When Is History Going To Repeat Itself?

Erfurt latrine disaster- In July 1184, Henry VI, King of Germany (later Holy Roman Emperor), held court at a Hoftag in the Petersberg Citadel in Erfurt. On the morning of 26 July, the combined weight of the assembled nobles caused the wooden second story floor of the building to collapse and most of them fell through into the latrine cesspit below the ground floor, where about 60 of them drowned in liquid excrement.

22 Replies to “When Is History Going To Repeat Itself?”

  1. UN?

    I believe the cheering would be louder than my jobsite on Sept. 11th,. 2001

    Just sayin

  2. A fitting end, no doubt. Juthtin would look good up to his eyeballs in … excrement since he’s already full of it.

  3. Cesspit: soon to become Dear Leader’s memorial library….. without the contents having to be changed.

  4. Wow!
    Poor design eh. What were they thinking when they built that dwelling?

    They never even hinted at this juicy tidbit in history class. Lets see, grade 8 or 9 history? Yep, us kids would’ve laughed our heads off. We were so bad.
