33 Replies to “The BLM Flag Is The Hammer And Sickle In Blackface”

  1. Every time I read something like this, I wonder what the eventual insurgency will look like in the US.

    1. If Putin were smart, he’d be arranging advisors to land stealthily in remote corners of Canada, to set up cross-border insurgent forces. Think about it: Canada is a natural base for insurgent strikes into the US. And there is something especially “payback delicious” about Putin pulling that off. Think about it: lots of fed up, unemployed young blue collar males, being perpetually demonised and abused by their government. Money, respect and guns from Uncle Vlad.

      Interesting times ahead.

      1. Remember, Putin is not Communist. Why should he want to encourge communism and have it eventually come back? He could have a lot of fun messing with the Americans though. But he doesn’t need to, all he has to do is sit back and watch the shit-show. He’s got the northern pipeline (congrats, Vlad, we can’t do that in Canada) and he’s keeping China at bay.

        Ignore the NATO propaganda, they are lost. They think Putin the communist enemy, still, while training the Chinese Communist military.

  2. I don’t know – I think of it more as a KKK flag. They may spout Marxist rhetoric but I think they’re using Marxism simply as a means to achieve black supremacy.

    1. “I think they’re using Marxism simply as a means to achieve black supremacy.”

      I disagree, I don’t think they are trying to build up anything, I see it as tearing down the white middle class in western nations. It’s no accident that the “education system” is dumbing down each generation while governments pile on the woke propaganda and simultaneously disarm the law-abiding public.

      Global governance requires a financially weak and unarmed population, not populations with independent thoughts of freedom and the means to back it up.

      1. I’ve said it for quite some time. Since the mid 1960’s America has been breeding and importing a vast underclass … wherein the TAKERS will eventually outnumber the MAKERS. We give Aid which incentivizes young poor girls ov culllller to breed large broods of poor uneducated children. White, educated couples have 1.4 children, POC ? More like 3.4 uneducated dependents. Our open borders, and 1M/year legal immigration, and chain migration has flooded our nation with dependents.

        Hence … race riots, burning, looting … TAKING … because that’s the only thing this underclass can do. Yeah, they’re tearing it all down ma’aaan … building is an entirely foreign concept to America’s underclass. Their American Dream? Gonna get MINE, suckah!

        1. Agree 100%!

          There are obviously several types of players and motives involved, but it could probably be broken down for convenience to two, the “governing elites” and their lowest class’s foot soldiers, that you mention.

          None of this would be happening if our leadership didn’t want it to happen. This is orchestration at the highest levels of the EU, IMF, old money, new money, Corporate fascists, et al.

          They want a controllable slave class, not an independent minded middle class.

          1. And the elites all scurry away to their walled-in subdivisions with Gates and security staff to keep their tiny oasis (in a sea of unrest) safe and secure. Or to their secure suburbs that are too expensive for the poor rabble to inhabit.

            When their political progeny start going over the walls … they’ll all flee further into the hinterlands. The hinterlands they’ve flooded with Fentanyl … which are no longer ‘safe’ either.

      2. The other “Creepy Joe”, Stalin, once said something to the effect:

        “We don’t let people have guns; why should we let them have ideas?”

        He was a monster, but NOT an idiot.

      3. They will advance their tyranny under the name of equality and justice and saving the planet.

    2. BLM are professed Marxists. Whether they have a full understanding of the sequence of events in revolutions is another matter. You can be sure right behind the university trained “marxists” there is a lot of hard-nosed raw power. It’s human nature. For those many who lose their youthful enthusiasm in disillusion and parenting, there are always a few who double down, steel their nerves and determine ruthless pursuit of power; initially for the cause, but eventually power becomes the overiding cause. Power. And they’ve forgotten why. Hopefully. Otherwise you end up with Pol Pot.

  3. You nailed it, Kate.
    BLM is to black people what the Communist party of the Soviet Union was to the Russian proletariat.

  4. Are they flying the one with the communist fist or without it? Or is there no guidance on that?

  5. BLM is actually an offshoot of the ANC in South Africa. Marxist to the bone. And of course, the media does all it can to cover that fact up. I recall years ago seeing a picture in the Globe and Mail of an ANC march in Cape Town. The picture in the paper was very carefully cropped to take out the hammer and sickle flags that were everywhere in the march. The comparison of the original photo and the cropped one was absolutely fraudulent. You’d almost think that Reuters was there!

    1. Yup.

      I knew that more than 40 years ago. Back then, it was frequently mentioned in the Sunday sermons I sat through. Not once were its tactics ever condemned or even questioned. The ANC was the Legion of Jesus and anyone in the church not supporting it was a heretic.

