42 Replies to “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”

  1. This is easy. There will be gun crime in locations that did not have it before. Folkfesters from communities that did not experience Liberty Valence in High School now will. They will then tend to vote for social conservative policies.


    A clip to remind you.

    1. What could possibly go wrong? The stupid outnumber the smart by thirty to one, that’s what could go wrong.

  2. Will they be required to use the proper pronouns? Will they have to start the day recognizing that they are on stolen Indian land?

    1. They already have to do that.

      Let the eastern bastards debase themselves to signal their ersatz virtue, in the dark.

      1. Eh

        I am currently living in the east,

        You can’t lop everyone in the same boat

        Don’t be naive

        That’s like saying all Albertans are NDP ers

        See it doesn’t work does it

        But you support individual rights though

        But not for me?

        Grow up!

        Let’s see how the school boards next election goes but they use dominion machines provincially and municipal so hello fraud…

        1. Currently living in the east as well, I understand your point. But “Let these particular eastern bastards debase themselves to signal their ersatz virtue, in the dark” just does not have the same ring to it. I’m just playing with a famous quotation here, paraphrasing for comedic effect. I know that not all of us are the infamous eastern bastards.

          But that said, I do see an awful lot of these particular bastards. The psychosis, or moral panic, or behavioral contagion, or whatever the hell it is that is compelling people to adopt these self-destructive ways of thinking is unbelievably widespread. It may not have infected you or me, but it’s infected many of the people around us.

          I thought it was just the urban folks — I thought it was just the cities. But I see it in the rural areas, too. It’s not as pervasive among the general population there, but it has taken hold among the teens and among anyone who has any connection to any level of government. It freaks me out when I drive through a small community out in Mennonite country and see the pride flag at the grade school or at the village library.

          It used to bother me too when I saw the “Let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark” quote on this blog or in the comments. “But I’m not part of that,” I would think. But I am afraid that if we don’t do something to actively resist or actively flee the contagion, we will become a part of it — we’ll either fall in with it or will be destroyed by it.

          When these particular bastards cross the line that makes silence and avoidance impossible, we’re all going to be caught in the wrath that follows.

          1. God love your honesty

            Thank you…

            You made my week..

            Our wrath has not been seen yet

            Just ask the Germans in WW1 and 2

          2. I don’t want to see the eastern bastards freeze in the dark. I just want to get away from them.

    2. OMGosh!
      I worked for a large Canadian logistics company, and during my orientation, the trainer started by recognizing that our company was on Indian land.

      1. only the Indians can own land in perpetuity, even if they sold it and got paid multiple times

  3. Yeah …. the only criteria will be, where is one on a scale of the victimhood.

  4. At Armpit College, the sole requirement for graduation was paying one’s fees. At that institution, one purchased one’s credentials.

  5. I watched the original movie “Flight of the Phoenix” on youtube as it was recommended about 3 Reader’s Tips ago. I think it takes place in 1960/1961 same as the time it was made. The modern day wokesters would have major hissy fits as the cast was all white men who were competent. Engineers, pilot, military men, model airplane designer – all who could build things out of what was available.
    Engineering, design, architecture have always had large first year catchments with the enrollment being halved by Christmas (end of first term). I was in Interior Design, a division of the Architecture school. If you could not draft by Christmas or do simple design “plates” to illustrate design concepts, then you were strongly advised to leave and find another area of study. It just became more difficult with each term.
    The Toronto School Board is doing a major disservice to their students. The cream will still rise to the top, the rest will just become disgruntled voters.

    1. The cast was white and male because they were the only people who could accomplish such things. Everyone else is a Johnny-come-lately or in most cases barnacles on our hull.

    2. The modern day wokesters would have major hissy fits as the cast was all white men who were competent.

      The re-make from about 20 years ago “corrected” that. And, no, I don’t recommend watching it. The best part of that movie were the opening credits when the plane comes to land at the rig site. Sadly, Dennis Quaid’s talents were wasted in that rubbish.

    3. well how many candidates who would have gotten in under the old system that required skill and hard work will now be passed over due to the random lottery of all applicants?

