Thursday On Trudeau’s Turtle Island

Is Trudeau Castro’s son?

Perhaps the Canadian government is starting a civil war.

Even the cops get towed away in the island prison of New Zealand.

Some mental health news.

Justin sure likes to tick people off.

Western leaders turn to fascism.

Speaker of the House offers armed guards to protect persecuted journalists on Parliament Hill. And Justin nixes plans for a medallion to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.

25 Replies to “Thursday On Trudeau’s Turtle Island”

  1. In case anyone is interested, I believe Michael Yon predicted that a civil war will occur this year.
    I believe he may have mentioned North America.
    Hope you are all prepped
    Pass the popcorn please.

    1. It might be in Canada. That’s if Sparkle Potato orders his anonymous goons to fire on innocent crowds.

      It might be in the US if the Democrats openly and brazenly cheat in the midterms with the media declaring that anyone who questions the results “traitors and lunatics.”

      Either way, a cathartic event must occur along the lines of Causescu, or we are in for another three or more generations of Soviet Union time.

    2. I lost my bet. I had $50 on a shooting civil war in the US by end of 2021, but I may have only been off by a few months.

  2. The situation is rather bizarre to say the least. You have a parade of ministers at the microphones talking all around the point of support for the convoys being terrorism therefore subject to these emergency laws and banking intrusions, but at the same time the police are using a soft-sell approach to moving the protestors who by implication must be terrorists. How can one support terrorism that is not terrorism but just misguided garden variety protest? This is the mixed message and it seems like the real intention is to create a political reign of terror for anyone with the temerity to criticize the Liberals, the mandates, or anything that might pop up on the list of the day.

    Today it could be one set of conditions, the next day it could be something entirely new, but meanwhile, one can assume that the equally disruptive left-wing economic protests that we have seen in the past would not be handled this way. The irony is that the real terrorism is that of the left, on a massive scale, over a long period of time, and that the Liberals have simply adapted to it and mastered a somewhat more gradual application of it so they don’t lose power to the NDP. In provincial politics the equivalent of the Liberals is usually weaker and the provincial politics therefore play out as alternating periods of go-fast and go-slow globalism by degrees.

    I find the foundations of it to be lacking in logic and probably within the realm of insanity, a successful and prosperous society with relative social harmony has allowed itself to be torn apart over grievances that nobody can possibly fix (the underlying theme of all native protests being, we would like our land back and for you to go back to Europe and Asia, and of course that’s not happening, but we have enough guilt in the political classes to allow this absurd system of relations between the groups to proceed “nation to nation” on a multiple platform basis — it is madness and cannot end without economic stagnation and a gradual inevitability of violent confrontations to come. Add to that the absurdity of the mandates and the climate so-called emergency .. we are indeed creating divisions that could lead to the breakdown of the federation. I don’t expect a civil war, that requires more clearly defined opponents and a general arming of the population on both sides. The pressures are more likely to remain political and will increasingly push AB-SK and whatever other parts of the west want to join them, into a separation so that a rational economic plan can be re-installed. At some point a critical mass will realize that having idiots in Ottawa determining all important decisions will destroy every trace of prosperity in the west. Not only will they make bad decisions but clearly they have a hate on for the people of western Canada, which is shared by many in Ontario and points east. It’s a mixture of resentment of our prosperity and libertarian outlook, our tendency to be more pro-American, and our disdain for the self-importance of the Laurentian elites. This is really what the Ottawa circus has been about, folks from other parts of the country coming in to say, listen we don’t want you wrecking our lives, so for a time we’re going to wreck your lives to see if you can get the point through your tiny little Ottawa brains.

      1. DB

        Precisely. The country was from the Beginning, was set up such that ANYTHING West of the Ontario/MB border..?? Resources to be PLUNDERED – Population to be Taxed & IGNORED in perpetuity.

        There is ZERO desire on the part of those who hold the reigns to change this dynamic and for good reason as noted above….”Why the Fk should we”…right??

        It is time …. it HAS BEEN time for 42 yrs in fact, the warning bells sounded Loud n Clear in 1980 via another Filthy POS Trudeau.