  6. It is a basic method of Communism/Socialism/Marxism to destroy the family and the institutions of society and replace them with Communism/Marxism/Socialism.
    Look what Biden and Obama did to the Military.
    The US Military is a becoming a joke. Just as Mao purged so shall BLM and the Commie Rat Bastards embedded at all levels in Canadian Government as well.
    All our own planning Depts at the Municipal Level are infested with Green Communism and UN Doctrine of Sustainability and most are members of ICLEI as well as the very Communist Canadian Federation of Municipalities.
    All our Universities and Unionized Teachers organizations are infested with Commie Rat Bastards as well. All spewing their Commie Doctrines. Here check out FCM and how local tax dollars go to International Aid Programs etc. Then ask yourself why your property taxs are so high. Its because your local Municipal Government is in the Foreign Aid Business Too. https://fcm.ca/en/programs

  7. The Black Panthers were / are a Marxist-Leninist communist terrorism/extorsion outfit with the express goal of a Black communist state (within the US geography). BLM seems to have eclipsed the Panthers and is also in the terrorism / extorsion business and are no doubt some variant of Marxism but they seem to be in the post modern nihilism stage assisting Antifa in hollowing out the culture before rounding up and eliminating dissenters. What’s different now is the complete institutional support for them as opposed to the Panthers. Two successive generations of continued academic rot will do that to a culture. I suppose Kate is correct to the extent that their ranks are not all Blacks but filled with racist communists, basic losers, looters and thugs, and political poseurs in metaphysical Black-face.

  8. That comment by Winston Churchill “Appeasing an Alligator so that he’ll eat them last”
    Comes to mind.
    All those being pissed on that died for this Nations Memorial Day and the Communist Bastardized Slut dictatorship,
    controlled by the Pelosi Squad Isis Whores, Deserve what has to happen.
    It’s funny that Pelosi is so afraid the Capitol might be assaulted again, not by conservatives but the Democrats Socialiagendas Communist party.

    Enjoy your lunch.

  9. Can’t believe that any Blood, Loot, Murder, BLM flag would be allowed to fly over, or on another sovereign country. Be great if they tell the Communist bastardized ambassadors to remove that ugly symbolism & piece of shit.

  10. Black Lies Matter. Like their collectivist brethren in the DeMarxist party, their opportunism includes getting rich themselves.
    No doctrine could do more harm to black US citizens trapped in Democrat run systemically racist inner cities.
    When Floyd was killed, we were all at agreement; this police conduct was unacceptable and reform was the only answer.
    From that moment BLM hijacked it all. Reform training? Nope, riots are us. Less lethal interventions? defund the police.
    They’re the existential threat to blacks in America. No wonder their flag is black. They’re political pirates. A national insult.
    Criminals cum fascists dressed up like Marxists, in reality just thug totalitarians, their hatred of you proof of your racism.
    How to do you keep black man at home, in their communities, in stable two parent families, until the reason the norm for them?
    Better education, absolutely. Sports, there’s another good one. How about less crime to allow communities to stabilize?
    IOW, keep them out of the frigging gang culture, give blacks what they want, more police presence. BLM: racist cops hunting blacks.
    Any wonder Burn, Loot and Murder seek to destroy the “nuclear family?” Gang values are their values, as are their tactics.

    1. Sorry: until recently stable two parent families were the norm in US black communities. The gang culture changed that.

  11. The mindset of white woke is naive and juvenile while black woke is street savvy and corrupt.
    It’s an S&M game played out by the dis-educated spanking the mis-educated in some sort of perverse fetish for fascist racial domination. Now we will see whirled citizens playing pirate; because pirates are renowned for their empathy. At this point, the absurdist BLM trend has turned passé without ever being fashionable. It’s time to read the cumulative violent crime statistics every night at 5:00, 6:00, 10:00. and 11:00. Lock up criminals and throw away the keys.

    Enough black in your face.

  12. And then I says, “Tell me I’m wrong!” And he says, “I can’t, baby, ’cause you’re NOT!”
    — THE TICK, The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight

  13. The good thing is that most black people like to keep the stuff they earned just as much as anyone.
    I’ll let them deal with their BLM commies and they can count on me to deal with the whiteys.

  14. President Biden has invited the George Floyd family to the White House today. They will be celebrating the wonderful contributions George Floyd made to society.

    1. His addiction caused great harm to society.

      It is morbid to use this unfortunate man as a prop for radical politics, which is the primary value progressives see in George Floyd’s life, and is the Democrat’s main motivation in bringing his family to the White House.

    2. Maybe one of the family will ask Joe or Hunter to criticize China for smuggling the Fentanyl that killed thug George.

  15. Sasha Johnson BLM activist in the UK was shot in the head in a ‘melee’ that also saw a fellow partygoer knifed when a gang of four young black men stormed into a Peckham garden with 30 people inside and opened fire, police revealed today.

    Wonder who BLM will blame for this?

  16. What an insult to Blacks. There are so many other Black heroes they could “celebrate” who are far more worthy than Floyd. Floyd was a brutal thug. It’s embarrassing.

  17. It’s what ties all the seemingly disparate groups with their irreconcilable differences together. It’s why BLM, feminists, LGTBDH+, radical Islamists, critical race theorists and all the rest are seemingly on the same team. It’s cause they are. They are all communists.
