Sunday On Turtle Island

The world is full of crazy people. Trans killer identifies as baby.  Warning: Vampire books may mention vampires.  Now math is racist.

African countries unable to complain, now that China has bought their leaders.  China destroying fish stocks.

More news on anti-Semitic Canadian universities.

The tunnel of oppression.  More perversion needed at Disney.

Hunter Biden’s 50% to the Big Guy.  The FBI’s election interference.

Dear Leader didn’t bother showing up for the Vimy Ridge ceremony in Ottawa.  I guess he was busy raising money for Ukraine.  Today little Justin is excited that he will be interviewed by Jake Tapper on CNN.

Canadian pastor alleges mistreatment in jail.

50 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Are there any universities outside Israel that AREN’T anti-Semitic?

    Are there any governments outside Russia that HAVEN’T been bought by the Chinese?

    1. How do the jews feel about us goyem? I can just feel the love emanating from them!!

  2. “Today little Justin is excited that he will be interviewed by Jake Tapper on CNN.”
    What’s he excited about? No one watches CNN.

    1. Maybe that’s what he’s excited about, it won’t matter if he says stupid stuff. He can just watch it himself afterwards. Over and over and over again. You know he likes watching his own performances.

    2. Sheila Gunn-Reid will assign someone to sit through it. The most nauseating portions will be on the Rebel livestream tomorrow.
      We should all have a moment of silence to appreciate the poor soul who endured the BS so we didn’t have to.

  3. Re: Disney heiress perversion. Why am I not surprised that Abagail Disney is a fangurl of Trans-woke Disney? Why am I not surprised that Abagail Disney has revealed her own “son” is her formerly female daughter? One word: UGLY oh! and a second word: FAT. Sorry to be so insensitive… but these are fundamental, primary indicators for the Trans-activists … FAT and UGLY. Sorry … but the TRUTH is often brutal, and unflinching.

    1. When I saw that first picture, I thought it was a certain American “admiral”. Yikes!

      Considering how many people claim they have children who are “that way”, it makes one wonder if that hasn’t simply become the latest status symbol. I’m so old, I remember that it was a source of pride if one’s kid attended university. Now that it’s become commonplace, and those institutions are essentially giving away their degrees now, I guess the snooty crowd now has to have something else to claim bragging rights in their social circles.

      1. “those institutions are essentially giving away their degrees now,”

        Wrong – you have to purchase them.

        1. Let’s put it this way: once one has paid the fees, one doesn’t really have to work for them any more.

          1. And it’s rather easy to get a loan nowadays. Also, nobody seems to care whether it’s actually spent on one’s studies.

      2. Perhaps our “Health Admiral” (Col. Sanders is more legitimate) modeled his ‘look’ after Abagail Disney. “Hey … I can look as female as her!”, he might have been overheard saying.

        But remember! Trans acceptance is only about “love”. You HAVE to LOVE “The Admiral”! If you don’t LOVE shim … then you’re just a hateful extreme right winggger! Yeah … call me hateful then … meh. As if leftists have a clue what love is all about.

          1. “A couple of what?”

            I suppose it’s “hateful” of me to actually AGREE with Archie Bunker … and not see half of what he said as Hollywooden satire

      3. Kenji and BA, Ya know, the truth is, I really don’t give a rats about lgbquerty and trans. They can indulge in any perversion they wish, I really don’t care how low and degraded they sink in pursuit of their jollies.
        However, what I do care about a great deal, is they now want to rub our noses in their filth. They do want to pervert our children to groom them to their lifestyle. When they kept their perversions in the shadows, they were disgusting but tolerated. Yet now they not only gleefully advertise their lifestyle, they call us bigoted, hate filled, and homophobic. Not only must we accept this new open minded ideal, we are being forced to declare that acceptance of them openly or be shunned by activist leftist progressives. (Not that I much care about progressives anyway) They are not just enjoying rubbing our noses in their perversions, but they expect us to agree with it without any complaint. The lgb community is relatively small, and the trans community is a tiny sliver of that, but they are getting all the attention, all the wind, vastly in excess of their size, as if they are the larger, more important part of the society we all abide in. Enough! They should crawl back into the foul shadows from where they used to reside. If we continue to accept this, we are done as a society, as a species. I’m an atheist, but the fable of Sodom and Gomorrah is being performed right in front of us and our children, with the full support of people like the turd and Biden. I really am becoming convinced this is in part, a deliberate attempt to destroy our society, to push us into a WEF/UN/WHO new world order. Part of a multi pronged assault on our very existence, to create chaos and fire, to make us beg for the globalists to come to our rescue, by creating a new techno feudalist society that they control.