      I mean not everyone can go to Scarlett Heights Institute of Technology…

      Toronto Schools would be improved by getting rid of the board, and all the dead weight that comes up with these brilliant ideas

      1. Remember what Mark Twain said about school boards and idiots.

  6. Don’t you mean when?

    There is this dirty little fact about the public school system and how the funding is dependent on 100% enrolment.
    It’s like a biding war between the schools to get their enrolment above capacity any way they can and then cry poverty.
    The worst perpetrators are the ones that offer French immersion classes.
    The parents that go along with this shell game believe their progeny will become one of tomorrow’s leaders merely by getting into the nice school on the other side of the city.

  7. Credentialism.
    Buy your credentials here.
    The universities have so debased themselves,that being a “graduate” of one is a mark against your sanity.
    “You did what? For 4 years.”
    These institutions have done to credentials what government has done to our dollars..
    There are a whole bunch more of each and all worthless.

    1. It’s all about “branding”. I noticed that when, even at my alma mater, certain departments decided they were no longer departments, but “schools”. After all, the snooty universities have them, so why not that place?

      Armpit College soon followed suit. That change was simply window-dressing for a second-rate post-secondary institution that still produced graduates who were incapable of composing a comprehensible sentence.

  8. The left has already wrecked education, they’ve just quit pretending that wasn’t the goal all along.

    1. It wasn’t just the left that did it.

      Educationists who saw education as a commodity to be packaged and sold in the form of various credentials did a lot of damage. The doctrine of “student as customer” was a massive step backwards.

      Add to that the status competition between various institutions in the race to see who can be the most snooty or which can get more of the government’s “gravy” money so that institutional administrators can brag to their counterparts and we end up with the current erosion of standards.

      One doesn’t just pay for the actual degree. One has to fork over a premium for the name of the institution granting it, its reputation and history, as well as the frills it has to offer the “customers”.

  9. They did a study and discovered that some people graduating from their school system still aren’t stupid enough to vote Liberal.

  10. Have the socialist geniuses asked themselves why anyone would bother trying to learn more and better themselves as a means of getting accepted into these programs now that merit isn’t factor?

    1. @Stan:
      Merit, smurfette, the list of important credentials are ‘woke’, ‘trans’, ‘homo’, ‘coloured’, ‘native’.
      Did I leave any out?

      1. You can add “radical” and “feminist” as well as adherence to a certain social system that masquerades as a religion.

  11. There will be much more incompetent people since they will not be selected for their ability or ” brains”.

    More bridges will fall, more doctors will be sued for malpractice.

    And more engineers and more doctors will be non-whites, female or LGTBQ.

    Not many of them will be white males or heterosexual.

    The more catastrophic the results will be, the more the left and their media will deny it is happening.

    The liberal government will create a ministry of truth,

    will make it illegal to say the blindingly obvious truth like I just did in this comment.

    More bridges will fall, more doctors will be sued for malpractice.

    Less and less heterosexual whites will graduate and get jobs they deserve.

    And one day when almost everyone in Canada lives in abject poverty that looks more like a mix of Detroit city and Haiti than Canada,

    People will scratch their head and ask ; How did we get here?

    1. People will scratch their head and ask ; How did we get here?

      They won’t wonder. They’ll already know who to blame and they’ll freely dispense their form of justice.

    2. Well Friend,I have concluded that we are already “Here”.
      Just enough of the system our parents built has continued to function ,on inertia,to allow the citizens to pretend blindness with respect to our current state.
      Under Justine the Petulant,all shall be millionaires.
      He will “Make us all wealthy”.
      Damn shame that wealth,our millions of Trudeau Bucks,won’t buy a loaf of bread soon.

  12. Their diplomas will become useless as teachers are forced to pass diversity students that barely speak English.

  13. Sounds like someone is concerned that most of the top ranking students at most schools happen to be asian.

    That damn “work ethic” and “dragon mother” crap needs to stop!!

    It’s not right that those who work hardest; and put in the most effort get all the goodies.
