The Sound Of Settled Science

Biologists and conservation scientists have long been operating under the assumption that inbreeding should be avoided at all costs, but a new survey — published Monday in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution — suggests mating with relatives isn’t always bad.

If it were, researchers contend, animals would be trying a lot harder to avoid inbreeding.

“People assume that animals should avoid mating with a relative when given the chance,” lead study author Raïssa de Boer said in a news release.

“But evolutionary theory has been telling us that animals should tolerate, or even prefer, mating with relatives under a broad range of conditions for more than four decades,” said de Boer, a researcher in zoology at Stockholm University in Sweden.

63 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

    1. The royal family (not them directly but their faces) would suggest that it is bad. Plus, I think the hutterites would tend to agree genetic diversity is needed .

      But then again, what’s the point of this article? Are they intentionally trying to make Charles feel good about himself, or is it really a case of hot for sister?

  1. “But evolutionary theory has been telling us that animals should tolerate, or even prefer, mating with relatives under a broad range of conditions for more than four decades,”

    Well, inbreeding has certainly worked out okay for Ottawa’s Ivory Tower Trash.

    1. Jamie

      “Well, inbreeding has certainly worked out okay for Ottawa’s Ivory Tower Trash”

      Let me add to that by including most middle east countries. Don’t get me started about the age group amongst those chosen women and their “grooms” or sometimes close family relatives.


  2. Anyone remember that X Files episode about the Peacocks called “Home”?

    1. They must have some super-hot siblings / children.

      Lord knows they’ve been trying hard to normalize pedophilia.

  3. Just thinking of grotesque deformities like the Habsburg jaw. The idea that genetic diversity is the way to go will be with us a while longer I think. There’s a reason why brothers and sisters go EW when they get too close physically.

  4. If the MRNA vaccine turns out to cause infertility, unvaccinated humans may need to mate incestuously to keep the species from going extinct. Sounds like a dystopian nightmare!

    1. Nightmare? It depends on which side of that equation you fall on…

    1. What disaster that has been. Just follow the line before the house of windsor.

    2. @Bill D Cat:
      I just recently realized that Queen Victoria married her 1st cousin.(watching PVR’ed ‘Victoria’) I knew they were related but thought it was more distant, like 2nd cousins. I found out I married a 4th cousin when I got interested in family trees. Happens in small towns like mine more so. Happy to report my now adult kids are normal, or at least seem to be normal.

    1. This explains a lot. Definitely not a politically correct article which, in my mind, increases its credibility.

  5. As a farmer, unplanned inbreeding can occur and it is generally known that you’ll either get a really good or a bad animal as a result. You try to avoid inbreeding because you’d rather have a high likelihood of a good animal than the alternative gamble.
    Lot’s of she’s my aunt and my sister and my grandma in a barn without any inbreeding. Take one of their male offspring and breed it to the females and there is some touch of inbreeding but pretty remote other than with own mother (which I’d avoid).
    Animals do not have an “EW” response.

    1. I only took 1 animal science class in pursuit of my degree in agriculture, but I distinctly remember that when making new breeds, there is a cycle of inbreeding and outbreeding that is done.

  6. Holy fu-k, I got nuthin. The world is imploding with the level of stupid.

  7. An attempted normalization of incest is of no surprise.
    This, of course, means that the elites are already circling the wagons regarding this proclivity.
    I’ll leave it up to you figure out who’s attending the father daughter dance.

    1. For sure. They have been quite successful with normalization of paedophillia in California, just moving on. Animals next no doubt.

    2. Not that I’ve ever seen it … but I hear rumors that “dad” … and “daughter” porn is popular … and not to be left out … “mom” … and “son” porn too. And even “uncle” … “niece”. SMH.

      Yes, VOWG … it’s imploding

  8. Cleopatra was descended from a long line of brother/sister marriages and that didn’t seem to deter Mark Anthony. The two most spectacular dogs I have had were from accidental bother/sister breedings so there may be some merit to the argument but it certainly is unappealing to me – and my sister.