        As an addendum, Once they have taken over, our children really will become toys for them to play with, as they see fit. Kind of like the people who torture puppies for their jollies, including sexual beastiality!

        1. It definitely has gone well past tolerance and, sometimes, acceptance nowadays.

        2. Gerry.

          Spot on…
          ..and it ABSOLUTELY is just another aspect of the war against Western Hemisphere Culture..

          Climate Change
          Fiat Currency devaluation
          Defund the Cops…..

          Etc etc etc….
          We either resist and literally remove the 100,000 heads of the snake …. Or die whimpering.

        3. GK … As you my have discerned … I am a true believing Christian. And I agree with all you said. I am extremely tolerant of all manner of beliefs and activities that I may consider misguided or even grotesque. There are plenty of heterosexuals with strange kinks too. But when anyone makes their own personal CHOICE of sexuality … THE … defining character of their entire being … then I draw the line. Such people need a hobby … or career. Because as you say … nobody really gives a rats ass who someone porks, or how they do it. Just keep it to yourself. You wanna call that “the closet” … OK Groomer. Get back into the closet. Because we … NORMAL … people have had it with the constant barrage of your sexuality. Your “rights” are equal to our “rights” … and that includes our right to ignore you.

          And go for our kids? You will, and are, facing the WRATH of all the heteronormative’s in our culture. We will NOT allow you to fiddle about … fiddle about … fiddle about … with our children’s sexual identity.

          1. Because as you say … nobody really gives a rats ass who someone porks, or how they do it. Just keep it to yourself.

            I’m not so sure about that. A number of people I worked with at Armpit College were obsessed about my personal inclinations. (“He’s how old and he’s not married? He isn’t one of those, is he?”)

            I simply didn’t talk much about my private life because, frankly, it was none of their bleedin’ business. I had my reasons for being single, not that they needed to know why.

  4. The Chinese are wrecking Africa and the Africans are wrecking the west. I predict China will come out on top somewhere around the middle of this century.

    1. At the rate the west is self destructing, I feel your estimate of mid century to be a little optimistic.

    2. except the Chinese still have a demographic problem brought on by the One Child policy, along with other issues

    3. That was the plan. Unfortunately for Beijing, Russia is determined to survive as something other than their goddamn gas tank.

      China’s economy is sustained by tribute from its debt-peons and export revenue from the West. Destroy the Empire of Lies and the Money Trust, and the Chinese Communist Empire’s economy and population will collapse into pre-industrial levels in no time.

      By mid-century Russia will be queen of the Gentile world. The tribes of whatever remains of the West and of China will be too busy killing each other over anything left worth looting to threaten Russia much.

  5. China’s doing a lot of things besides wrecking fish stocks with slave labour…locking down Shanghai being another one and likely their way of showing the world how it’s done. I hear they employ drones to belt out messages such as “Control your soul’s desire for freedom”. I’d laugh but it’s too serious a matter.

    Tapper is interviewing Trudeau? Can’t wait.

  6. Now that we know that Hunter hired Russian prostitutes, we also know where Democrats got the idea of fabricating a story about Trump hiring Russian prostitutes to urinate on the bed ;
    it was probably ( actually almost certainly ) Hunter -when he was high on crack or very drunk – who made prostitutes do that kind of stuff…

    Democrats simply “recycled” the story and used it against Trump.

    As a general rule when Democrats accuse Republicans of something, it is something Democrats are guilty of themselves.

    1. I’d argue in the case of the Steele dossier it was russian sources feeding him stories that were more and more fantastical to see what he’d believe…

      after all Trump is a know germaphobe, so the likelihood of him hiring any hookers is somewhat less than zero

    2. That’s what they’ve always done.

      The blood libel against Jews was a cover-up for the rape and sexualized murder of children by pedophile Roman Catholic clergy.

  7. Chances pastor Pawlowski will receive compensation, like the $10.5 mill for Omar Khadr? ZERO

    1. Only dummies watch CNN and dumb Americans don’t count.
      Except at the voting booth.
      At least twice.

      1. Speaking of voting ,WTF is up with The Donald endorsing Dr. Oz for his Pennsylvania run ?
        Oz is a toady of Oprah and he is on board with the alphabet stupidity.
        A Rino by any other name.

        Something is up with Trump, he can’t be so obtuse of his base or is it deliberate ?
        I mean , he was a Democrat in a former life.
        It might explain some of his disastrous hirings and non-firings during his administration plus his continued support of the ” not vaccines “.

  8. Projection.
    The treatment of Pastor Pawlowski is insane.
    Unless ,in the eyes of Jason Kenny and his minions, the Pastor is committing the ultimate crime..Exposing their lies.