        The WEST MUST LEAVE…

  3. I love my country! It’s breathtakingly beautiful from Ocean to Ocean!
    Hate my politicians who’s corruption has ruined what it should be.
    In a free society, the flames of innovation burn brightly in so many avenues before monetary lust for dollars corrupted politicians into forming a society that they want to control with specific people and corporate interests.
    My best and brightest times of creating and innovating was my total focus on what I was doing and creating.
    Creeping government restrictions, regulations and fines for breaking any destroyed that lustfulness of creating something unique that nobody has done before.

    When that old brainpan was in full gear, I had to even have a note pad because I missed some very important information when I woke and it was on my mind. I did many drawings with calculations to back some of the innovation that sprouted forth.
    Even had some drawings engineered by actual engineers of the field when governments had new innovation programs but they came with a multitude of conditions.
    I also sent a drawing sample to the biggest electric power producer company in Germany as this was a different course in power generation. I did receive a phone call from their Vice-president and he stated that the company was perfectly happy in the client base that they were serving and didn’t want to get into a new area of technology. My technology was breaking particles of water, steam or anything flowing into a rotational lined flow so that the maximum torque could be harvested as all this energy worked together. The engineering was sound in that on paper, it would work mechanically.
    All this study had made me an expert in understanding flow systems but I never pursued it further.

    I somehow have an extremely good talent in many areas and just not useful in today’s politicians world.

    1. The funny thing about my technology was it was hemisphere sensitive…
      Meaning that the turbines in the two hemispheres had to be exactly opposite to work effectively and efficiently.
      Current turbines that we use only actually harvests 2 to 4 per cent of the actual torque.
      Current hydro turbines blowback off the housing causing friction like brakes.
      So anybody hyping theoretical efficiencies are full of shit! It’s just sensational propaganda.

    2. The problem is that leadership roles have always attracted sociopaths, people that smile when they lie and act purely in their own self interests. Just look at orchestra conductors. No wonder the musicians hate them. The musicians do all the work and the pretty boy (or girl these days) gets all the glory.

      This is why I keep hammering the idea that Jordan Peterson needs to jump directly into the fray. The reluctant leader always turns out to be the wisest and most benevolent.

  4. Police possibly moving in at this time. Truckers are being warned. Only live I can find is Pat King.

  5. The fact our parliament has not risen up against Trudeau’s tyranny is scarier to me than Trudeau’s tyrannical actions, themselves.

    I curse everyone who voted LPC or CPC last election. I mean, how fucking ignorant can you be, the writing was so obviously on the wall, even back then. They are THE UNIPARTY and so far the actions from our official unopposition are nothing more than theatrical display for the gullible idiots who will probably vote for Tyrant Party #2 next election, too.

    You goddam idiots!

  6. Wrt the sock monkey invoking Godwin’s law.

    Is there someone in the opposition bench that is willing to challenge the turd to repeat his remarks outside of the House of Commons where he isn’t protected by parliamentary privilege? And should he decide otherwise to just withdraw his remarks and apologize not just to the house but every protester.
    My personal choice for that task would be the member for Ottawa-Carlton to give it a deja vu feel.

  7. The police will move in, probably within hours. Trudeau wants it done before debate about the EMA comes up in session.

  8. I can understand Jewish Canadians being outraged by the PM’s remarks.

    What I can’t understand; is their insistence upon voting for him reliably every election.

  9. Um, speaking of our Queen…I wonder if she’s amused. Speak up honey, you’re in the last inning…put some whiskey in your Metamucil and tell us what you think.

  10. I am really starting to think there’s something to this Castro bastard love child thing.

    Honestly, no joke.

    Having said that, only a strictly controlled forensic DNA comparative analysis would prove things one way or the other. Which will never happen.

    My opinion of fruitcake Maggie with the mattress strapped to her back hasn’t changed. But thinking Trudeau Junior could really be Castreau Bastard #14 has me wondering whether Trudeau The Elder was even more of a sick weirdo perv than I had always thought.