  9. socially we tend to fight amongst siblings , i read once this was a successful strategy because it discouraged inbreeding even if it was inadvertently , battling siblings and betting the male most often left and went to the next cave or later , around the world

    1. Git up on dat hill … and git dem panties off
      Makes for hell of banjo players though … right?

  10. Inbreeding in the wild (for animals) is a totally different matter. Note, for wolves only the Alpha male and Alpha female are allowed to mate. It’s pretty much the same for deer, buffalo, lions, etc. Essentially, it’s survival of the fittest. I daresay, in the wild if a potential mate (relative or not) exhibits physical weaknesses they’re automatically taken out of the “potential mate” list–because they’ve been killed/fatally injured/run off by the strongest male. One could make the assertion that this probably happened with the Inuit in the Far North of Canada since the population prior to the late 20th C/21st C was miniscule with communities living very far from each other and in order to survive on the Land in the middle of an Arctic winter (which runs from late Sep to May) required brains, brawn and luck.

    1. In wolves, in the wild, dominance is created by having pups to care for. They don’t fight their way to the top and then mate. They mate their way to the top, then moderate fighting among the youngsters.

      Wolves in cages exhibit a range of neurotic behaviors. For that matter, so do I. Get me the hell out of here.

  11. *
    friends of mrs neo… husband was a surveyor
    out west in the 80’s… got propositioned by
    some hutterites to be an ‘outcross’*, if you
    will, in their informal genetics programme.

    *fwiw, he declined.


    1. I expect most who received that invitation would say that they had declined.

  12. “but a new survey — published Monday in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution — suggests mating with relatives isn’t always bad.”

    My mother never complained.

  13. I was fishing once in Northern Ontario…the resort owner had this rather dull witted fellow as a helper, one of those you could spot from a distance that there was something not right about him, even more so when you engaged him in a conversation. Wife and I had fun putting a smile on his face every so often only because he’d give ya that Gomer Pyle look of “aww shucks…who, me?” in return, that and we genuinely felt sorry for him knowing he couldn’t have had an easy life, and as a teenager it wasn’t going to get any easier for him.
    I asked the owner what his story was – He claims his parents out of suspicion did an intense background check on themselves after his birth only because they both knew they were adopted.
    Turns out they were brother and sister and despite being sent to different parts of the country they somehow had met up and married, defying all the odds.
    Now I know Northerners like to put on visitors every so often and every story has to be taken with a grain of salt but that isn’t something I’d spin a yarn about.
    Often wonder whatever happened to him.

  14. The argument that if animals are doing it so it must be ok gave birth to the notion that following along with the rest of the lemmings is the proper response.
    There is also the reasoning that humans are separate from animals due to the ability to reason and not always act on instinct.
    Of course if the goal is to excuse or legitimize some abhorrent act then it would explain this research.
    I can guess where they are going with this.

  15. “For the survey, scientists compiled and synthesized findings from 139 experimental studies”

    …as in ‘made shit up’?

    1. Hawaiian royalty too. Might as well add that just looking at a chief could get you killed on the spot.

      Then the sonofabitching English, Spanish, Portuguese etc. travelled all over the world and made aboriginals stop their beautiful cultural-heritage practices like headhunting, tribal warfare, human sacrifice and the rest of it. Oh, the shame!

  16. Check out the consanguinity ratios for Nubian Egypt sometime. Let’s just say the family reunion picnic needs to be held in a stadium.

  17. Yep…and odds are better than fair that most of the new Liberal voters you run into these days are inbred half-wits with an affinity for goats. The Liberal voters already here are just plain half wits.

  18. Read between the lines. Scientists are saying that it’s now okay for JT to go and f*ck himself.

    1. Heh, we should send him ‘secret’ research with lots of blathering about serotonin and testosterone demonstrating that masturbation makes you more intelligent. He’d disappear for weeks on end.

  19. Go to work in the middle east for a year and then tell me what you think.

  20. During the height of the US slavery trade, the Yanks had 2 breeding farms on the East Coast
    They would breed the Largest Males with the Females
    They would make the Females wear a sack over their heads after they gagged them
    Often the women would be impregnated by their own Son’s.
    Hence the African American Endearing term of ….

    wait for it

    Drum Roll please ..

    Mother Fucker

    I kid you not

    Google it.

    1. For gawd’s sake man, don’t tell Jimmy the Greek about this. He might get himself hurt.

  21. As well as noted above, think of all those insane lap dogs you have ever seen. The brain is the first to go. I have fond memories of a friend’s Cihuahua. Bugged eyes, tongue longer than its muzzle and if it felt stressed, it had seizures. The human equivalent will make for a fine, productive population.

    No, Thanks, anyway.

  22. “said de Boer, a researcher in zoology at Stockholm University in Sweden.”

    Well, that explains Greta Thunberg.
