it makes a much better “Made for TV” mini-series.