    Maybe these fools and bandits still believe that people do not know they are lying?
    That their hatred of every human freedom and right has been exposed for all to see? That may have escaped their attention?
    Whoever they “represent”..It ain’t the taxpaying citizens of Alberta.

    Wretched Rachel and Fake Conservative Kenny play for the same team.
    Pawlowski’s blunt rejection of The State of Thuggery,threatens a illusion Dear Leader Jason relies on.
    Never mind the rational consideration..
    That Jason flipped and flopped and passed the buck to incompetent bureaucrats,exposed his utter inability to be of use to the citizenry in a “declared Crisis”.
    That an ethical person would have stepped aside,clearing the way for competent leadership..totally escapes our helpers..
    They cling to power at all costs,preventing adults from salvaging what they can..
    Government created chaos..
    The dread Covid Theatre.

    Having lived in it,Pawlowski sees right through all their lies and self justification.
    The State of Thuggery is murder.
    Jason and his fellow parasites,love the power.
    I guess he will get that “new base” he importing them all?
    Or just creating them on paper?

    We seem doomed to repeat.
    1700 France ?

    And I do not doubt the tale the Pastor tells.
    Government Slime are that murderous and low.
    So much “better” if this outspoken critic should disappear in prison..
    It would have been another “Suicide while in imprisoned” what a shame those cameras and security logs all failed..

    Trust is earned.
    Government behaviour has lost it any trust.
    Well except ,”To consume and destroy”,that I have great confidence they can do.

    1. It’s even worse in Alberta now. I can’t even play Woodoku on my phone without the Dippers getting in my face. Some old NDP hack whining to Wretched Knothead that we don’t have enough lockdowns.

      1. When CKUA started running ads from Rotten Rachel’s party after it was elected, I stopped listening to that station. Pity, really, as it had some good classical music programming.

    2. Pastor Pawloski’s Fox interview was great.
      The man is a hero.
      The fact that he was given instructions on compelled speech should embarrass Kenney.

  9. Justin not showing for the Vimy ceremony….he knows he would have been booed by any veterans in attendance (huge # of vets supported the truckers). He didn’t want that optic to interfere with his current MSM adoration.
    Not that it would have been reported anyway.

    1. @first timer:
      Well Justine made a statement according to the CTV article I saw.
      That counts for something. What more do you want?
      (I’m just being facetious)

  10. Novelist jack Higgins has died age 92, at his home in jersey.
    I have read almost all his novels.
    The Eagle has Landed, rip jack

  11. Now that we know the plot to kidnap democrat Gretchen Whitmer was actually a plot to entrap innocent Trump supporters.

    Here is what I think,

    Gretchen Whitmer pulled a Jussy Smollet on us ;

    she, along with some FBI agents or informants came up with the evil plan to make Trump supporters look bad.

    She is the one who made it illegal to buy flower seeds when the covid hysteria began. Yes she is THAT insane.

    Trump haters are capable of anything, she is certainly crazy enough to have pulled a Jussy Smollet on us.

    I think that just like Jussy Smollet, she is behind the plot to kidnap herself.

    Nothing is too evil or too crazy for those leftists.

    1. Plus she wants Enbridge Line 5 capped and put out of commission.
      She is reading from a script given to her by her puppet masters.
      She’s just as dumb as Cumala , at least Cumala was useful to Willy.
      Although I do hear that Witless likes it through the back door.

  12. from the link “math is racist”

    ” …It says staff must ask why they’re citing work from ‘mostly white’ mathematicians…”


    Because according to the best science we have , the white race has been around aproximately 150,000 years, but the black race has been around for at least 200,000 years,
    yet despite having been around longer, blacks never came up with a written language, calendars, the wheel or mathematics.

    That is why.

    but facts are racist, right?

    By racist they mean it reveals the truth about race ; some race invented almost everything, while other races invented almost nothing.

    And please don t tell me blacks invented blues and jazz music, they only did that AFTER they gained access to musical instruments whites invented such as the piano, the guitar, the saxophone,
    and they only started playing such music AFTER they gained access to other things white people invented such as the microphone, the amplifier, the speaker, the recording device to play back music,
    and only AFTER whites figured out how to use electricity to produce and record music.

    When whites landed in Africa there was no jazz, no blues, no pianos, no guitars, no saxophones, no microphones, no reel to reel tape recorders, all there was were mud huts and people banging on tree trunks.

    Every truth about blacks is unpleasant to hear for them ( and for self hating white liberals ) which is why they call all those facts racist ; to silence us and re write history.

    Give them a few years and text books and encyclopedias will say blacks invented the airplane, the light bulb and the computer and so on and so forth.

    We have almost reached peak insanity…we are almost there.

  13. Re: math is racists. The last thing the left needs is a citizenry well versed in mathematics. Leads to all sorts of nasty questions about government spending.
